Skyrim is the best game of the decade

Skyrim is the best game of the decade.

>realistic combat, not too videogamey or cartoonish - it might be a little boring, but it serves as a good simulator
>great atmosphere and music
>interesting sidequests
>the best main questline in any WRPG ever
>interesting things like shouts
>great dragon battles
>two amazing DLCs
>big, open world full of cities and villages with quests
>well designed dungeons with awesome atmosphere

And no, I'm not baiting.

>realistic combat
please just kill yourself

>m-my games need to be unrealistic!

fuck off to your platinum games

If mods are involved than sure it is a really really good game.
But the best I am quite unsure of.

I forgot.

Fucking mods. Mods make this game amazing.

It had the worst quests since Arena, but other than that I kinda agree to a certain degree.

I think he means this:
>realistic combat

>completely misunderstanding how green text works

It's almost like you're fresh from reddit.
Actually that would make sense with those opinions.

>unironically disliking skyrim

Someone's trying to fit in. "Skyrim is bad" is a meme.

>two amazing DLCs
Dawnguard was kinda shit

Skyrim combat isn't realistic by any stretch. There's little to no consideration to the realities of combat (like footwork), damage calculations are about as barebones as they get and have nothing to do with reality (there's no locational damage or anything of the sort, injuries don't affect your ability to function in any way, armour is a percentage-based reduction so you can cut metal armour with impunity), the most popular types of foot combat weapons (spears and other polearms) aren't even in the game etc.

>realistic combat/magic mods
>using shield is actually important now
>fire spreads
>ice really slows you down
>can die if you're not careful

Dawnguard had amazing atmosphere.

Play on Legendary and you have the most realistic experience possible.

Its not even the best TES game, fuck off. Gothic and Witcher murder TES, European games will always be superior to Burgerstani trash.

it is bad
its cool to walk around in the map, do secondary quests of the guilds, but the main story is completely trash and cliche, and the combat is awful, clunkly, unrealistic and boring.
Once you do all the guild quests, there's nothing to do on skyrim other than installing mods or stop playing

Mohamed pls

>compared a modded game to another game without mods that can also be modded

Mod Skyrim and see what happens, you dumb shit.

>combat is awful

When will this meme die?

Main story is cliche for the sake of being campy, that's why it's so perfect.

>realistic combat, not too videogamey or cartoonish - it might be a little boring, but it serves as a good simulator
You shouldn't started with this, it makes it way too obvious that the post is bait.

What does the artificial difficulty setting have to do with anything? Besides making some things even sillier (you can't just cut through metal armour but now one hit kills you)

>And no, I'm not baiting.
Yeah, okay.

I liked the falmer part.
Shame you need to have the vampire bitch with you tho.

>everything i disagree with is a meme
>all weapons have 2 attacks

>Artificial difficulty

Git gud.

Let me guess, realistic sex too?

See that wench? You can mount her!

>2 attacks

It's confirmed that you haven't played the game.

we need an open world rpg that focuses on economics: The rich and the poor, their jobs, their suffering and yearning for a better life. the struggle to open trade routes, town building, industry building, trading etc. It would be cool

I don't give a shit about whether combat is realistic or not, the story is linear or open, the dialogue and voice acting good or bad.

Just the fact that it is the only game I have ever played that the number of hours recorded are in 4 digits is reason enough for it to be game of the decade for me.

i played it but it was more than 2 years ago.

>realistic combat
>the best main questline in any WRPG ever
>great dragon battles
>well designed dungeons

did you even play the game

proof or fuck off.

I need that mod list

>Realistic Combat

When did sexlab got decent animation?

>too dumb to comprehend that a newer game made by a multi gorillion dollar company should look better than a 5 year older game that's modded by some loser in his mom's basement in between fapping to hentai.

You've convinced me, you're genuinely retarded.

It will look like utter shit because because the game is built on a shit engine. Modding Skyrim is like applying make-up on a fucking corpse you imbecile.

Calm down OP. Its ONE of the best games of the decade.

Literally visit nexusmods, game allows players to mod it to an extreme level.

too fucking retarded to know that consoles exist and and ps3 and xbox360 can't handle games that look half as good as crysis from 2007 at more than 5 fps



>>realistic combat, not too videogamey or cartoonish - it might be a little boring, but it serves as a good simulator

No parries, no momentum-based damage, the shield model doesn't block arrows unless you have it raised, no spears, very limited movesets on weapons.

Fucking Chivalry in its current state, which is not great, is infinitely superior in regards to combat.

>>great atmosphere and music

Both were solid. Good diversity in zones.

>>interesting sidequests

No, they were all a step down from Oblivion, especially the guild quests.

>>the best main questline in any WRPG ever

LOL no. One of the worst in recent memory, actually. Witcher 2 came out the same year and blew it out of the water.

>>interesting things like shouts

I didn't like them, but this is a minor point.

>>great dragon battles

Are you pulling my fucking leg.

>>two amazing DLCs

Never played them.

>>big, open world full of cities and villages with quests

The cities looked nice, but they were small, there wasn't much to do, and none of the quests were good.

>>well designed dungeons with awesome atmosphere

For the first few hours until you realize that they're all using the same assets. Blackreach or whatever the midgame one with the mushrooms was, that was a good one.

>Never played them.

Well you haven't played the game faggot. I bet you watched it on youtube.

>making a wall of text to a obvious b8

Like I said, literally retarded. Both those games are on the same platforms. Other companies release sequels on the same platform that have improved graphics, why can't Bethesda? Oh that's right because they're typical lazy American trash. Stop giving them excuses.

Sure and with extreme modding comes constant crashes, and save file bloating because many mods are incompatible with each other due to the laziness of the creators. No thanks.

No, I just never played the DLC's.

I tried really hard to like the game with mods. It's alright to walk around in while you're smoking weed, but that's about it.

Witcher 3 is infinitely better.

>Other companies release sequels on the same platform that have improved graphics
because skyrim don't have better graphics than oblivion right you fucking retard?
>bb-bbut my pc with 9870 mods
kill yourself i hate skyrim but you are just the most retarded guy ever

Sad part of the bait is that I agree that the DLCs are good. Sadly knowing shitposters the OP haven't even play them. I have no one to discuss them with.

I don't think it's bait, I think OP is just retarded. Skyrim has a genuine cult following.

>he spent money on skyrim

Was the skyrim dlc the last actually decent dlc Bethesda has released?

I was a dumb teenager, sue me.

I liked dawnguard better than dragonborn

Skyrim at 75% off is a solid purchase.

Skyrim has better character models and a few new post processing effect. Everything else, especialyl the texture work looks way better in even non modded Oblivion, especially towns and forests, weapon models, furniture, its not even fucking close.

>can't give counter arguments so he reponds with kill yourself.
Typical millenial idiot, follow your own advice imbecile.

Agree here as well the castle despite being linear and short gave me good castlevania vibes, soul cairn added alot of lore, that fucking beautiful valley and the last snow elf

Considering there's only been one bethesda dlc released post skyrim, it's not a shocking thing
Wait until all of 4's dlc is out

What mod lets you poo? I like needs mods.

Pretty sure to this day I've never beaten skyrims main story line. Think the only two questlines I beat were the thieves guild, which was a weird spirite of stealing bullshit. and the mages college.
I'll sum up the rest of the time i play
>download mods
>mod the shit out of the game
>get sexy armors
>get sexy hair styles
>get mods to turn every NPC and character into sexy woman
>Lighting overhalls
>take screenshots and post them online for nerds to jerk off to
>occasional do some wacky as shit quest mod

the vanilla game is garbage OP.

>muh proofs

I can tell you browse Sup Forums

My dad thinks Skyrim is the best game ever made. He's only played it unmodded too. on ps3

He's wrong of course. Oblivion is best.

>try to finish main quest
>get bored and wander around
>screw around in one of the major cities for a bit
>drop the game
Skyrim is pretty boring, honestly. When you first play it's easy to sink 50+ hours into because it overwhelms you with exploration, mechanics, and mods now too, but afterwards you can't do it again because you know just how shallow everything is.

Actually, Skyrim has ruined other bethesda games for me because it follows the exact same formula. It relies on that overwhelming feeling of choice to get players through, and while some people are fine with the very shallow mechanics, after realisation sets in for me the games just become incredible boring.
Like I only played 10s of Fallout 4 before realising how shallow everything is. Same thing with Fallout 3 (I played it after Skyrim)
The only game that was different was New Vegas, but that's because of the excellent writing and world building, not the mechanics


>Skyrim is the best game of the decade.

First I loled.

>realistic combat,

Then I stopped reading.

Are you an oblivion fag? If you think Oblivion's "block with hands" and "plastic bows" combat is better you are retarded

I didn't played Oblivion.