>>realistic combat, not too videogamey or cartoonish - it might be a little boring, but it serves as a good simulator
No parries, no momentum-based damage, the shield model doesn't block arrows unless you have it raised, no spears, very limited movesets on weapons.
Fucking Chivalry in its current state, which is not great, is infinitely superior in regards to combat.
>>great atmosphere and music
Both were solid. Good diversity in zones.
>>interesting sidequests
No, they were all a step down from Oblivion, especially the guild quests.
>>the best main questline in any WRPG ever
LOL no. One of the worst in recent memory, actually. Witcher 2 came out the same year and blew it out of the water.
>>interesting things like shouts
I didn't like them, but this is a minor point.
>>great dragon battles
Are you pulling my fucking leg.
>>two amazing DLCs
Never played them.
>>big, open world full of cities and villages with quests
The cities looked nice, but they were small, there wasn't much to do, and none of the quests were good.
>>well designed dungeons with awesome atmosphere
For the first few hours until you realize that they're all using the same assets. Blackreach or whatever the midgame one with the mushrooms was, that was a good one.