ITT: The consoles that time forgot.
ITT: The consoles that time forgot
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Oh, Yeah : what you say when you remember you didn't buy one
I guess some will remember this
Nintendo just up and forgot about it. Not the Snes, obviously but that thing on the bottom.
Regret selling mine
It was shit, but I like shit
Had an n-gage too, not the QD, the original taco
currently have an Xperia Play
And then nintendo didn't learn their lesson...
wasn't that a microsoft product at one point?
Literally ahead of its time.
It's a phone for gaming.
Which is exactly what we have now.
And it was mocked at the time.
What WAS that thing?
I checked their site and they DO have a product to sell: a laptop. They sell a laptop now. A single laptop. No other models.
Well the one I remember forced people to hold it on its side to make a clear phone call. It did help identify the big issues for its successors
You can't find a more recent, COMPLETELY UNKNOWN console than this.
It didn't work because it looks like a handheld gaming console. And holding it to your face looks goofy.
A modern smartphone looks like a smartphone, or a brick. It doesn't look like a gaming device. Holding that to your face doesn't trigger you.
They sell wireless keyboards. What laptop are you talking about?
I twas suppose to be a game streaming service like onlive, but it's own console and shit. Obviously internet back then wouldn't have been able to handle it, or rather most people still used 56ks
Y-you didn't forget about me, did ya... Sup Forums?
What happend to their Phantom console that was gonna change the world?
what the fuck?
Why don't you just read the fucking wiki page they linked?
Funny enough I still have mine in green
This was really popular around my school for some reason. Was it like that anywhere else?
I remember Penny Arcade did comics on these but I can't find them.
Where I lived, I was the only kid who had one. The only technological gizmo I remember being incredibly popular at my school was pic related and its predecessor.
It still hurts, pham.
nope, UK.
Only the rich kids had that shit.
Of course I, as a poorfag, never had one.
>Bigger than your forearm
Who the hell couldn't afford a Tamagochi? That's the garbage your parents got you if they couldn't afford a Gameboy Color.
Except that wasn't a normal tamagochi. The digimon tamagochi was overpriced as fuck specially in Brazil.
The kids who had the knockoff digital pet toys
Can't complain.
literally the only reason I know this exists is because of an ashens review
That looks hideous even by 2002 standard.
This turd here. This waste of space and money.
>well worn sticks, played a lot
>placed neatly in wastebasket so as not to damage it
2/10 for effort
Beat me to it, faggot.
But, looks like it'll get known by the public again soon.
nigga please, that isn't yours.
Society wasn't ready for it. Kinda like how MySpace came before FB but tanked
Myspace was huge. FB is what killed it
after taking the picture how quickly did you take it out of the trash and clean it off?
And the ads my god the fucking ads
It was supposed to be a console with its own DRM service like Steam before Steam existed.
Nope just a subscription download service, not streaming.
Yeah, i wouldn't commit the mistake of buying such an irrelevant piece of trash.
Face it, no one besides hardcore nintendrones talk about the Wii U, so it belongs perfectly in the thread.
I really hope the NX will be better, but that's unlikely.
The review was good but I can't stand nastolgia fags like that
Dude Myspace was a phenomenon
how old are you
Generic Android on a stick with controller, they are a diamond dozen on Kickstarter
>no one besides hardcore nintendrones talk about the Wii U
Like you're doing right now?
>nah man there won't be any lag at all
Not him, but i belive the key word here is "was".
I remember when a teen just made backgrounds for Myspace and became a millionaire due to all the traffic she got myspace was huge
Yeah, in a thread about forgotten consoles.
All that underage pussy.
Looks like a machine about to kill itself
It did fine, right?
I remember it having a pretty massive library
This was massively popular in Japan
Out west not so much
When I was a kid I was about to but one of these with my allowance. I got a Nintendo DS instead.
I distinctly recall someone posting some copypasta "super duper sad story if you don't repost this you'll die" thing about a girl getting raped by her dad and his friend and having the largest whyboner a 12 year old could ever have.
>microswitch joystick
That's dedication right there.
2002 was a bad year.
I like that videqo where Ashens becomes the first person to send a message with one of those in like a decade
Are you referring to the working title for that new album?
As a left-handed person I can tell you that the ambidextrous control options on that thing were stupid
Prepare for all of the normalfags to swarm the comments section for all your favorite obscure games.
I woudn't mind having one it looks nice :(
I feel bad for left handed people cause all portable systems are designed for right handed use, and the joystick just feels natural in your non dominant hand.
I seriously-considered buying one of those.
I played through metro 2033 on On live and outside of obvious video compression the game played fine
if we're being real I always wanted those mac computers with the transluscent cases around them
same shit as atomic purple gameboys I guess
if there's one thing i miss about CRTs compared to flat screen monitors its that something like that won't happen again even if that kind of aesthetic returned.
I wanted to post this.
The NGP(C) was a really cool system that opened doors for genres that couldn't really exist on handhelds
America's online infrastructure wasn't ready for it then and it isn't ready now. I don't know if that's good or bad because I can't stand always-online streaming.
That thing have god tier D-pad
i had a bootleg version of this, i wish it wasnt fucking cheap
>And it was mocked at the time.
Because as a phone was crap. And its games library was lacking. It was only good as a cheap portable emulator machine.
delete this
Without doubt the best Gameboy competitor. Unfortunately it had the bad luck to be released at the wrong time: Pokemon was released worldwide and SNK had financial troubles and it couldn't give Neo Geo Pocket the proper support.
From what I remember, this was like a proto-pokewalker that everyone just shook until they got an encounter. I knew 2 kids at school who had them, and they completely disappeared (the toys, not classmates). I wish I'd had one just so I could dig it up now and see what it's like with an engineering perspective.
It's "a dime a dozen" senpai
More than half the games were Japan-exclusive.
A company could potentially put it all inside a similar case anyways, but who is going to do that except profoundly misguided people on kickstarter
How nu r u?