Do you ever think about how fucking stupid the average person is?
Do you ever think about how fucking stupid the average person is?
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Sonycucks are brain dead morons yes
Are clickbait sites and the readers(You OP) this retarded?
>b-but it's a clickbait site!
I'd be angry too if I couldn't use mods in a Bethesda game, but then I wouldn't buy a Bethesda game on console. I mean who the fuck would do that? You don't even have access to the console so that if the main quest line breaks in any number of famous ways it has in the past your 30 hour save can literally be down the drain
Well you have to understand their perspective, we get a big cake with alot of stuff on it and they only get bread and butter.
Mods aren't that great unless you're willing to basically just change the game entirely and risk having conflicts pop up when you add a huge landscape changing mod and then want a new dungeon mod and the dungeon eats into new landscape
But they have a food allergy that means they can't eat the cake, and then they get mad when they don't get any cake.
>the article and the ribbit post ONLY mention xboners
>the microsoft internet defense force shows up in bulk seconds later
Sometimes I do
Then I stop because I like having faith in people
You had to be atleast some what smart to seek and install mods on pc. Avarage console user is not that smart. So ofc they are gonna cry and not understand why some mods dont work on Xbone.
>Bethesda game
>main quest
>ever relevant
>Are consolefags really this retarded?
No, but people who bought Fallout 4 are.
Well but they want that cake. Can you blame them? Its not really their fault that Todd is a faggot that gets nothing done.
The Average PC user does not even know what the difference between RAM and GHz is so whats your point?
Im not talking about avarage pc user. Avarage pc user dont mod their games.
>not posting the most important pol on Sup Forums right when you spot a sonycucklet
Really embarrassed for you, Sup Forums.
There ya' go.
Console cucks literally begging for scraps.
RAM determines the FPS right. p sure you made up GHZ.
user.. you are one big motherfucker
i love you
Ouya had a fanbase? I thought they were all shitposters, like all of them.
We've been saying this for over a year, and they're still stupid enough to believe they can have all the mods the pc versions have.
And you know what the best part is? Since the consolefags are insulting the mod devs, many mod devs have began making their mods PC exclusive. Even the ones that would possibly work on the consoles.
Yeah okay I mean it's really fucking funny and they're a bunch of cunts.
But I wonder how old the people complaining actually are. I'm sure they're a bunch of stupid kids throwing a hissy fit
Ive noticed this.
If you look at comments on and compare them to comments on The Nexus, its like night and day. The comments look like they were made by 12 year olds. On the Nexus people are always respectful and polite.
Literally what?
I need a link to this so I can have a legit reason to kill myself.
Consoles are easier for kids to get a hold of than gaming rigs.
Honestly, modding has become so easy it's impossible to fuck up unless you're using a lot of obscure mods that don't work with eachother. Every big mod as a compatibility patch with every other big mod, assuming you're not pants-on-head retarded you can easily go 100+ mods on a game like Skyrim without major issues.
>killing yourself because other people are stupid
You should feel happy that you're better than them. I sure do.
Why the fuck is Ouya even on this?
These are obviously kids, I'm pretty sure everybody complaining like this is a kid.
They don't understand, and they don't want to understand. They think modders are some magical wizards who do nothing but make free extra content for games 24/7
Well yeah, considering how people stupid enough to buy consoles are normies who doesnt have a single clue about how things work with games.
Do these people think they're entitled to the mods because they bought the game? Are consolebabies really this new to the entire concept of a modder?
>eternal pick-me-up because I'm not a retarded kid
That's still low esteem talking, user.
It bugs the shit out of me that I share the console market with retards like this.
>Mods aren't that great
Each bethesda game practically requires the community bug fixes, because they always leave in huge crashing or save corrupting bugs, quests that are uncompletable, etc.
Bethesda's own fault for stating every platform will 'have mods'
>Mods aren't that great
t. peasant who only played Bethesda games vanilla
I've got 167 mods installed and I never crash on skyrim
It's really not hard at all, just read one of the million guides out there
I've only got semi-regular crashes when I had 216 mods installed, but that's because I wasn't careful about what I was putting into my game and had a lot of mods messing with each other's shit
If I was one of the modders, I'd make it a paid mod on console.
>Make everything require SE
This is what happens when you open up a community to a demographic that consists primarily of young kids. Atleast 95% of the shitposting and harassment on the internet is done by kids in need of proper spanking but are instead given unrestrained access to the internet.
>feel good about myself
>"you have low self esteem user"
pls come to xbox
I don't only install "the big mods." A dungeon mod may be a single dungeon a random guy made, not a huge mod
kids think that mods are like free DLC so this happens
fucking hell, what a great idea Bethesda...
Yes but that is "not that great." It just fixes what Bethesda fucked up. But it doesn't magically add extremely high quality content.
Wrong. I only play them for the pron mods.
at some point I had over 50gb of mods for Fallout:NV
shit was so buggy I had to format the PC
Is Bethesda actively working with mod creators to get their stuff onto consoles?
I wonder if they modders have to do any work to get them onto consoles.
if you need to compare yourself to children to feel better about yourself you have low self-esteem
>make a compatible mod
>make it so that you have to press a key or something to activate the mod
I don't "need" to.
Also, you're assuming they're all children. Isn't the average gamer like 35 or something? Think about that. Statistically, those people are most likely adults.
Mods aren't even on PS4 yet, you fucking goon
>just tag it and it will work
>all this consolekek salt
Did they actually, genuinely believe that an Xbone would be able to run the same mods a PC can?
How retarded can you be?
>tfw I unironically loved rockabilly right up until I saw this.
oh god damn it, they better not ruin this
>Mass Effect avatar
It's like pottery.
Survey maker is a Sonypony
He included Ouya to bias his own results but was still BTFO
>literally making broken games playable
>not that great
Are those goalposts heavy, user?
>I have no idea what I'm talking about but still feel the need to add my input
They can only ruin it for themselves.
I, and everyone who knows the least bit about modding, saw this coming the MINUTE mods for consoles were announced.
How the FUCK is this surprising ANYONE? How can people be this NAIVE?
ITT: grown manchildren making fun of real children
Basically just described all of Sup Forums desu
>difference between ram and Ghz
>one is a measure of memory the other frequency
>literal apples to oranges comparison
Don't hurt yourself there consolefriend.
You're talking about a subsection of a community who has most likely never played a bethesda game on the PC and has no clue how even the most basic mod using in game assets is put together in the GECK/TES creation kit before any other program is used to iron out the mod.
If you tried to explain to them, all they would see is technobabble.
Wait are Fallout 4 mods available on consoles? How does that even work. I thought it is impossible to modify games on consoles.
What kind of complete and total moron would buy a console game and expect to be able to mod it?
true answer=every funbase thats reach big numbers is cancer- people are getting protective just like religion fantaics
>Screw your mod I don't want it anyway
>Are consolefags really this retarded?
>Because of lack of compatibility with mods on console version
I fucking wonder why?
inb4 fallout 5 only has snapmap-tier tools to avoid this kind of situation again
Just wait? I think its already happening.
>The Average PC user does not even know what the difference between RAM and GHz is so whats your point?
[citation needed]
I mean the whole base building shit was pretty much that.
Not sure why they bothered doing this.
>Is Bethesda actively working
The low fps issue on consoles was fixed in a fallout4 patch. 30 fps is not the issue.
>consolebros want mods on consoles
>haha fuck you
>Pcbros want good (read: Japanese) games on PC
Same shit, really.
There's nothing wrong with being artistic
Console kids don't understand the process of how mods are made.
They think that its some kind of secret computer wizardy where you can type a few lines of code and magically get whatever you want into the game.
They also believe Xbones and PS4s are as powerful as a PC and that hardware limitations are a non-issue.
>PC modders have started requiring F4SE purely as a form of DRM to prevent their mods from working on consoles
this is the best part
So, is it even possible to fuck your game into a coma with mods on console? It seems like something bethesda would try to avoid letting happen.
In Bethesda's defense, the Nexus has had years to prune the worst of the community out. New people come to Nexus, see respectful comments, and are respectful.
>secret computer wizardy where you can type a few lines of code and magically get whatever you want
Well, that's not exactly wrong.
The difference is most mods are literally impossible to implement onto consoles.
Consoletards expected they would be able to play massive total conversion mods or ultra graphics mods on their xbox and now they're pissed when they realize that can't happen, ever.
keyword here being "few"
>user posts literal who site in attempt to shitpost
As usual
Fixed my ass.
This would never happen if bethesduh didn't market this almost like an exclusive to consoles. Like D44M
Why do people like this automatically assume the person they are arguing with has their parents buy everything for them?
Why do they think they are super magically special for having a job? Literally almost anyone can get SOME kind of job.
>He's still shitposting about Doom
Get over it dude, it's good, and runs well on every platform
Underage encompass most of the console userbase, of course they don't know computers or programming.