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dude in like a month noone will even remember this game came out

Having a lot of fun with it. Didn't talk shit about it before release though, so suck my nuts.

>Sup Forums says a game is shit before it releases
>game releases
>great scores
>Sup Forums then says it's amazing

Wjo's noone


I said it from the start, played the beta and it was fun, give it a month and the "WHOA LOOK U CAN RIP HIS HEAD IN HALF" novelty will wear off and nobody will give 2 fucks about this game

It's hard to compete with nostalgia. Id did good


I didn't like the beta, but the Multiplayer is made by a different team. I beat the Singleplayer recently, and I fucking loved it, will buy any Singleplayer DLC that comes out.

I'm sorry.
But for my defense, they did an awful job at marketing the game.

It's not the exact same game from 20 years ago so it's shit.

The multiplayer is still ass.

The single player is okay.

I apologize that I overestimated most people's ability to be discerning of good FPS level design

Your multiplayer is still shit.

Also, hilariously this game's disappointments have just resparked interest in the original doom games and their invariably better wads.

Haven't played it, probably never will, so I have nothing to apologize for.

back to pebitit, betheshill. your pile of shit didn't get any better since release miraculously

I haven't played the game yet so I'm only going by what I seen of it from different people playing.

To me it looks like the game would be far better had they not went overboard with the rip and tear gameplay. It's okay that it's an option but every time I see the game it looks as if once the monsters are weak enough they just stop moving and wait for you to do the executions. This is completely stupid and I can't figure out why they would do this.

I remember in NG2 when you weakened the enemies they still came after you. They didn't just stand in one spot waiting to die. Poor game design on id's part. I still got to play though.

I'll apologize when the crack comes out
Which is never


Is the campaign/story entertaining? I keep hearing that all you do is run and gun, which sounds very repetitive...



fucking hipster trash numale fuckers, i hate you all.

seriously tho, tghe character looks like an exact copy of Halos main character, complete with helmets being nearly identical.

You also jump and switch weapons.

>gets BTFO when its not
>W-well it will be forgotten in a month ;.;

This right here, this poster is the reason we have shit like Witcher and The Last of Us getting popular.


Apparently you kids haven't played doom ever. Or any arena type shooter.

>gets BTFO when its not
Literally, there have been multiple threads today with people going back and playing old Doom INSTEAD of new Doom.

That convention alpha footage was what drive everyone nutshit.
Then the game became pretty nice over a year, people liked it.
So people liked it, they gave it scores in their websites
as well as in here starting at the same time because that's when everyone does it.


I apologize for thinking you'd be shit. Please don't rip and tear me doomguy.

stay ass blasted then

It helps that Old Doom has infinitely more content than New Doom, and is a experience you can't get much elsewhere, while New Doom is something pretty common, but done really well.
Also, Old Doom has lower system requirements.

I'm sorry.
It's good.

Snapmap is shit

Multiplayer is shit

Solo is amazing

So when does D44M become fun? 1 hour in and all that I'm doing is shooting stuff with the occasional QTE rip kill


To be fair though it was marketed really poorly

video games may not be for you

>oh a door that requires a blue key, I'm sure I'll have to go on quite a detour to seek this out
>it's right there around a corner
>a """""secret""""" is visible right on the ledge above it
I refunded Doom so fucking fast. What a fucking waste. This thing being built for a new generation of players has killed the franchise.

Legitimate autism

>dude in like a month noone will even remember this game came out
No shit faggot, as always.

That's the tutorial to reassure autists like you that there will be KEYS and SECRETS in the game. Of course they won't got full complex level design right from the start you retard.

>Bare bones shooter devoid of nuance, replay value, horror, story, or really anything substantial that should make a $60 game.
>Anons dicks are hard, though, because there hasn't been a big budget Quake-like or Unreal Tournament in a while and Doom 1/2 nostalgia has blinded them to what makes a game good in 2016.

Yeah, it'll make for a fun weekend 5 years from now once it's down to $15. Refunded this overhyped throwaway shooter shit in no time.

Although it's hard to blame you guys. The way AAA games are these days, a simple, soulless game that does one thing right and nothing else is still a mile above the things publishers like Ubisoft churns out these days. But boy, has the bar been set low for you people....

>blinded them to what makes a game good in 2016.
>rest of the post doesn't actually explain what makes a game good in 2016 because user just wants to complain about Doom

Doom and the Arena shooters were a staple of the late 90's, where we were hardlocked onto those games due to technical limitations. It's the current fucking year, man.

You'll sing a different tune when the new Unreal Tournament comes out and revives the arena shooter scene.

Nice shitposting

Shadow warrior 2 when

only retards buy games for 60 bucks
i paid 33, still a bit much but eh

>Rest of the post.

There's your problem. I explained that shit in the first line. An 8 hour run n' gun shooter with zero incentives to replay, other than new difficulty levels a $60 game does not make.

Compare that shit to Dark Souls 3. Average playthrough times range from 20-50 hours. You can replay the game several times for new story threads, new items and secrets to find and on top of that, there's at least 5 different archetypes of character builds you can create which completely change up the way you have to approach each level and enemy.

So how is Doom 4 a good game? It's an 8-hour long quakelike romp, with a shitty multiplayer that everyone collectively agrees it should be burned at the stake.

You people are just hyped. It's all it is, dude. Fucking Shadow Warrior was more of a game than this, because it did melee better.

No I wont, I'll still be singing songs about how retarded everyone is for trending over a repeat of outdated game design and how easy it is for you people to get played by the industry.

>An 8 hour run n' gun shooter with zero incentives to replay, other than new difficulty levels a $60 game does not make.
That's some hot opinion right there.

>A fully multiplayer game.

Apples and Oranges. I might actually pick Doom 4 up if it's campaign had co-op.

Besides that, nobody said you can't enjoy doing the same shit over and over. That doesn't mean the game's good, though. Well, I digress. Doom 4 is good.... for $15. That's all.

Apologize for what?

Worth buying for 35 dollars to hold me over until overwatch?

I usually don't buy sp games that can be beaten in 10 hours is the mp any good?

What kind of brainless faggot would choose to play an FPS in the current year in which you don't actually aim?

bought this day one and took if back for a refund and they said no. I got so mad and they actually let me refund it. The manager came in and he got suckered into the hype to so not sure how but I got my refund!

Mr. Hayden, I'm CIA.

Yeah, your cut scene simulators are real impressive pal.

>played the beta
beta was unbelievably bad shit, the main game isn't you fucking idiot, lurk moar

>saw doom cover
realized it was a cheap halo knockoff as a cashgrab

There's not much story, desu, and if you don't like blowing shooting/blowing shit up for hours, it may not be your thing.

go play Brutal Doom for an evening:

It's a mod/overhaul for the OG Doom games. If you like it, I am certain you'd like the new Doom.

I only just noticed you can see Doomguy's face on the cover

nigger looks pissed

I guess the sp is better than expected, but I'll pirate it in the far future or wait until it drops to 20 yurobucks or so.

Sorry that some people just want to read books or watch movies instead of looking for a story from an inferior medium.

Sorry that some people just want to play a videogame.

You know those things that used to be mostly about gameplay with a story being subtle or on the backburner.




>no trumpet

I'm sorry. I legit thought that this was going to be complete and utter ass. I'm wrong and a fucking idiot.

Ultra-violence is too easy.
Nightmare is kind of dumb. You often get surrounded by demons spawning all around and behind you and it just takes 2-3 hits to kill you, maybe 6 with maximum upgrades and a full health/armor stack. The damage levels feel like a lazy attempt at difficulty, but the more aggressive AI is welcome.

You mean like that button panel in Doom 1 right in the first fucking room?

>is the mp any good?
they went for a COD style casual MP, play and play and frag and level up through the XP based progression system, so there's some RNG shit and overpowered "perks" that you receive randomly, so if you're a competitive kind of guy, there's only one mode in the game that really would interest you, otherwise don't bother