Literally impossible

Literally impossible

I hope you're joking

I fucked up super badly and I still beat it my first try.
What did you find hard about it?

>I can't just defeat a tank with scouts!
Yeah. You'll have to actually use tactics for once.

Knock down walls and get a boarding party

It's the casual filter.


Where are the viewports?

How does anyone drive this thing with it being so high off the ground?

dont you see the big ass telescope on the top you dingus

wait till you get to the end and you have to rely on shitty RNG to hit tiny targets

Pretty easy desu. Fucking selvaria busting in and nuking 3 of my party members was a huge pain though.

Jane best girl

wat game is this

read the thread

Boku no Pico

Boku no Holocaust


What? This is literally the ONLY tank you can defeat with scouts, hell, you basically have to because they're the only ones that can run enough, have enough HP, and carry normal grenades/grenade launchers. They can't kill normal tanks at all, meanwhile you can put the Ruhm on Rosie and blow tanks up faster than anti-tank guys or the edelweiss.

>meanwhile you can put the Ruhm on Rosie
DLC weapons are just easy mode.

Is this the sequel to Killdozer?

It's not hard, it's just poorly designed. It's so rigid that there's pretty much a single strategy for beating the level. Which is pretty boring.

I'm just going to post this here.

I don't remember exactly what chapter this was, but I remember just using scouts/engineers to chuck grenades in



It got popular and like everything that gets popular, it got watered down with to appeal to more people.

I swear, they could have done more of the same and rake in the dosh but nooo, they had to make some lolita sword fighting game instead.

VC3 cast is so much better than Squad 7


Blame the PCfags am i rite fellas

it was pretty easy until selvaria sodomized everyone after destroying the 2nd generators

As with every game series, the original creator stopped overseeing it. And it became a series that shareholders and CEOs designed.

Woah! Big red letters!

that newport threads

always bully chuunis