Name a bigger cancer than mobile games.
Name a bigger cancer than mobile games
The ones bitching about it
This guy
Games with season passes, pre orders, Tons of dlc, microtranasctions.
companies that use marketing firms to promote their games rather than making a solid game that can sell on the merit of its quality.
the modern game industry in general
Why is his head covered in melting cheese?
Sup Forums
If you're mad, be mad at the human condition for spending so much money on these games.
Fact: Mobile gaming makes more because people are willing to spend more. Spending more means they LIKE them.
That makes the game designers behind mobile games, who get more "sales" than console/pc games, that much more evolved than even ecelebs like Kojima and Molyneaux, the latter who failed to make a good mobile game.
Mobile accomplished so much, that even Nintendo is forcing their dogma to change.
Accept and bow down, peasant.
Why not just ignore this shit
>don't play mobile games
>don't play games with insane amounts of DLC or season passes
>don't preorder games
>have fun
better get used to playing on a phone cuccboi, it's the future.
I'm glad that Nintendo is finally being replaced by the bigger stronger, cancer, fucking casuals.
Royale is dogshit, CoC is better.
Or the ones mindlessly buying all the bad ones and leaving the very few gems to rot in obscurity. If every game had support for bluetooth controllers and weren't riddled with endless microtransactions we wouldn't be in this mess.
>don't play games
I dont care. I forget mobile gaming even exists until you faggots bring it up. Get lost
>Western Mobile Games
How is it affecting you in any way? I don't pay attention to mobile gaming and it has never been an issue.
I don't understand what you're implying son
Even if some of my favorite series have been thrown onto mobile (RIP Mana), at least they're still fucking games.
They're both tightly controlled skinner boxes. The only difference is CoC hides it behind your construction phase. CR has no way to hide the fact they rig shit to make you grind.
>mobile games are the arcades of the future
>many are very gameplay focused, no story or cinematic
>simple and easy to learn gameplay
why do we hate mobile?
Dedicated handhelds might be on their way out. How does this make you feel?I only see one or maybe two generations left before the phones take over handheld gaming completely then you ought to worry.
Anybody else here play potion maker? How much shit you got?
They're actually in the same phase as Atari was during the bubble.
The difference is they get to keep all the innovation without the bubble popping meaning much besides better quality mobile games.
It's a great time to be a part of it. I'm glad I'm a mobile game programmer when my AAA friends are worried about their futures
AAA games
Have you ever played a pachislot? That shit is fun desu.
Sony post 2013
Because it will be the downfall of traditional gaming.
You people have such narrow vision.
Good advice. We'd be a whole lot happier if we didn't.
because Sup Forums prefers their story "games" (for example witcher series) instead of games with actual gameplay inside it (for example p&d).
This pretty much.
It hasn't been a issue for your favorite series yet faggot
I will never not be upset at BoF6, but I've heard good things about the Valkyrie Profile game
>Sup Forums likes mobile gaming
Jesus, reddit really has taken over.
Clash royale is alright. All you have to do is play AFTER your opponent to always counter what they summon. It's not hard and you don't need to grind. Just carry a diverse counter deck.
What the fuck are you playing?
oh great now there's another nigger "culture" acronym? What the fuck does that mean?
They aren't that bad since companies realized people who play mobile garbage and people who play PC/Console games aren't the same audience.
I hope you hit your thumb on the corner of your desk.
"Reaction" videos
It's not an issue yet because many, including myself, actually buy the damn things.
too far user
>Implying that waiting on a timer and endlessly grinding if you don't pay up is good gameplay
I don't know about P&D but that's what all the popular stuff does.
What if, just what if the people who are playing these phone games have money? Just what if they have a job and are playing these phone games for a few minutes a day and can't wait for to be better or continue playing?
Supercell is doing so well because of exploiting said people. Much like Valve with gambling. Face it the general 'video game' market are people that have no job due to being a child or a manchild.
I also had the pleasure to talk to one of the fins that works at supercell. Dude was chill as fuck and would 10/10 drink with
No they dont
Quit samefagging your own thread
>created PDP
>beta tested Minecraft to the point of being playable
>created GoofyGlover
>give Anita all the attention she needed to become popular
Fuck this place and everyone on it
Better than playing just to see a cut scene happen 2bh.
Anyways I've got like 7 other games on my phone to play when one of them doesn't let me play anymore.
Thankfully worst korea is wrecking the shit out of their mobile industry. Unfortunately they'll probably just relocate to china or japan
Companies sacrificing time and money for console/PC games to jump onto the mobile band wagon.
PC gamers.
PSN only games
Mind sharing them? I'm on a tablet right now.
>hat if the people who are playing these phone games have money? Just what if they have a job
Go die in a ditch, NEET
potion maker (lol "game")
valkyrie crusade
eagle golf
brave frontier
quiz rpg
idk, at least blizzard is good for not churning out abunch of shit other than wow expansion every two years. Imagine diablo3 if EA owned. it.
Hvae to buy the jeweller, pre order to be able to transmorg...
basically this, i literally deleted my facebook because i couldn't bear the game invites anymore and because i learned about facebook's dark nature
>DUUUDE i game yeah bro
>*swipes screen a bunch*
>lineage 1
this and streaming video game playing
Console games.
I'm having plenty of fun with F/GO right now. Japanese mobage make you feel a lot less shitty and exploited with their F2P models. Also, the fact that there's no English release means there's a built in western casual filter.
>hundreds of hours of professional quality voice acting
>decent art/animation (way above mobage standards)
>they give you tons of free shit all the time just for playing during events or logging in so free players never feel left out
Oh shit, I forgot about this. Picked up.
>meanwhile testing early access games
Go on
Keep Mashu on your team for a long time if you're a free player. She's 0 cost, ascends for free over the story and is a good support, only held back by 3 star level cap and the fact that there are godly supports like Waver.
Also, she's cute.
feminism. Mobile games stay there... feminism try to spread to everything. Like a disease.
>that animation
>in a mobile game
Chinks yo
In exchange I have maybe three or four on my device. There's Danmaku death which is a boss rush, a perfect port of Katawa Shoujo that isn't on any markets that nobody ever talks about, Dangerous China where you dodge Sakuya's knives as Meiling, and Flow Free which is yet another puzzle. Now that I think about it things actually aren't that bad when you take the time to look for recs.
Phones are capable of about 100x what shitty western game devs are using them for.
Half games such as Battlefront and Overwatch. Not worth more than $20 since they are only mini-games but being sold as a full game.
Sup Forums
Souls games
Phones won't be viable as a full-on handheld game device replacement until they have buttons.
I don't see any indication of phones going back to physical buttons. The opposite.
>Spending more means they LIKE them.
Bullshit. F2P mobile games are all built around either a gacha-based system (which is essentially gambling) or stamina-based in which the games are specifically designed to exploit people's lack of patience. Either way, people pay up not because these games offer complex and engaging gameplay but rather because they're essentially mobile slot machines.
>no English
How do you play? Are you able to understand Japanese or are there just web translations for the text?
Criticism is never cancer and should always be encouraged.
>Name a bigger cancer than mobile games.
Sup Forums
Have you pushed the button yet?
Have you pushed the button ye-e-et?
Because murder without feeling, s'never been quite so appealing,
Something something something, doo doo doo
You can play corruption of champions on your phone?!
Blizzard have become anti-racists now, they want to stamp out racism in their online games after someone on 's chat said some racial slurs during a tournament.
RIP Blizzard.
Deductive reasoning, the wiki and experience with mobage (specifically P&D).
I can't read moon worth a shit, though I can understand quite a bit spoken.
I came here to post this.
Here OP.
The 'people' that make and publish them.
The biggest cancer
If I wanted to get into it, how easy would it be for me to do stupid shit that will ruin the game for me? Or is it relatively self explanatory?
I've been wanting to try GO for a while now so I'm really hopeful that it's not too difficult to try.
>people pay up not because
You are making baseless conjecutres
People pay because they enjoy something. Period.
And they pay more than you do for your console/PC shit, which makes their dedication even GREATER than yours.
That bothers you. Too bad.
I'm what I meant was that the guy I was quoting was a bigger cancer than mobile gaming
>got stuck on arena 5 when I was level 7
>leveled up to 8 and I cruised right to arena 7