Fantasy game

>fantasy game
>you can have a race of feeble ugly money-obsessed scam artists with big noses
>you can't have a race of ugly athletic tribesmen who chuck spears and steal


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Are you referring to Warcraft specifically?
If so that last description fits Trolls and Orcs pretty well.

it's a bit complicated, which is why they get away with it

admitting that the goblins come off as jews (i.e, admitting you think that jews are greedy, obsessed with money and good at business), would be worse than saying the goblins are jews

a race similar to tribesman is a lot more physical, all based on appearance and architecture, so it's a lot easier to say 'these guys are supposed to be african tribesman' and look righteous while being offended by it

to say the goblins are supposed to be jews would only be saying you yourself suppose jews have certain characteristics (not physical ones that can be proved merely by looking), which would be an offensive deduction in itself, and so you wouldn't look righteous for claiming to be offended by it

In WoW the trolls are the blacks. They all have jamaican accents.

What's the point of this thread?

>Horde is made up of natives, emos, fat lazy slobs, gays, jews, and two different kinds of blacks, that constantly cause all the trouble in the world but always get off free

What is Blizzard trying to say here?

It's not like they are trying to be subtle here uncorrupted orcs are brown and live in tribal huts and the orcs were enslaved by the humans.

the same thing as when they give anglo-looking humans the best racials

Goblins always seemed like a really really dumb thing to be afraid of. Did medieval Englishmen really worry about 3-feet tall green men coming within kicking distance and offering you a bum deal?

My ancestors were scared of trolls and giants. I could see a giant fucking you up.

>Alliance is made up of racist Average Joes, two types of midgets, rabid furries, space refugees and hippies

Your point being?

God I really hate Night Elves being turned from mostly Amazons with most males being druids who just sleep all the time into hippies.


You could see a giant coming for you. You'd probably hear them from a mile away.
If some angry 3ft tall monster wants to bite your balls off you wouldn't notice it even if it was standing in the corner of your room.

You could stomp their brains out though. And you do have two balls.

>worgen will never be relevant
>Gilneas will never become a capital city
why live

>>you can't have a race of ugly athletic tribesmen who chuck spears and steal
This is literally both the trolls and the orcs.

I laugh so hard in HotS when Greymane is selected.

>In WoW the trolls are the blacks.
Kind of, but Hozen (the monkey people in MoP) are the niggest of all.

Goblins have strength in numbers.
Sure one of them is easy enough to get rid of, but good luck fighting off a swarm of thirty agile green migets wielding swords and knives.

Isnt the second option the same as orcs? Who are present in literally every game ever

Hey, the fact that their playerbase is cancer aside, the Blood Elves have been pretty chill ever since they left Kael, and were even planning to leave the Horde for the Alliance because they were with them primarily for the sake of convenience.

>implying men couldn't outnumber any species somehow able to stay "hidden" 5000 to 1

Literally WHY were the goblins given an entire zone terra-formed for them, with a decent sized city (that has a huge cannon pointed at SW) while the worgen just get a tree added to bumfuck treeland??

>you can have a race of feeble ugly money-obsessed scam artists with big noses
What about a race of lolis obsessed with money and making SCIENCE?

Oh, here comes the little norse cuck afraid of EASY things.

English have had Giants and Ogres in their Mythology for centuries, Thing is, they're EASY MODE.

Ogres and Giants can be tricked into killing themselves by smashing their heads against rocks, or causing them to fight with their own wives.

Goblins are Fey. You can't beat Fey with rocks and sticks.

You piss a Goblin off and that little fucker will bring disease into your house and steal your children.

>while the worgen just get a tree added to bumfuck treeland??

That the leader isn't even at, he stands by the side of the leader of the alliance, WHERE HE BELONGS AND WHERE HIS PEOPLE SHOULD BE.

Seriously, they're fucking humans. Yeah they have a werewolf form, but they're still human in the end, they should have gotten a district in Stormwind, or at least have tried to take back Gilneas City.

what's wrong with racism

>Ogres and Giants can be tricked into killing themselves by smashing their heads against rocks, or causing them to fight with their own wives.
>fight with their own wives.

that's not scary, that's hilarious

We gave jews israel

It's kind of a stupid thing to hold on to when you have the undead and demons trying to invade the world and kill everyone.

Humans are Germanic
Worgen are English
Dwarves are Scottish/Gaelic
Night Elves are Irish/Celtic
Draenei are Russian Orthodox
Gnomes are 19th century American

Orcs are a Mongolian/Japanese hybrid
Trolls are an African/Jamaican hybrid
Goblins are Israeli
Tauren are Native American
Blood Elves are French
Undead are Nazi Germans

Giants are

Fey are the Scary ones.

>Goblins are New Yorkers


>gnomes kidnap women
>they let ogres use them as breeding sow
>the half ogre offsprings are trained to be the gnomes' butlers and bodyguards
>meanwhile the breeding sows die after 2 or 3 ogre births

You're, uh, suggesting we integrate the undead? Get them to them adopt our customs?

>Blood Elves are French

Blood elves are Tolkien elves after a serious tragedy. Tolkien elves were based on his idea of what an ideal Christian life form would be.

No I'm saying there's bigger problems to deal with than "I hate the orcs"

I'm not the biggest fan of blacks, but if fucking China invaded, those niggers are still my fellow Americans, and we'd serve on the front line together against a common threat.

>Undead are Nazi Germans
that doesn't even make sense

The undead would be fine if they kept to Lordaeron, conducted trade and didn't try to wipe out life as we know it. They don't seem to have any serious negative effect on wherever they live despite being dead bodies, since they can hang around Horde cities and Dalarans without causing any health hazard.

The undead being unwelcome in the Alliance is 10% muh Holy Light prejudice, 90% undead being genocidal psychopaths.

>Not forcing people into the army is racis

It would have made more sense for the night elves to be horde and the blood elves to be alliance. The night elves dont really and haven't really given a fuck about anything unless it will effect them and their spirit whatever the fuck, they also dont really have much against the horde personally, they just wanna do their own thing in their tree forts

The scourge kinda only take orders from one guy.


What could the undead possibly trade for? Embalming fluid?

Their existence is suffering, what else could we offer but returning them to dust?

>It would have made more sense for the night elves to be horde and the blood elves to be alliance.
>allying with a bunch of sweaty demon-aliens who cut down your holy spirit trees and told you to fuck off when you told them what they're doing

>Trolls are an African/Jamaican hybrid
More like Mesoamerican with Jamaican accents for no reason.

>the guy who says orcs are corrupted monsters prone to violence will inevitably be portrayed as evil

Goblins are New York jews

The dumb thing about the forced Alliance/Horde war is that the two sides have formed temporary alliances against a greater foe like FIVE TIMES now.

>against the Qiraji
>against the Burning Legion
>against the Scourge (though it kinda went to hell thanks to Putress, we actually ENJOYED fighting side by side at the Wrathgate. Bolvar and Saurfang's banter basically made them Legolas and Gimli)
>against the Iron Horde
>against the Burning Legion again

More like New York/Jersey gangsters.

At this point the Alliance and Horde are more like bitter rivals than actual enemies. They still trade with each other all the time, but they also squabble over land and resources.

>Nazi science, occult endeavors, genocide, desire to convert to shape the world into their ideal form

Not to mention a cult of personality revolving around a dictatorship.

While I don't think the NE would have joined the Horde, the BE got over Garithos a long time ago and really are only still Horde due to gameplay reasons.

That's not Garithos. And he hated the elves because his family lived kinda near Quel'thalas, and when the Horde had Zul'jin's trolls launch a massive attack on the elf realm, the elves pulled back their defenses to protect Silvermoon, and the orcs killed his family when sacking the outlying lands.

>genocide, desire to convert to shape the world into their ideal form

Nazis did neither of these.


Ah shit this made me want to play warcraft 3 again.
Oh well have a webm of something cute in return.

You can still play. The multiplayer on never died.

Basically need to join a clan though

>tfw no cutie gnome gf

Just end my life.


I actually never played it online because I didn't have any internet at the time.
That also means I didn't install any patches at all which maybe could have added something new.
Shit this makes me want to play it even more.

>actual in-game gnome girls look pretty cute
>nobody ever plays them

I would but I just can't change my goblin.

>you can't have a race of ugly athletic tribesmen who chuck spears and steal

theres these retards though?


Check out Chromie in Heroes of The Storm. She looks even better. And her demon skin is stacked.

>>nobody ever plays them
I do sometimes.
Though usually I play horde, so 90% I play fem undead

>Had largest empire
>Predate the Titan's arrival
>Manage to beat the Cthulhu worshipping zerg
>Fucking night elves break the continent


>Warcraft 3
>Night Elf women crazy amazon bitches
>Night Elf men chill as fuck

>World of Warcraft
>Night Elf women typical bimbos
>Night Elf men literally Legolas

Oh please. The entire Apothecary is basically a homage to Doctor Mengele.

My main is and always was and will be a girl gnome.

>Bitch out during warcraft 2
>Bitch out during Stormwind invasion
>Bitch out during undead invasion
>Keep tightly locked up in a tiny little peninsula behind a gigantic wall RIIIGHT up until panda islands are discovered

Only Thrall is almost as big of a dickless faggot as Greymane.

What class?
I love plate class gnomes, and since I was going to roll a DK for legion I was thinking of making a fem gnome for funsies.

Not the guy you're replying to, but I always picked gnomes (male or female) when on Alliance side. Typically a mage, but when tried Cata I did a priest.

For a time my friends thought it was weird I'd pick gnomes and trolls for characters.

Gnomes make pretty good rogues, mages and warriors. Soon they'll make good hunters thanks to robot pets.

>For a time my friends thought it was weird I'd pick gnomes and trolls for characters.
Good taste, both races are criminally underplayed.
People just hate gnomes because they get salty when they get their ass kicked by someone two feet tall in PvP.

Warrior, as main, but I roll Mage and Lock too.


Chromie a best.

Wow Chromie a best. What about fel chromie?

Something like 70% of Alliance content was cut from Cata or just plain never worked on.

These include the retaking of Stromgarde, intro to twilight highlands, the gilnean district, whatever the fuck the trials of the high king were supposed to be and probably a few others.

Why the hell was the high king even made? For fuck's sake it's the alliance, WHEN ARE WE GOING TO ELECT A NEW SUPREME COMMANDER?!

I think Trials of the High King was supposed to be the Alliance counter-part to that HORRIBLE Thrall questline they added in 4.2. But they said fuck it and just had everyone do that questline, so everyone would hate Thrall.

>not even Chromie is safe from Metzen's corruption fapfics
damn you Blizzard

Super Creepy

Shortstack dwarves r hot

What was the Thrall questline?


The sad part is I'm not really joking.

>Just not realised I haven't touched heroes of the storm since a few weeks before tracer came out

How's cromie?

>this is the closest we'll be getting to a female goblin hero in hots


Are there even famous goblin females?