Yfw you realize every game you have ever played has been set on a flat earth

>yfw you realize every game you have ever played has been set on a flat earth

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the only thing flat here is that image

If this was true, the gravity at like half way out pulling you back towards the center would be equivalent to a near 90° ascent. Getting to the "antarctic wall" would be literally physically impossible.

Why are flat earthers so fucking ignorant of basic science? God damn.

How do we know basic science is actually correct?

America was born 2016 years ago in the center of the universe, and the sun revolves around it over the course of 24h.

>Why are flat earthers so fucking ignorant of basic science? God damn.

...because they suffer from mental illness?

It's observable.

because we can use its laws to predict things accurately. We can use gravitational equations to predict the positions of objects like asteroids and comets. Gravitational properties which btw, cause large masses like planets and stars to collapse into spheres.

How do we know what is actually observable?

>there are people who honest to god think the earth is flat
i fucking hate you people

They are people who deny the concept of Evolution because God made us all special


Philosophy major detected

>flat earthers
>people who think space isn't real
>moon landing deniers
>young-earth creationists
>global warming deniers
I wish we could catapult all these people into the sun desu

>>people who think space isn't real

Absolutely not.

But that one guy opened a jar of peanut butter and peeled a banana, how are you still not convinced?

The sky is just a dome, you idiot. Why would it be clear blue during the day?


>t. babylonian

European here, why is not wanting to inject shit into yourself just because the government told you so is bad thing?

>people who think mozart could be still alive
fucking retards, how could he be dead if I died over a century ago?

I don't know why, but reading this makes me irrationally angry.

Gravity is a lie they tell you and you just eat it right up.

Have fun getting polio Ahmed

How about you jump off a 30 floor building so we can check if it's true.

>wow, look at all this evil shit da gubmint puts in our babies with vaccines! I ain't vaccinatin' my keeds!
>wooooooooow, my kid died of polio and small pox!? fucking bullshit, bugged baby mechanics, wow dude!

>first torus earth thread
>now flat earth thread
fuck off

T - underage bernie sanders supporter

Because people die.

diseases were invented by the government, if you werent a fucking mindwiped reptillo-shill youd realise that

Hollow earth is superior. Its harder to disprove and you get the added bonus of reptilians secretly controlling the government.

>>flat earthers
Shit like this always amazes me:

There is a difference between choosing which vaccines are necessary and not getting any vaccine ever.

What the fuck does anti-vaxx have to do with a political candidate you fucking mongo?

You gave me a good laugh man.

>ironically pretending to believe the Earth is flat
Most retarded meme in years.

By observing it.

>You will never live to see Earth Torus thanks to these people

Every game is just a set of geometrically aligned triangles, so its not even earth. Its make believe techno land. but its not art

We stick to the Earth because we're heavy, obviously, not because of "gravity".

Have you ever SEEN gravity? Didn't think so.

If gravity is real, how do birds fly?

How can our eyes be real if heelies can't escape our feelies?

>anyone who doesn't want the government deciding whats best for them is a closed minded redneck!!
sounds like your average sanders supporter to me

if the earth is flat, then how come Australia is upside down

A liberal Muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx, known atheist
“Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the United States stood up and held up a rock.

“How old is this rock?”

The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian”

“Wrong. It’s been 5,000 years since God created it. If it was 4.6 billion years old and evolution, as you say, is real… then it should be an animal now”

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Origin of the Species. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears.

The students applauded and all registered Republican that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.

nice try


Rothschilds constructed Australia in the early 1800s

How are you alive if you can't see the air you breathe?

Also, circling Antarctica would take decades, these people are fucking retards

I'm not baiting, I'm just joking. Not everything is an ebin prank

Gravity is a social construct invented by gooberglobbers to oppress fat women.

>never put a period whenever he makes posts on Sup Forums but does so for this one to look epic

this shit makes me angry to no end


>anti vax
Yeah not gonna taKe evey goddamn vax because med corp making money of it said its good for me.


I feel like I've seen the legit version of this somewhere.

>I'm not getting vaccinations that have been proven to work for centuries because m-muh corporations
Fucking idiot

>fucking reTARds, hoW COuld he be dead if I died over a century ago?
What did he mean by this?

How does this explain going past the South Pole and ending up on the other side of the world?
Is there an alternate mirror world on the other side of the wall?

>mfw a globefag and/or spherecuck is near me

>actually breathing "air"
No wonder you're so clueless, you've been breathing mindcontrol gases your entire life

>yfw you realize every game you have ever played has been set on a flat earth
Except Halo, where you can see the curvature, right?

>tfw Christians understood science way before anyone else did

This thread is a perfect example of why Sup Forums gets so much hate.

Literally how is Sup Forums involved in this thread
Is Sup Forums flat earth fags now?

>moon landing deniers
I can't blame people for this, a human hasn't been sent outside low Earth orbit in the last 44 years, which is beyond fucking sad. All we have to show for all this time are 2 shitty active space stations. I don't know how anyone expects we get to Mars and do anything meaningful there.

checkmate, atheist


>source: my buttocks

Outer Wilds

your move

I[...] am [...] a [...] huge [...] faggot

So what is it?

Because vaccines help stop the spread of diseases, you fucking idiot.

>b-but the gubment
Yeah, the government totally made up the declining rates of a dozen diseases. All of those old people who claim to have been crippled by polio? Liars. All those young people who claim not to have been crippled by polio? Double liars.

banana goes where?

there is clearly a source for each text on the bible side, whether these taken out of context lines are actually in the bible is something I dont care enough to check

>science then
probably cherry picked from all sorts of cultures

pretty sure people learned the earth wasn't flat pretty early on cause of shadows or some shit

>every possible vax
Birdflue vax was certainly a safe and proven choise to protect yourself fom the worst plaige of our age

>believing the myth that niggers and people are one in the same

all you had to do is observe the curve of the horizon

ebin meme my Sup Forums friend

More like atheists got slowly tortured to death for being heathens, so everyone had to pretend to be religious so they didn't get scaphized.

I've never seen one before - no-one has, but I'm guessing it's a white hole.

No source for the middle column though, which is the most important one.

>More like atheists got slowly tortured to death for being heathens
name 1 (one) western Christian country this was common in

Just 1

america :^)

Little column A, little column B
Keep in mind though, Charles Darwin was highly religious, to the point that his findings on evolution scared him

I'm not on any side, I'm just saying

Technically we don't. It's simply the best model we have at the moment.

Of course it's pretty spot on, because most things turn out the way we expect.

That's what I thought.

most people never really thought the earth was flat, especially during the time of Columbus.

>I wish we could catapult all these people into the sun desu
Gonna take a pretty fucking good catapult for that one.

It's better to have people that question even if it is stupid than people that follow without questioning even if its stupid.

>shortest distance from Australia to the US is over the north pole

Planes have been taking the long way all this time.

>I have never heard of the crusades or the spanish inquisition

Nice buzzwords.
Except "anti-vaxxers", moon landing "deniers", and global warming "deniers" are actually right.

>muh spanish inquisition
Blasphemy was hardly even punished during that.

Try again

Except that's not how science works
Scientists are constantly trying to disprove standing theories
The more you try to disprove something and fail to do so, the more supported the theory becomes
Scientists don't follow without questioning

>ignoring the crusades
>blasphemy was hardly even punished during the SPANISH FUCKING INQUISITION

Put down the crack pipe, nigga.

Fucking brainwashed ignorant leftards

What do you think the response to wholesale holy war against your very existance is going to be?

>>never put a period whenever he makes posts on Sup Forums
I think you should leave.

Tudor England during the reign of Henry VIII, where not going to church on sunday meant the gallows

A White hole?

Top lel, fuck off back to Sup Forums or /x/

>>ignoring the crusades
That was a war you complete fucking retard, not a Christian country.