If pc gaming is cheap how come all of you fuckers seem to pirate

If pc gaming is cheap how come all of you fuckers seem to pirate.

Why do you do it Sup Forums?

>What are you talking about man? That will be $79 plus tax.
I don't understand either. The guy copying the bike is not in the wrong, because nothing is being stolen.

Because I can

Also, it's not that cheap. Most games tend to sell at inflated prices, which is only brought to proper levels during sales. The whole point of digital was supposed to be that games would be cheaper when there was no added costs of distribution/storage that brick'n'mortar had.

Part of becoming financially secure is learning what you don't need to pay for.

If one never intended to pay in the first place, is it still a lost sale?

I don't pirate, not because of all the laws and shit but I'd rather wait for a game to go on sale than risking downloading miners, or wasting time on cracks and that shit.

I don't understand the "MUST PLAY BEFORE ANYONE ELSE" philosophy.

>I don't understand the "MUST PLAY BEFORE ANYONE ELSE" philosophy.

It makes sense for stuff like fightan/other competitive stuff because it gives you more time to understand the meta, but for single-player stuff it's pointless unless you want to quickly get through without being spoilered.

Even then avoiding spoilers is easier then people make it out to be, unless its super popular, like batman popular(even then i heard about batman punching sharks, and how cool it was we got mister freeze instead of any actual spoilers)

Because I can
Either deal with it or suck my dickarino

>how come all of you fuckers seem to pirate
Also look at the 3ds cheap system but every piracy thread on it out gets filled with posts. There is literally no reason besides moral faggotry to not pirate.

are you implying that you'll buy a developers game if they suck your dick

would you blame a man to download a bread to feed his family?

I understand that, even though spoilers are a bit hard to avoid I try to not read them, what I don't understand is when people want to play just to talk about the game.

I have a few friends IRL that do this, you can see the frustration on their faces when they find out anyone else played a game before them, they even go as far as never playing the game ever again, they do the same thing with books, movies, comics. I've seen quite a few people do the same thing here.

Because that's why people call it cheap you dumb fuck.

If bikes were that easy to make in the first place why charge anything at all?

>I don't want to do X if it's not to my social benefit
The true sign of the normie. It's one of the reasons Let's Plays are so popular. It's way easier to keep up with hot new games and share clips on Facebook.

They aren't easy to make. They're just easy to copy after it's made.

Well I sure as fuck am not going to pay money for Neptunia.

To get DRM-free copies of games that are only legitimately available on Steam.

I have never pirated a game that's on GoG or something, and I have enough money to buy many more games.

>compressing an ms paint comic

>asking for a source when op said seem

He wasn't making an objective statement lmao.

Okay, so the first bike ever would be hard to make, but then you never need to make a bike again. The entire manufacturing process would just be making copies like that.

>pirate discovers perfect cloning technology and sell/buycucks are mad about the shift to a post scarcity society

Cos I can. If you have a problem with that cone round to my house and say it so I can rip your head off and shit down the whole.

What if you wanted better bikes? Making bikes isn't cheap and I wouldn't go through the trouble of making a new and improved bike if I had no incentive to do so (remember, making vidya is a business). I believe this was the problem with Socialism and why it failed.

Yes, this is exactly analogous to how software production works. It's also the same for other easily reproducible works like books, music, etc.

>it's hard to make at first
>but really easy to copy afterward
>therefore, you shouldn't charge money for it?
I mean I'm not sure where you're going with this argument

>CAPTCHA: select all images with bicycles

the guy who made the first thing will lose nothing if he decides to make more of it

In the post scarcity world, you won't need to earn money. You'll pursue your hobbies if not for your own gratification, for recognition and fame.

>You can have this thing for 60$
>or you can have it for 0$
Ok, whats the difference?
>there's none
Fuck, give me a thing for 0$ then!

>pirating explained

>guy has magic powers that allow him to make free shit
>still demand he pay you

Now hold the fuck up, you actually paid for the eye DLC?

It sounds like you're trying to answer a question that no one asked.

That's why it's cheap nigga.

The bike seller wouldn't have something to blame on for his lack of bike sales if he didn't see the copier making a new bike.

>actually believing this

Go read the Diamond Age. True post-scarcity will simply lead to creators becoming terrorists because they no longer have power over the common man, and the rich will create scarcity for things to drive people to continue to work.

What is this comic trying to prove? If I had magical powers to copy any object I would be well within my rights to copy objects. There's no law that protects merchandise from supernatural powers of copying, so until the government invents one it counts as my natural talent and as a citizen of my country I'm free to use it however I see fit

No. However, that one person is not representative of all pirates. This is why you don't elect a king in a democracy.

>tfw friends don't see the issue with Steam and DRM

>lol ur online anywayz u can play offline 2

I have no idea what DRM is, I don't think I've seen it before, or maybe I have

Name 1 (one) time Steam's DRM caused any problems.

If we were to suddenly apply real world logic then supply and demand. If people can just make copies of your item then there must be a high supply of them yet the demand was too high to make people felt the need to buy it. It is the shop owner fault. I know a shit ton of people who want a legit Earthbound cart though they already emulated it a shit ton. The problem is that it is like over $100 for it online even though the game itself isn't worth that much when it was new. Guess what, people aren't buying it either because of it.

As for buying games that I had pirate I had actually done so. In fact the only games I haven't gotten that I had pirate so far were Xenoverse (sorry but the new DLCs turn me off from buying it whatsoever, felt like I wasn't going to get the full game at that point) and the newest Naruto though to be fair on that one I preorder the shitty no story Naruto game before it. Yea, yea, it is my fault for buying a non-main series Naruto game but they got my money and that is all that matters right? Can't blame me for checking out what I basically beta tested for them.

>plus tax
god america is dumb

I'm sure your science fiction novel perfectly predicts the ramifications of post scarcity in the hands of individuals like in OP's comic.

I only pirate if it's a discontinued game that isn't being sold anymore.

If you need to hold onto your money then you shouldn't be playing video games in the first place.

Why don't you just admit you have no clue what DRM is?

Keep having fun not actually owning the games you buy.

>but they're in my library and on my account of course I own them

Not without having Steam you don't. If you don't see the problem of not actually owning your games and having basically a program and company owning your games then you're probably also a cuck. With games from GoG or even physical PC games (or hell even console games) I don't have to ask someone for permission to play them. What you're doing is basically asking your bull if you can play his games.

>implying post-scarcity means the intermediate period between scarcity and post-scarcity
Diamond Age just describes the growing-pains between now and then. As with any slave-run empire, it would inevitably dissolve, with or without violent revolution.

True post-scarcity would see personal attentions and time as currency, as people would still have a limit as to their age and ability to focus on multiple subjects at once.
That is an alien concept to most people, so they naturally can't imagine a future built upon a new breed of greed.

Most people on this board are between the ages of 17 and 21 and don't have any money.

Why does it matter? If Steam ever goes offline and you can't download the games you bought anymore, then just pirate the games you bought. It's not that hard.

literally only to see if I like a game by playing it for an hour or so

if I like it I'll usually buy it

if not then I saved myself the hassle of getting a refund through Steam

By the time it goes offline, hopefully the 8th gen is emulatable

I only pirate old shit that the original devs probably won't make any money off of anymore, or jap games without official translations. That, and GTA:SA whenever I get that MTA itch.

because it's even cheaper

because it will be shit and I know it and I'd regret supporting those fucks

>build 15 000 dollar gaming pc
>still too cheap to pay for my games

If matter replication like that existed, we'd be living in a golden age of technology and currency would be ancient history.

*sweet, I get free games as a bonus

>nigga replicated my bike

I hope memes don't change.

People buying PCs at that price are busy doing video rendering and other intensive applications that aren't games.

The people too cheap to pay for games are the ones who spent

We'd probably still have some currency for international trade. Perhaps energy trading if that's still an issue.

Very rarely for me.
It's not about practicality, it's about principle. I don't feel good about paying money for digital content and not actually owning it.

I'm not asking anyone else to care, but I do and that's why I pirate.


>video games are like food

I'm not going anywhere with the argument, just stating the truth. I'm not disputing that piracy has the potential to result in a loss of money. But knowing that it costs next to nothing to distribute games now because it's just data being copied is a reality, and the market might (has, actually) changed because of it.

99% of devs have some sort of jewish deal with hardware companies to create optimization bias for their games, so in effect if you upgrade your PC regularly, you DO pay for your videogames

Are you a consumer? Are you a consumer of food and or videogames? Then the comparison is sound, retard, you're just extremely upset about pirates even though they're the people keeping you in business, because without them you wouldn't be getting 8 cents deposited into your paypal account for every one of your retarded denuvo shitposts.

>you need video games to survive

>missing the point

I do it because free games.

I guess I could justify it by saying that most games nowadays seem like shitty cash grabs, but i'm usually really careful on what games to download because I don't wanna waste my time either on downloading, and installing some piece of shit that i'll just quit playing after an hour.

Not an argument.

I pay for Netflix but pirate anything that Netflix doesn't have.

Do you consume books? Copyright is a thing.

Software piracy isn't theft, but it's still a crime that can be punished.

It actually is.

So that's all ? just a tinfoil hat fat guy rant ? Oh please, just kill yourself, nobody will find your body in your basement, not even your mom, she will be happy to finally get rid of you.

And I assume the person you're responding to doesn't think it should be. Pro-piracy people are already aware that it's illegal.

not him but you're being retarded

What would you trade? You can fucking replicate everything, there's no demand anymore.

That's the joke.

They aren't.

Data in nigh on infinitely reproducible at almost zero cost and as such, software piracy is not at all comparable to theft, since, in that stupid joke, having the ability to easily pirate goods such as a ham and a car would mean you could solve all the worlds' scarcity issues.

But you can't, so comparing it to theft is fucking stupid.

Not the guy you're replying to but you type as though you're underage.

>png twat

>comparing it to theft is stupid
Except when the majority of the Earth's population don't understand intellectual property rights or why they exist.

If you don't call it theft, people don't get it.

Besides, the fault lies with the copyist / infringer, not the consumer.
You can download pirated copies of software all you want, you aren't actually doing anything wrong unless you distribute it again yourself.


>You can download pirated copies of software all you want, you aren't actually doing anything wrong unless you distribute it again yourself.

except possessing pirated material without proof of purchase is also illegal

because faggot devs think they can push bullshit restrictions onto pc games as if its fair

I couldnt fucking play gta v steam version without a fucking internet connection for fucks sake, and it has a humongous singleplayer portion

so I refunded that bullshit and pirated the same game, fuck rockstar

Yep, and people didn't get jailed for owning photocopied books until that very same legislation came to pass...

What was it again? My legal knowledge is rusty.

>rich will create scarcity
>personal attentions and time as currency

Mobile games.

More like streaming.

Soon, everyone will be whoring for everyone's attention and time in any way they can, powered by the sponsorship of special interest groups and pushing their agendas upon their subscribers.
It will be a culture of mass self-brainwashing, to divert attentions from important issues and keep personal ambitions and productivity as low as possible.

Huxley has the right idea.

>$0 game fills pc with viruses
Piratecucks BTFO

All this says is that you're too tech illiterate to operate a computer.

Not in any first world country

AVG and other anti-virus systems exist for this very reason user.

Save yourself the trouble and just run everything in a VM.

How do you guys not do this already?

I don't.

I used to. Then Steam came around and changed the game. Buying turned more convenient than pirating. Turns out I never cared about a couple yurodollas (though it was nice not to pay). I just wanted shit to be simple for me.

Now I have >50 games that I own but probably never will play instead. Thanks Gabe.