I've saved a shit ton of money because of Sup Forums...

I've saved a shit ton of money because of Sup Forums. Since you guys shitpost and convince me that every new game that comes out is shit, I don't get it. Last game I got in release was Arkham Knight which was a shit port until they patched it. Just got DOOM off G2A in hopes that the campaign is good. The next game I'll be getting is Overwatch but that's like 7 months of not paying $60 for a AAA game.

>Arkham Knight
You haven't learned anything.

Hmmm now I'm hungry.

Mochi has the texture of scrotums.

To be fair I got batman before I started browsing Sup Forums. And I know the risks of G2A. If someone's gonna scam me of my $35 so be it. Ill learn from it and move on.

Of course a faggot like you would know

No exceptions, you are a faggot

If you had learned anything you'd have bought none of them.

The truth of Sup Forums is to just not play vidya and judge all vidya.
You have a long way to go kid.


>retard who buys shitty overhyped games acting like he's some enlightened master of taste

I'm actually feeling like Sup Forums has steered me toward actual quality games less than it ever has and in fact it's kinda infuriating that I'm finding all of these cool games that are out or are coming out that I never saw Sup Forums threads of.

Sup Forums has become worse than ever when it comes to actually being comprised of people who give a shit about gaming.


Shit mate, now I need to make some microwave mochi. With fresh cherry. It's the best goddamn filling, but of course nips can never ever get to taste it since their shitty trees can't even bear edible fruit. What a retarded culture.


Post more succ

Sup Forums is just an endless amount of shitposting nowadays. If the game in question isn't a Dark Souls rehash, it'll instantly be called shit regardless of what it is. If you dare like any game, especially a new one, you're a shill. It really makes talking about video games a chore and a pain in the ass.

I haven't paid $60 for a game since 2013.

At least he doesn't have 4 of them lined up for munching like the faggot OP.

I'm fairly certain he was OP
And that you are too.
Eat my asshole

Thanks for the generous offer but as a matter of principle I only eat my wife's asshole.

the trick is the actually good games are controversial here, not uniformly loved or hated

Doom's good. Well worth the $35 I paid on CDKeys. The only other recent games I've paid release prices for were Soma (good, for what it is) and Dark Souls III (disappointing)