
>I have an idea. I want to make the new DLC character super-shitty and frustrating to play!
>Didn't you already do that with The Lost? And before that, didn't you already do that with Blue Baby?
>Yeah, but to make it different, this one is EVEN SHITTIER

What the hell was Edmund thinking? Is the new DLC going to have another garbage challenge character too? I can't even imagine a worse character than The Keeper.

Other urls found in this thread:

git gud

I'm pretty sure the only reason is to watch Northernlion continue to lose his shit over challenge characters.

And CoblatSteak.

My brother of african progeny

Northernlion and Theradbrad are the only video game lets players I can stomach, and they both suck at video games.

The world is too cruel

Why not play an actually good game like EtG?
Do you actually enjoy terrible mechanics and puketastic art?

Isaac has more variability to its gameplay than any of these other roguelites. Gungeon in particular is incredibly repetitive.

I like watching Northernlion but sometimes I just have to stop because he makes such fucking dumb decisions that it makes me angry

ie standing around and thinking about what to do in Spelunky and ending up doing nothing because the ghost comes

If NL was actually good at games, he wouldn't be as entertaining to watch.

>watching his rebirth series
>he's at the point where you take 1 full heart of damage for everything
>enters curse room, takes dead cat
>get to watch him suffer as he realizes what he's done

Also that one Eve run where you get no damage and he died for being too impatient and wanting to kill everything quickly.

if you're going to attempt this kind of shitpost at least use nuclear throne or something, gungeon is terrible

>get missing poster after hours of trying
>literally just one room away from sacrifice room


Blue Babby is fun, though.

i played like 20 hours of this expansion and then fuckin dropped it, even before keeper was added to the game. coming from someone who had real platinum god. this expansion's bullshit ruined the game for me

>And before that, didn't you already do that with Blue Baby?
But i liked him.

Isn't The Lost a "you die in one hit" kinda deal? What could be shittier than that?

I don't understand either, I googled it and apparently coins are his health and he heals with them. Sounds a lot better than lost.

The Lost has flight and spectral tears, and now Holy Mantle. The Keeper maxes at 2 life and has triple shot, which sucks.

There's new DLC out soon?

No release date yet, and it's going to be a small DLC. Apparently it will have really extensive mod tools though.

I'm glad I didn't buy that one.
Lets make a game where 99% of the difficulty comes from bullet sponge enemies and then every balance update is to make your gear less effective.

Don't forget
>treasure rooms with enemies or spikes/rocks/key blocks around the item

Original The Lost had the benefit of getting Devil Deals, which you buy with health slots and are very powerful, for free. Since they appear more often when you don't take damage, and he can't take damage, a successful run snowballs pretty well. Also worth noting is that he can fly, which bypasses many threats, makes dodging very easy, and allows you to ignore virtually all "use a bomb to get this item" situations and just fly to it.

In the expansion that added Keeper, an unlock was added which gives The Lost one free hit per room he enters. This doesn't count as taking damage, so it was a straight upgrade.

You have 2 health slots. When you take damage, you can pick up a coin to heal one health (but you don't get the coin). You can't get more slots. You can lose a slot through devil deals (only ones that cost 1 slot. 2-slot deals instantly kill you), and an hp up will replace the lost health). All healing pickups turn into attack flies (one-use homing projectiles that target the first enemy that you encounter and deal 1.5 of your current damage). Also, his tears go in a 3-way pattern and take ages to fire, making playing him as anything other than a shitty melee character as slow and boring as Enter the Gungeon.

In short:
>2 health
>can only heal when you find a coin, and costs the coin
>stuck at one health if you take a deal
>shitty slow 3-shot tears

New The Lost:
>2 health
>heal one health every time you go through a door
>can fly
>free deals
>normal good tears

>I'm glad I didn't buy that one

I will never know this feel. I'm stuck with it forever.

>extensive mod tools

I need to unlock a door just to get to a treasure chest? It must be really good. Oh wait, it's just a normal green treasure chest that takes 2 keys to open instead of one.
Trying to trick people into wasting keys on a health fountain worh 0hp because not-Link shares the same room icon.
The one time you get a treasure chest in the secret room it's in the middle of a pit and if you open it you lose half the treasure.

They made a game, that's for sure. But with all that money they really need to hire an idea guy who actually knows what he's doing.

I watch NL so that hey gets an OP run and just starts babbling about some bullshit. Scumegg has some top tier bants.

>talking shit about gungeon
wew lad

>calling gungeon bad
You done fucked up

The one advantage The Keeper has is that his attack speed is just really low and not gimped permanently by a modifier. If you can get a bunch of attack speed items, you can spam super fast triple tears all over the place.

Of course, actually getting there in the first place is the hard part. The Keeper is one of the shittiest characters in the game. The two coins make him nearly as vulnerable as The Lost without all of the tricks The Lost has to avoid damage.

>liking gungeon

>not waiting for someone else to post in the thread to hide your samefagging
>despite knowing anyone replying to you is going to have the unique poster count on-screen since it is the bottom of the thread.

ok, mr. 21, developer of Enter of Spongeon.

Just give me my fucking refund.


wew, you seem upset

holy shit, you're so fucking embarrassing and i'm neither of those faggots.

wew 2 u 2
but u left ur edit history in the image file

lemme juuuuuuust...........

dude stop

Considering that this is a BoI thread, it's expected to be full of faggots.

you gotta step up your game and obfusciate if you're gonna play this game

Yeah, 338442728. If you want a quality thread, check out some EtG ones. We're usually a pretty neat sort of poster.

fucking hell dude, if you won't believe that then i'll post my hours

So, what makes this character so shitty?

>proving that I'm a big fan of Gungeon proves that I wouldn't samefag to defend it

wew lad

>Watching Cobalt

Nah. Fucking awful streamer and person in general. Whiny baby when things don't go his way, sandbagging when he's clearly doing well, only a single schtick (LOL I SAID SOMETHING THAT SOUNDS SEXUAL LMFAO).

The runs where he's ridiculously underpowered have the best commentary. He just slowly loses his mind.

Edmund confirmed a new chapter/final boss (and not just an area like Hush) and like 75 new items (remember that fuck includes trinkets as items, though).

Haven't played since before Afterbirth came out, is there enough new content to warrant re-downloading that shit?

>Shit fire rate
>2 health point limit
>Devil Deals are high risk and those that cost 2 hearts will kill you

He starts with super low attack speed, has to be in melee range to do his full damage, and dies in 2 hits no matter what. He can recover HP but only with coins you pick up. But you can't take any deal with the devil items without losing 1HP permanently and you can't take any pills without the risk of losing 1HP permanently.
It's not even so much that he's bad, but unless you get lucky with items he's the most boring character in the world to play and you need to play a lot of him.

>Watch episode "Tractor"
>Absolute garbage tear and damage stats
>Ends up in a room filled with 3 Envys at the Cathedral
>Massive butthurt

Not really. The new items aren't that exciting and the new challenges aren't really fun. Edmund thought it was a great idea to add unlockable items which can potentially make your run worse.

Seriously, who the fuck thought sticky nickels were a good idea?


Two new characters:
>no tears
>familiar that shoots what her tears would be
>starts with active item that duplicates all of her familiars for one room
>gives birth to another familiar if she takes a shitload of damage over the course of the run (~15 hits I think)
>two health
>only heals with coins
>triple shot to start
>can't gain more health
>picking up the Swallowed Penny turns you into Sonic the Hedgehog and is actually fun

New area:
Some blue shit:
>accessed by doing to the heart what you do to Mom to get the Boss Rush, with a little longer to do it
>just has a starting room, item rooms, a shop, and a boss room
>the boss is Baby's First Bullet Hell and can be cheesed by standing against the appropriate walls during the fight
>has health that scales to your damage, which means anything but the chaos card is going to be a 4-5 minute long snoozefest
>never worth doing once you get the unlocks for each character

New mode
Greed Mode:
>infinitely restocking store
>fight 10 waves of enemies to get coins
>the fight a boss
>fight another wave of enemies if you want the devil room
>do 4-5 floors of this and then fight a relatively fun new boss with a reasonable amount of health scaling

Oh, and 100+ new items
(99 of them are Co-op babies)

I hate to have to defend the trainwreck that was Afterbirth, but sticky nickels really aren't that big of a deal. They only replace standard pennies, not coins that would have been a normal nickel otherwise.

Co-op really seems like an afterthought, who the actual fuck plays it other than Edmund's wife?

And why are so many unlocks alternate skins that most people may never even see?

No one else plays it, because BoI is the worst game in the world for Co-op. I've tried, but a game with limited health, in which one character getting hurt directly damages the other player's health as well, is the most rage-enducing system possible.

>why so many unlocks

Because using the paint bucket on an existing baby is a lot easier to make than new features.

>flavor of the month that's already dead
>5 year old game with a thriving community
loving every laugh

Hey! Hope you're ready to pay 5 dollars for mod tools and coop babies!

i thought it was gonna be the other half of afterbirth but the amount of content is so pitiful it makes AB look like WoTL. Fuck edmund and fuck nicalis for jewing people one last time just so they can have mod tools to fix this awful game

>There are people on Sup Forums that haven't gotten real platinum god
>Some haven't even gotten REGULAR PLATINUM GOD
Fucking plebs make me laugh.

this post reads like one of those hours played: 700 steam reviews

of all people to trust on how a game is bad i would trust someone with 700 hours.

those reviews are just nitpicking and whining, who would play a game they really hated for 700 hours

Over 100 hours, and I have gotten neither. Kill me now senpai.

>isaac shitters whining about EtG

Give it up guys, Isaac was good for a really long time, but it's been ruined. It's on it's way out. Even scumegg likes EtG more.

In reverse, the games I am most likely to 100% are the ones I hate the most, so people with shitty taste can't tell me "hurrrr you have to play it all to REALLY get it."

I'd rather shut down those shitters, even if it opens me up to the "hurrrr if you played it all that means you secretly like it" fags.

Are ETG and Isaac even comparable, I mean they are both rogue-lites but that isn't much basis to compare on

nah isaac is shit

that's pathetic. who are you trying to impress with that? there are really people who play games they hate for hundreds of hours so they can win shitposting fights online?

i like nl, but fuck his gook wife

>there are really people who play games they hate?

Why are you here if you don't hate every video game?


but more people are playing BoI right now.

>more people are playing an incredibly popular game that's had a fanbase for years and years than are playing a game that came out a month ago

o k

joke's on you my friend, i don't play video games at all

Shit. I know when I'm beat.

I don't understand why you think a game that blew over this fast is going to pick up steam in the future. It had a fair chance, and it bottomed out.

You disliking a game doesn't mean it's going to fail.

NL is actually pretty good at games (at least in comparison to the other streamers he hangs with).

After how many Isaac episodes he's made I don't mind when he deliberately makes bad choices. I find it more interesting at this point when he fucks himself over.

I've decided that the truth is this:

NL is good at video games. He's good enough to not have to learn how to be observant at all. So he can completely miss something, get hit 9 times, and still somehow manage to win.

Enter the Gungeon is probably more comparable to Our Darker Purpose. Another game where sure you can get stronger, but you have to be super lucky otherwise all the enemies are crazy bullet sponges.
Fuck whoever thought it was a good idea to give you items weaker than your starting guns.

But I like EtG.

That doesn't save it from failing (like it has).

How has it failed in any way whatsoever?

>peak players: 13k
>freefalls to 8k a week later
>not even 2 months later and it can't break 4k

It has failed as a product, and it has plenty of questionable design choices, so I don't feel comfortable saying it succeeds at being a great video game. It's just good.

In what way do you think it HAS succeeded?

Something not becoming the most popular game of all time doesn't mean it's failing.

In what way do you think it has succeeded?

What does that even mean? It's sold well, it's got press, it's got good reviews. How is that a failure?

It's succeeded in at least getting its feet wet, and a sequel that fixes the biggest complaints and balances shit would make it much more fun to play.
It's biggest problem is the unbalanced item pools, low item synergy, and tediousness, and if they just add alt versions for floors and buff some "lol so fanny" shit items it'd be much more standable.
But this is an indie game so chances are pretty low that'll happen.

>barely outsold Nuclear Throne despite huge press
>got good reviews from the gaming journalism industry and the Steam Joke-a-day Review System

These are not real metrics of success, user.

I agree with everything you said. If nothing else, it WAS a very good first try, but I can't consider that anything other than a launchpad to success.

>have almost every single fucking achievement

>the very last thing I need to do is beat the blue womb with keeper but no matter how many times I reroll I get absolute shit items

this character is a fucking headache

I just idled with Tanooki and Sissy because fuck Hush and fuck the Keeper.

At least the Hush fight with The Lost was fun, and I did it without the Mantle.

I've been planning on using the leaf as well, just hoping to find it now

I don't want to earn this victory in any legitimate way

Blue Baby had some horribly OP synergies and was the easiest member of the original cast to make invincible out of the gate. He wasn't complete garbage like Keeper is.

How to fix the Keeper:
>Can have up to 3 coin slots, starts with 2 as normal
>Piggy Bank works normally on him

Really, that's all he needs to be worthwhile. He's already the second highest in terms of base damage and base dps (only beaten out by Azazel and Judas), effectively doubles in health, compared to everyone else, after Mom, has the easiest time farming Sacrifice Rooms for angels/deals, and starts with store key and a bomb. He'd be halfway decent if he could pick up Spirit of the Night or Brimstone.

Abaddon should still instant kill him and make him shit fly-bricks, though. That'll never not be funny.

Fuck why does Northernlion play so fucking conservatively it makes me angry

Oh no that'd be very exciting and rewarding better not fucking try it at all whoops I died anyway because I suck at playing video games

Sticky Nickels are 5 cents for a bomb and replace normal coins that are 1 cent. It's alright.

The real shit is that Mega Satan only unlocks babies, and that Lilith, the Lost, and The Keeper switch between good items and terrible items for their unlocks.

Tech X is still my favorite item in the game. It alone is worth the money I dropped on it.

Ed decided to have a kid, he will start to milk his franchise so he can feed that kid and tyrone is pushing the "lets make DLC" jew thing

Blue baby was one of the best characters in the original, arguably only beaten by Isaac.

Rebirth introduced Eden Azazel as the new best character. Afterbirth added 2 challenge characters. I'd consider Cain the challenge character of the original, and Samson the challenge character of Wrath of the Lamb.

If you watch the later NLSSs there's a Spelunky segment where he whips two arrows away from the left and right in one smooth jump. Northernlion isn't a bad videogame player per se but he has an absurdly long comfort zone when he starts a new game before trying anything adventurous or risky.

>Playing any character with average to below average damage
>Walk into boss room
>See this
What do? Besides hold R

>still playing Isaac

Listen, Isaac was ok for awhile, like, when it was on newgrounds...

It's really a shame that Edmund has fucked up the game.


Making things "harder" by nerfing fun and good shit, "fixing bugs" that were beneficial to the player. Inflating the item base with garbage, not including damage ups, giving bosses shitloads of health and stuff like that.

So yeah, Edmunds a fucking hack who's out of touch. Him not releasing all the items in after birth because he's bootyblasted that people datamined the lost prove how fucking retarded he is.


I got every achievement before his recent update

I took a look around and saw he had just made things harder for the sake of wasting more of my time

Fuck edmund

Also changing the ost was a mistake. Classic music best

I usually tough it out.

Before I learned that hitting his rolling head damages him AND the future spider, I held R.

Only if you kill the head before it turns into a spider. You have to have higher than average damage to kill them before they spawn, even if you land every tear.

Only Keeper, Blue Baby, Cain, Azazel, and Judas can kill the heads without any damage/tears up.

>i like nl, but fuck his gook wife
Yeah she's insufferable. Except for when she said he's a little b with a little p

I'm so miserable every time I play this game. They added new variations of each floor, but it doesn't matter because now almost every enemy on every floor has like 40 health and constantly spawns new enemies or explodes into revenge bullets. Sometimes they even do both like those fucking leech spawning mulligans.

Stand closer to it and your DPS becomes bigger, that's what i do and i beat the head with normal tears before it turns into a spider