If you main any of these characters you are the cancer killing Smash Bros.
If you main any of these characters you are the cancer killing Smash Bros
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I seem to be good.
>Having 7 "mains"
I never played too competitively and mostly stuck to friendlies where I change characters almost every game. I'd probably stick to Bowser or Ike if I did try something more serious though.
Bayonetta just got heavily nerfed in the latest patch though.
Sakurai already killed Smash long ago when he made Brawl.
Rate me.
Red = mains
Blue = secondaries
Green = for fun
You spelled Melee wrong.
Is it even possible for a carcinogen to catch cancer?
Mains: Little Mac, Captain Falco, Ike
Secondaries: Ganon, Dr Mario, Cloud
I know most of these aren't tournament viable but it's not like I have aspirations past playing matches online anyway
They're strong but still manageable, especially Bayo and Sheik post nerfs.
>another /big guy/ main
Mains: Meta Knight, ZSS
Secondaries: Mario, King Dedede
>instead of learning how to beat a thing lets all whine until it gets nerf'd and or banned
this is why no one takes you seriously
>tfw maining the most based ninty character
>tfw forcing my playstyle on others
>tfw literally everyone on anthers just trash talks me cause they can't win and are literal man children that can't handle loss
>tfw the community around yourr character are good sports and want to see other Wario mains thrive
>tfw cheap Half Waft set ups that kill at 80% or less for lighter characters that'll never get patched
>tfw literally shitting on ppl
Who fat jew man here?
I got too used to PM Wario and can't enjoy the official one at all anymore. Fuck everything.
If you play this character, you are a wannabe SFag
yeahh, a very different playstyle.
instead of playing like a brawler you have to consider running away with constant spacing, relying on being an annoying asshole the whole time/throwing out bike tricks a lot.
rip shoulder bash
>most based
Gonna stop you right there.
I haven't run into a half competent Wario in ages.
But they all seem to love using the bike spam and trying to set-up off-stage chomp kills and fucking up every time.
Why take this seriously at all?
I used to take this game "seriously" before I learned joke characters and fucked people over.
Getting kinda burnt out, especially after having to deal with anyone that loses and switches to any of the following:
>Toon Link
>Dark Pitt
>Little Mac
And proceeds to do nothing but:
>Run up, shieldgrab
>Counter spam
>Absurd amounts of projectiles, at least 20 a minute
It's gotten too predictable, too boring.
Should I check out smash ladder and try my luck? I've fought a couple people from these threads and have had mixed opinions.
Is R.O.B. cancer, Sup Forums?
Nigga I main random at this point.
Good Warios are far too few in-between.
But Wario as a character is still based as fuck
fight me.
If you play as this character, you are casual normie trash.
I'd consider it, but I don't have a WiiU, and haven't updated my 3ds.
Does anyone even play on the 3ds anymore?
My primary mains are the brothers from different mothers.
Anyone left who plays Bayo should be respected for their commitment and should be shown empathy.
She is far from toxic now, she is far less rewarding to play ass.
>get Cloud in a string when I'm around 80%
>they fall out so quickly.
>Have to land (she's always had HORRID landing lag if she misses a combo)
>Land get F-smashed and Die.
She's now become high risk low reward.
Even if I did, what are you going to do about it?
extremely sexist remark
I like looking at Samus in her blue sports bra and shorts.
>tfw the patch made it even harder to bat within properly
I love styling all over shitters as Bayo, but fuck now it's even harder to get the timing down for bat within.
>tfw you have a crazy as fuck bayo double with some random person with tons of bat withins, witch times and punishes
>Playing a party game seriously
My motherfuckers
Maybe you shouldn't go for strings when they are at high %s anymore and she still has tons of combo options and is a blast to play still.
fucking perfect
captain memers deserve it
So what tech are you guys working on?
I'm trying to get better at pk jumps with Ness, got PK high jump with him pretty well at least, love my 2nd jump having buffed recovery range.
Both I'm working on footstool combos but man it is harder to use that with Ness than Lucas.
>Playing videogames seriously.
>"nobody replied to my shitty thread so i'll make again!"
>Playing games at all past age 10
Mains = Ganondorf, DK
Secondaries = Dedede, Dr. Mario
Ness has footstool combos? Right now I want to practice dthrow>footstool>ftilt>upsmash with lucas and it feels hard as fuck.
I fap to them instead.
tier list based on characters I play
>0 results found
It's like you guys hate fun.
they didn't nerf bat within you know.
I just find it lame that I can't reliably kill someone with a string at 100%
Why shouldn't she be able to kill you at 100% if she up B's you?
Seriously this character has just turned into racking up damage and killing with witch-time or back air.
No more cool combos.
There was a big tourney today in my area and I didn't even feel like going because of how much they ruined Bayo.
Why shouldn't a combo character without any throw combos have a kill confirm off of a combo?
>is a blast to play still.
This character had so many options and opportunities.
I felt like I could help her meta grow and do things nobody else did with her before.
>vid related is me styling on someone who beat me on fg and taunted me pre-patch.
The thing I do with the slide kicks is something I see nobody do with bayonetta, I felt like I could really bring the character to life when I played her.
>fun to play as or even against
Olimar mains are fucking scary.
I've rarely ever encountered any of them, but the ones I've fought against are super good.
>love this guy
>love his moveset
>can't grasp how to play him at all
I love him as a secondary, him and villager are my go to when feeling burned out playing my mains.
I'm slowly getting good at Dair auto cancel mix ups with Ness. Baiting a reaction with a SHFF Dair only for it to auto cancel into Down Smash is wrecking faggots.
I want to play Lucas but his playstyle is just so different from Ness I try to enjoy it but I still can't. I'll go back to him one day
Damn user, you have great taste. I'm on mobile but my 3 mains are 1. Little Mac, 2. Ryu, 3. Ike. I also enjoy Megaman, Link and Ganondorf for shits and giggles.
Muh dick
>Normal ears
Where were you when pic related became first on the tier list after the last patch?
Who cares? It's a fucking casual game. Stop shitting on other people having fun.
>has no good porn
>all anybody makes is camilla porn
Kill me
top will always be ryu. sadly no pro will bother learning him when they can just win with cloud or zss with a quarter of practice time
play PM you sad cucks.
sm4sh and melee are the reason fgc sees smash as a party game. (because those are)
>main was literally never changed aside from universal system changes
At least I didn't get nerfs. And even dead last she still feels more playable than Brawl.
>play *a dead mod you sad cucks.
wh why is she blushing?
Did you get buttblasted by butter boy, the slipperiest of Smashers?
I'm mainly trying to improve my overall smash game, my Ness I feel is already pretty solid though I feel like I need to learn how to utilize magnet instead of just hitting back projectiles.
Better costumes and colors never
reminder to Tr4shfags to close your doors when the PM Jehovah's Witnesses come.
The way I see him played, Megaman is a goddamn fortress with plenty of fire power, using saw blade and slash claw to get in and out of any situation. Also scaring someone into a dodge then punishing with an up tilt is always fun.
Why not?
>not just modeling the trap dress
>caring about a community of niche 1v1 fighters over popular character action games
>caring about Melee Special Olympics
How did that spike?
Is this modded?
Really magnet is a move that simply won't see much use. Unless dealing with a very slow projectiles like corrins or mewtwo's it's a very risky move with decent start up and end lag. Reflecting projectiles with the bat is near impossible as the bat is slow as fuck.
What's your NEVER EVER character?
>inb4 shota/pedophile
Ness and TL are mains
Villager is for fun and Lucas is fun to play as.
I like kick ass kids...I don't know why, Also Wind Waker and EarthBound are my favorite games so that is probably why..I main them.
is she shy about being so scantily clad?
PSI Magnet Stalling is incredibly useful and all Ness' should have it in their arsenal. There is a reason you see FOW use it so much it's great mind games. Plus it has a small windbox for jank
I love reflecting with the bat cause no one sees it coming and even when they do they block it and just sit there in their shield waiting to be punished.
>all anybody makes is camilla porn
not seeing any issues here
she looks very nice in that bikini...
Yes, magnet stalling is useful. I never use it too often myself unless really high in the air. I should use it more.
Reflecting with the bat is fun as fuck but really difficult to pull off. I'm not sure if this in 4 but ness's bat is actually a insane damage multiplyer for whatever projectile it hits.
I enjoy child heroes as well, I find teenager/younger leads boring as fuck in most cases. Children just a real goodness to them.
>MFW mod the game
>MFW forced my friend to use my custom 1.1.5 Bayonetta patch
>MFW I can still play with my friends and use good Bayo
For Glory days are over but my friend is better than them anyway. He's a fucking IKE main and understands Bayo's strengths and doesn't fall for my traps. He still manages to beat me more than I can beat him so all you shitters had to do was fucking learn the matchup. But nope. Can't have that.
>Smash bros not already dead
I don't use it like I should either, it's pretty fun to use. Play against a Samus or and Robin and and just keep using it over and over to fuck with their heads so they hold onto charge shot/Thoron so long they eventually just fire it right at you while your Magnet is active for free heals
Have you considered that you just suck with Bayonetta?
I've beaten Sheiks with Roy and that match up is like 7-3. It doesn't matter that you play a top tier if you still suck at using them.
He only got one of the early hits. The sweetspot of Wario's dair makes the first 6 hits send at a 250 degree angle, so it'll spike if you only get the early hits.
This quote is bashing melee as a competitive game as well, funny how you friends forget this.
You sound just like me.
My friend plays Ike and he beat my pre-patch Bayonetta regularly.
Literally this patch was only to suit the tastes of scrubs. most competent competitive players hated playing Bayonetta but they could beat her.
I may have lost to my friend, but I did 2-0 Ryo's Ike in friendlies.
Which was bizarre
shut up faggot. Stop picking on Bayo mains. Our mains were literally destroyed by salt and incompetence.
Its satisfying hitting things back with the bat, charged shots especially. Zelda's suit of armor, Lucario's Side B, Thorons and even Corrin's water shot.
Another guilty pleasure is getting someone stuck in PK fire, run behind them and wait for them to panic back roll into a pivot grab and backthrow...works every time.
>tfw I play this character because I play SF
fucking fight me faggot
>If you main any of these characters you are the cancer killing Smash Bros.
>lists 4 female characters
misogyny is real
She has the 2nd best for killing nair in the game (Samus' is the only one that is truly better IMO) but overall the best (move lasts 20 some odd frames).
She has rest set up true combos, bair kills hard, dash attack has invulnerability, dtilt and dsmash can set up difficult to come back edge guarding.
Overall while she could use a few buffs IMO (nair getting more ko power cause Samus passing her was just unfair IMO, her smash attacks being less trash, and dash attack buffs would be fun).
However, I find her to be a fun character to play with.
I'm sorry that Bayonetta isn't helping you go 2-2 at tournaments now instead of 0-2. Maybe you should go back to Cloud.
Sheik is a guy
I'd rather see Bayonetta banned in tourneys than be subjected to play a watered down combo character with my buddies.
no, it's means Sakurai won't bother topping competitive Melee, while that "people" hoped casual/scrub shit like Tr4sh For Glory and P.Meme to dethrone hat.
More like made fair, and look at the bright side you'll chances are get a parting buff gift in the next patch. I hope the air version of after burner kick sends people at a 45% angle and gets buffed in power a bit to make it a risky but rewarding edge guard.
>"mom, I posted it again!" smash Bros edition.