Which is the best Elder Scrolls game in your opinion?

Which is the best Elder Scrolls game in your opinion?




Huge cities, interesting wildlife, different factions that you can join and your choice matters, great MQ, alien world with a sense of uniqueness, big variety of weapons and skills to choose from, right sized dungeons, great DLCs, great journal system and no quest marks, spell creation


Great guild storylines with twists, lots of daedric artifacts, interesting cities and towns, each NPC is kinda unique, shivering isles GOAT, spell creation


Great atmosphere, liked the setting, liked the Dwemer ruins and the caves, okay wildlife, each city is kinda unique, good armor, improved combat, shouts and word walls, great DLCs, improved vampires and werewolfs, most characters are unique, good levelling.



Most NPCs are not unique and offer the same line of dialogue as the others, which makes the cities look "empty" in a way despite their size. Also no travelling schedules or schedules at all.


Potato faces, smaller towns that Morrowind, very boring and long dungeons with little reward, awful level scaling that makes goblins overpowered late game, makes high level armor less unique because everyone has it later on. Also quest markers and fast travel from the get go. Generic setting IMO


Small cities compared to Morrowind, unkillable NPCs, unavoidable questmarkers, bad and small questlines except DB, faction affiliation doesn't really matter

I might be missing something

>elder scrolls V: Skyrim
Yea right, like they'd ever make a sequel to oblivion set in an interesting area.

>not talking about arena or daggerfall

They are all garbage
NV is the only good "bethesda" game

I haven't played those lad, will probs play daggerfall unity
I think the setting was the most "boring" one after Cyrodill, but they did it pretty well imo and how it was described in the previous games

Positives about Oblivion and Skyrim is the improved stealth and less tedious alchemy.
Skyrim also had smithing and half-assed puzzles and traps in the dungeons.

Yeah i forgot some. I liked the smithing in Skyrim but it could have made sense to have degrading weapons and armor, levelling up smithing was a hassle in skyrim

100% agree.

you forgot to mention the awful looping hallway design for skyrim dungeons. they feel like something out of a post wow mmo, it's fucking awful

You know I loved Morrowind the most, but never played Daggerfall.
But wouldn't Daggerfall be Elder Scrolls 2?
What's Elder Scrolls 1?

The Elder Scrolls: Arena.

Morrowind, you n'wah

No bringing up the gradual dumbing down of stats, skills, etc?

Skyrim feels more polished but also much more basic than the other games. I prefer the combat heavily, but everything else is garbage about it.

Morrowind will be my favorite just because of the sheer amount of things you can do.

Elder Scroll VI
Think about it.
It is in whatever country or countries you wish.
It has spears and whatever else you want.
It isn't dumbed down for the casual console infants.
The lore is deep and rich.
So many age old questions are answered.
The combat is robust.
The game looks stunning.
The music is top notch.
So many NPC's with so many voice actors and so many things that they all do on scheduled.
Such fluid and varied animations.
The incredible character customization.
No glitches.
Tables are not just shelves pushed into the ground.
The world and its enemies are not just a bunch of holes with draugr in them.
Continuity is adhered to and if it isn't it was because of a dragon break.
That climactic battle at the end, so grand.
**That secret ending**

The best game.

You're delusional if you think any of those will happen in a new Elder Scrolls

never ever


it spells cuck

Skyrim imo. I have clocked in quadruple-digit hrs into this game with moda.

I tried Oblivion with a couple of texture mods and just got bored after reaching the Blades Temple. I liked Oblivion's aesthetics, it felt like a comfy game albeit boring.

Never got to play Morrowind properly because my MSGO installation bugged. Last I remember I reached some city and stopped playing because of some MSGO texture bug. In the beginning of the game, I hated how some of the npcs had the same fucking dialogue lines and no voice-acting at all.

Skyrim is the most playable.
I did enjoy Morrowind and Oblivion when they came out, but the combat is unacceptable nowadays. Honestly, i can't play through any of TES anymore. Hopefully 6 really polishes the combat. it doesn't need to be great, it just needs to not feel clunky.