The Order 1886

How did Sony get away with selling this for $60 at launch?

but they didn't?

that's why the price dropped almost immediately and eventually ended up even $5 on several sales

Sonyggers have been taught to eat shit and smile since day one, Sony can get away with anything and they love it so long as they ca say NEVAEVA!

This I picked up my copy like 6 mouths later for like half or less

It dropped to like 30$ almost instantly.

when you "get away" pricing something too high, it typically stay priced that high

bit like what nintendo does with every games

Sonyggers will eat all the shit you throw at them

Was longer than Star Fox 0.
Amazing how Nintendo fags defend that shit.

Honestly, length aside, it was pretty good.

I did it to trade it for Bloodborne

also splatoon - essentially an early access game - launched at $60 with almost no content, locked on-disc dlc with a physical ($35 plastic toy) lock

>shooting was actually pretty fun and felt appropriately weighty
>there's maybe 20 minutes of shooting tops in the whole thing

>get away with

but they didnt, shit poster. the game went straight to the bargain bin. atleast shitpost about something that makes sense

also mario maker - a game that existed on computers since early 2000's - launched at $60 with less content than a LittleBigPlanet game (which, since the first one has had level editors and level sharing online) AND less editing capabilities than the ones that existed on computers since the early 2000's

to be fair, there is usually heaps and heaps of actual gameplay involved with nintendo shit

>How did Sony get away with selling this for $60 at launch?
Normies. That's how.

>he thinks skinner boxes constitute gameplay

>all the fanboys replying with B-BUT NINTENDO


>what is replay value?

Same way Nintendo got away with selling SF0 for $60

>people unironically believed SF0 would be better than Ratchet & Clank

OP made a thread about companies selling games for way more than theyre worth. Nintendo fits right in this thread.

Try to keep up, user.

Read the thread title you dumb console warrior.

If your first instinct when defending a company is to attack its competition, you have a problem.



should I post the video?

Read OP's post.

If this was a "only bash Sony for doing it" thread, I apologize for the misunderstanding.


no one is defending the company, just also pointing out other companies that do it.
stop whining about your brand loyalty, OP started a biased thread - the bias is now disappearing to address the real underlying issue.

>the real underlying issue

What? Did they patch in some additional modes or something like Splatoon? Oh wait, no they didn't. It is what it is and will never be anything more than a single player downgraded bullshot """game""". Atleast Nintendo promised kiddy shit graphics and made good on it. When you hype your big game up as being so far ahead of the curve like sony and then it turns out they were just bullshots then there is a problem.

You bought it 6 whole mouths later? Damn. Your Dentist must love you.

nice dad joke keep it up

People shat all over it, and the price tanked almost immediately.

You should be asking how Nintendo gets away with it.

get a load of this faggot.
you seem to not understand that the developer and the publisher of order 1886 are different.
nintendo is a developer/publisher, faggot, and they sold an early access game with barely any content, and LOCKED ON-DISC CONTENT, and $35 THIRTY-FIVE DOLLAR pieces of plastic (more then 50% of the unfinished games cost) for you to access MOST of the content for single player since the shit ''''''campaign'''''' was like 2 hours if you arent a fucking child.

i get that its like, the ONLY thing youve had to play for months if you own a wiiu, but put your tiny little brand loyal boner away you loli-squid fetishist

No it's really not
It's not the unplayable bad piece of shit Sup Forums might make it out to be, but it's really not a good game.
Generic TPS cover based shooting, while serviceable and even at times fun is still generic. The story was shitty and really stupid, especially the ending.
Sad that the "movie game" can't even say it has a good story to make up for the generic gameplay

>and the price tanked almost immediately

where? how much?

>Ready At Dawn (1886 devs) is made up of former members of Naughty Dog and Blizzard
did you fucking expect anything more? holy shit its like no one looks up any information before they buy shit

No, I bought the game for 10 bucks on a sale months after the game came out expecting a really shitty game.
I was pleasantly surprised with a solid 6/10 instead of a 3/10

I got mine as a free voucher that came bundled with AC:Syndicate

you know how the PS3 had better looking games at the END of its lifecycle because people learned how to make the best use out of the hardware? its because of developers like this. they aren't hired to make traditionally good games, theyre hired to figure out how to maximize the performance of a piece of hardware and then share their findings with other (more traditional games focused) devs so they can make better shit.

It's $20 brand new on Amazon.

There is nothing wrong with cover-based shooting. The weapon variety was fun and the different set pieces was fun. The story was fine, and the ending was great. I don't even know what the fuck you shitheads have against it. The presentation was top notch and the characters and voice acting was top-tier.

Oh i thought you meant SF 0, excuse my stupidity

Honestly all of the wii u games piss me off. the majority of them stay at full price. Its not that i cant afford them, its just that i choose not to support them for that alone, shame really for myself. Wasted money buying this wii u

>The ending was great

Seriously, what was wrong with it?

>Reveal that white beard leader-of-the-knights guy really is corrupt and was fucking over Galahad or whatever.
>He tells Galahad to shoot the other guy that's actually a werewolf
>He actually fucking listens to the faggot that leads the organization he abandoned for their methods and just shoots the wolf-guy
>Galahad just sits there and watches white-beard walk away
>Game ends right there with no resolution

>The weapon variety was fun
It's not fun when they lock you with 1 main weapon and 1 secondary weapon
>The story was fine, and the ending was great
g8 b8 m8
No seriously this is bait right? Like okay so you're a knight who's at least 60+ years old or something, you fight rebels and shoot werewolf and vampire, somehow your boss doesn't want you to investigate further and you do it anyway, later your friend.mentor died burying secrets with him and you try to uncover the shady business of one of your sponsor/noble member, then okay he's a vampire but everyone blames on you including that brit gal who's jealous at the brown rebel and you just fucking mute during the entire scene, like you don't even try to prove that you're right and that dude is a vampire, you don't even tell that brit gal about your investigation because of what? She's fucking 50+ years old, then you go back to kill the adopted son of your boss who happened to hide it and hate you for killing his son while conveniently ignoring the fact that he let all those people die to the werewolf/vampire, in the end you're portrayed as a traitor to the order because everyone is too retard to realize what's going on

you sound upset
>implying i even own a wiiu or splatoon

>chancellor knows you are telling the truth but admiring so would destroy the order
>he knows his son is wrong
>but it is his son so he lacks the heart to kill him
>instead he tasks you to do so
>he exonerates you but no one must ever know
>though you are still a knight, you can no longer be part of the order
Sounds perfectly fine to me.

>son helping vampire shipping more vampires to kill human
>duh duh duh he's my son I don't want to call him wrong, I will even brand one of the most loyal knights as a traitor to cover my son

He wasn't aware of the vampire plot.

That just makes him even more retard, including that brit gal

He loves his son and the order more than he does the truth. That's been the motives behind many people before. There's nothing wrong with that.0

more like forced drama and retarded decision, if he truly loves his son he would have told everyone even a werewolf can be good to convince his knights yet he ignored everything and blamed it on Grey, someone as old as him should have known one can't hide the truth forever

But he knows his son is in the wrong. He loves the order.