Anybody remember this old gem? What does Sup Forums think of Legaia?
Anybody remember this old gem? What does Sup Forums think of Legaia?
I remember it. Really liked the music and battles from what I remember.
pretty alright game, okay sequel
combat system is neat with inputs and height being a factor for hitting/missing enemies
sony is retarded for killing it off and not even putting it on PSN
at least there's emulation
I wish I could get into it more. I use to love JRPG's but I just can't get invested these days. I'd have loved it had I played it when it was newer. It seems really unique and from what I can tell has a solid story and characters. Great atmosphere and a neat combat system, too.
great combat system did anyone ever copy it? not counting sequel of course. It was probably my favorite ps1 game
Grindy as fuck. Gala sucks dick. 10/10 enjoy the game immensely
Funnily enough I recently beat Legaia 2 because I could never do it as a youngin. That final boss is a motherfucker. Better waifus, but less fun 6/10, also the plot is LITERALLY the image of YOU"LL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED
One of my favorite PS RPGs. Probably the best battle system out of any of em and good difficulty. I liked its atmosphere a lot too.
I can't think of any games with a combat system like Legaia
I played a lot of Legaia and Dragoon. Loved the unique combat systems. Sadly my Legend of Dragoon was stolen.
Loved the ending theme, so good.
Battle Music is the best.
I just loved the organ.
Also this guy beat me to it.
Aluru master race. Nothing better than getting vaporized by a beam of pure light.
My very first JRPG.
I was even afraid of leaving the first town. I just wanted to leave in that cozy beach village with my waifu.
Learned most of my english through it, first not-teached word was AXE.
It was amazing, and set my standards for JRPGs way too high for many others to compete.
It has a great soundtrack, here's another good one
That healing orb Seru (I think it may actually be called Orb but not totally sure)
I beat it last year after getting stuck on the Berserker during my childhood.
It's really boring, and really generic outside of the combat system, but even that gets generic once you understand how to properly min/max it.
For instance, with Vahn, you'll basically be spamming his hyper arts, Noa basically spams 1 move the entire game (can't remember its name but its significantly stronger then the rest) until you get high enough level to just spam Noa's Ark, Gala basically sucks dick at physical and since he's the slowest he basically just sits back and heals every round.
Thats basically Legaia in a nutshell. It's incredibly grindy to boot. Shit is hyper expensive, and your money and EXP gains are real shit for the entire game. So you're often grinding 1-2+ levels after every area just to stand a ghost of a chance.
Over all it's pretty shit honestly. It took me like 38 hours to beat it.
good game
I don't buy old games. It feels weird playing something made before you were born.
That battle theme gets me fucking pumped
only thing i can remember from that is you come back to your village and everything is fucked up aka "YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED.jpg"
also there was a tree, a hot wolf milf, and a bracelet that slowly grew over your arm as you level
I remember it very fondly, don't feel like playing it again, I will probably see all of its flaws and be disgusted.
It happened with twisted metal, I loved the shit out of it, tried it again a few years ago and couldnt bear to play more than 20 minutes
>everyone knows and loves the first game
>barely anyone knows of the sequel
I think I'm the only one who liked the sequel.
Had it (got it second hand for like 20€). Never tried it and ended up selling it.
Sequel's not all that great. It really tried to improve on a lot of shortcomings from the first game but it also lost a bit of the magic.
Naw I liked it too. Still got the disc.
The sequel was dull, especially compared to the world of the first.
I wanted to play this so bad. I got a demo with a copy underground (?) I can't remember the name of the magazine
I got the sequel from a friend for free, apparently the original is better, but I had a great time and enjoyed the battle system.
I haven't even played the sequel yet, been meaning too though. Hope I'll like it.
>tfw punch, punch, punc, kick,
the badass one from the intro CG, floats and you have a small chance of getting one with your first fight against dogi/whatever gala's rival was called
same here. I appreciate that era of demos though. If I recall correctly, you get to the end of the demo and your party is like "nah son, we had fun but go buy the full game."
>born after 1998
Underage, please get out.