What's your favorite AVGN episode?
Mine is #87 Ninja Gaiden. Normally I'm not a fan of his skits, but the one in this episode is really funny and well done.
What's your favorite AVGN episode?
Mine is #87 Ninja Gaiden. Normally I'm not a fan of his skits, but the one in this episode is really funny and well done.
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Yeah look I don't care about your thread, but anyone got that picture of the cucksquad squawking about his Ghostbusters noview?
I don't know about favorite but the Ghostbusters one is always very funny to me.
The Castlevania episodes, since they show how much he loves that series. Someone needs to make a cartridge of Simon's Quest with the retranslation and annoyance removal hack.
I should clarify I'm honest, I love the ghostbusters avgn. not talking about the 2016 non review vid.
The NES Accessories episode is one of my favorites from when AVGN was good.
So what's the deal about this ghostbusters thing?
I don't follow youtube drama
I like the Batman one, specifically the one where he reviews Batman Forever. I also like the Dracula one. The one line "Who would call Dracula 'My man'?" always makes me laugh.
So is the Irategamer going to rip off the Ghostbusters video?
>James make a video about how he's not going to review the new Ghostbusters because he's not going to watch it.
>People say he's too hard on the movie and that he's a sexist man baby
>James doesn't respond
He made a video stating why he won't see the new Ghostbusters, without saying one mysoginistic thing.
SJWs took and and started screaming sexism on twitter.
AVGN is such a cozy show, the old episodes i mean.
That was a great episodes The ones where he reviews hardware like systems and stuff are they're always. I'm not much of a fan of his rants, although sometimes they're funny.
I love the butthurt on twitter about James refusing to see the Ghostbusters movie.
can someone post mikes dick? i wanna get this big dick mike thread started already
That guy is a madman and he needs to be stopped.
It's pretty sad to see that she has long been in the cult. She used to be rational when it came to movies. James said in the video that GB2016 might even be good for all he knows.
>I fucking love Konami
So when are people going to take this quote out of context to slander him on twitter?
You can't stop Sup Forums mate
Too many good ones to list from the past.
Of recent memory, I liked his Megaman, Desert Bus, and LJN Video Art one.
This one?
Bitch got a third degree burn.
Gonna go Sup Forums here a bit. These liberal fucks need to step off and stop bullying someone just because he has a different opinion than them. This tactic of public shaming is the same shit they do to anyone that doesn't agree with them. Its not like he pushed it in their face; he simply posted it to his own personal website.
Why can't they act like normal people and just take the stance of "Well sir I don't agree with you. I am going to click off of your website now" and let that be the end of it? Oh yeah, because they're either insane or have no accomplishments in life other than their pretend "fight for equality".
Literally disgusting, bet half these fucks didn't even see what James had to say and just jumped on the agenda bandwagon.
Castlevania retrospective.
It's one thing if you're some dipshit celebrity or twitter warrior who doesn't even know who James is or bothered to watch the video and just posted "lol virgin manbaby misogynerds, amirite ladies?" for progress points, but if you're somebody who really ought to know better or even most likely have met him personally many times like Nostalgia Chick, you have to be a real fucking scumbag to hop on the SocJus inquisitorial bandwagon like that. Fuck her.
That's pretty harsh, gosh.
Keep that in mind if you're going to fling shit at somebody, try not having something people can exploit with you.
>Expecting the people you insult to not try and hit back harder
Swordquest. As much as I enjoy watching him get pissed off, or seeing his stupid B-rate skits, I like the episodes where I lean cool facts about a game, system, or company that I wouldn't have thought to look up. Swordquest was full of interesting and historic information.
Not to mention James literally has autism for movies. His opinion on movies to theirs is like a billionaire wine connoisseur vs some poorfag who buys grocery store wine. Or a better Sup Forums example, it'd be like if some random dudebro whose only experience is Halo and Call of Duty trying to explain to you why your highly refined opinion about why X game is garbage is wrong.
But lets face it, these people don't care about movies. They don't even care about this movie. They probably won't even see it. All they care about is that its attached to feminism, and they're for feminism, hence they have to defend every aspect of it to the death in order to rack up their precious twitter virtue signaling points.
When someone talks shit about someone for no actual good reason than a bandwagon without any actual information, they shouldn't get upset when the same gets thrown back at them.
they did, he showed it off in one of his more recent episodes
Watch his Desert Bus episode
i made a loop of him going FIRE FIRE FIRE and would micspam it on tf2 servers whenever i played heavy. good shit.
Man, I used to think he knew his shit...
That was until I saw an episode with him and Mike where he didn't even know what the word 'grinding' meant. As in, grinding for exp.
Guy is a total fucking noob and has completely fooled you all.
Is anyone here actually not going to watch the new ghost busters because of the female cast only?
What is an harpy?
I'm not because it's directed by the same guy who did Bridesmaids, a critically acclaimed comedy I found painfully unfunny.
Yup I agree. I like that he usually does something special for Halloween and Christmas.
All good choices.
James is pretty much stuck in the past when it comes to gaming. Like before grinding was called grinding. Also although he's played some RPGs it doesn't seem like he's much of a fan of them.
You act like lack of faithfulness to the original isn't a good reason to not watch a remake
It looked like an very odd choice when people were waiting years for Ghostbuster 3. I just hate how there is a gender war thing going on with the franchise now because of it.
Final Fantasy is on his list of favorite I think SNES games.
Sega CD and 32X are hilarious. The part with the power outlets kills me.
It's even worse when you realize that the entire picture happened in one day.
I don't care that it's female only.
It just doesn't look funny or good at all. They should have just made a new movie with women instead of a reboot of a movie that already exists. Who wants to watch the same movie, but worse?
delicious cp
gives me a craving
It could possibly be because he doesnt spend his ever living second on Sup Forums? i was ignorant of many terms and stuff before 2004 came around and i got stuck here.
I've never watched a movie on big screen and due to work dont even bother with cable, videogames are my first love.
When is someone gonna make a synch tube and watch some eps together?
I honestly don't know how any of these sjw fucks can see hatred or controversy in the video he posted.
James is literally one of the most non-threatening and sincerely modest people on the fucking internet. He's a guy that truly loves movies and games. He's so fuckin chill, I literally can't fathom how much of a slow news week it must of been for AVGN of all people to be branded internet enemy number one for not wanting to see a shitty movie.
I don't want to live in this bizarro world anymore pls
Oh and favoite episode is hard since his shit from 07-2010 is mostly gold but I guess the castlevania reviews. I enjoy James the most when he's gushing about something he loves. Like I said dude is the most sincere motherfucker on the internet.
They already got one brah. I guess the site is down atm though. I've been using cytube more recently.
I don't care what sex or color the people in the movie are. If the trailer makes the film look like hot garbage and is being directed by a shitter, why the fuck would I shell out cash to see it?
some faggots even says he is sexist since he is not stopping his fans for bullying other people.
What a shame, I wanna watch some with Sup Forums right now, sounds like it could be fun.
Tiger games, that final rant filled with sincere rage got to me.
Action 52/ Cheetah Men
Just found the cytube one for you. Cant post the first part cuz its filtered but just google the word cytube and you'll find it. Some people in the room already. Enjoy the comfiness.
Always liked the bible games one.
That's the one bb
Draw a picture in paint of what it is, so my curiosity doesn't get the better of me.
GOAT episode desu senpai
Superman 64 always makes me laugh.
The last stage in NG is pretty fucking bullshit desu senpai. He's not wrong about that one.
>tfw probably the only person on Sup Forums that likes the newer AVGN episodes more than the old ones.
What the fuck is that a spider in the middle?
>thought the tiger handheld video was recent
>it was 2 years ago
Where does the time go lads?
I like a lot of the newer ones, but not more than the old ones.
I really enjoy almost his whole catalogue, and jontrons. But I can't stand any other ecelebs or let's play bullshit.
To the past.
>Using a dead meme
>the guardian
Ninja Gaiden or Battletoads. Those are the biggest examples of how the support characters helped keeping this shit floating more than he did.
If they're not people, then the mothers shouldn't have anything to feel grief about.
>it'll be 3 years old in about 4 months
why must you do this to me user
I liked the Godzilla episode.
It's because he and jon are genuine. The others are tryhards.
It keeps the lid from touching the cheese, here in yurop we don't have that either, I think it's an american thing.
Watching the Season 4 5-hour video while I work. What makes these videos so replayable?
"Grinding" is pretty common, well-known gaming terminology
James is based though
James should do a mailbag episode after the SJW fallout
>people call him sexist
>never once in the entire video says that the female cast is a problem
Okie dokie then.
Also, apparently refusing to watch a movie is the same as having an abortion? Good god, twitter.
Silver Surfer
That video fucking murders me
I really enjoy NES Accessories.
I really hate the Mega Man episode because he shits all over X5 for no good reason.
That's my favorite game, man. That shit hurts. Alia can be mashed through and the bombs give you plenty of time to destroy them. I know james is stuck in his ways but it seemed to me like he only played the intro stage and 1/4 of The Skiver's stage.
The sega hardware reviews are still top tier
has anyone visited Sup Forums lately? I just went and there's music playing and a sticky that says go outside and the first thing i saw was a picture of a naked furry that looked like it had been created by a 5 year old
>tfw no more hardware reviews
Is there any other hardware left he could review?
NES Accessories is the Sup Forums approved best episode
Bible Games is everyone's favorite though.
>Live like a windrammer as you fuck
Wonder if he took that advice to heart.