Would you marry Tracer?
Would you marry Tracer?
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I barely know her. At least a few dates at first, and if all goes well for two years maybe.
yes, no doubt about it
>No freckles
it's shit even if it is porn.
Yes because the sex would be be filled with dirty talk, if British porn is anything to go by.
I hate her stupid fuck accent, I would marry Mercy though and imo she's the most attractive.
>fuck my arse
What ass?
Would you go on a date with Tracer?
>British porn
Only if you post sauce.
it's shadman.
Is it wrong if I know he's bad, but his work still works for my dick?
search in the booru, nothing came up
But, user, why not Both?
Don't even get me started on his animations.
No, but I would rape her and put a baby in her belly.
That is unbelievably not sexy.
She is So Fast, but she can't outrun my love.
are you blind?
>watch one video of a white male doing the reverse gut crunch on a hot as fuck black woman
>both British
>the girl starts smacking the guy's ass
>oiy, smack my arse!
>lose my erection from laughing so hard
Because one would ruin it for me. Tracer is seriously annoying.
Why exactly is he so hated here?
It's actually sort of impressive how Shad manages to make every character he draws unattractive.
Yes. Yes it is.
FUCK. I'm retarded.
Yes and no. It is contingent on whether or not she explains to you why she has a big glowing laser eye strapped to her chest.
If she explains it to you and shows why, then it's all good. If she doesn't, then you have to assume she's just a fucking crazy person who cosplays all the time.
If there is anything I've learned in life is that you don't put up with crazy. We're all a bit crazy sure, but the sort of people who play dress-up all the time are "I have no sense of appropriateness and therefore probably lack the reason to behave sensibly under other circumstances."
It's like a wheelchair. If you need it, fine, no problem there. If you don't need one and you're cruising around in one, fuck you.
Just go to shadbase
his art is shit
He made animations? Good lord.
>that fucking nose
>western porn
Remember when Shad would sometimes do reasonably amusing comics instead of just bad porn?
Fair dues.
Its been 9 years.
I'll go on a date with just about anything with tits on it.
Just Sup Forums hating popular things.
If it blows ya skirt up who cares
ew no
But i already did it OP
29 years for me.
>vulgar dialogue in porn
Massive boner killer
what if she had no tits but Lots of Ass?
that only happened one time
Shad is appealing to a very specific demographic - he's said so himself in the Sleepycast. I know that has nothing to do with the quality of his art but his audience is so hungry for that sort of content that he is probably the best product out there for their needs.
>vulgar dialogue
Nah mate that is just how brits talk.
His art is edgy shit, that is not only anatomically incorrect most of the time, but repetitive and lazy.
>not massive boner catalyst
Step it up senpai
Shadman is fine, it's porn who cares.
People mostly hate him because his ability to draw anatomy never improves.
and he once sent around a picture of a dude who just died getting ass raped by the grim reaper.
fucking niggers. His shading and anatomy are fine, as is his perspective. You're just angry your work was never noticed outside of deviantart.
I'd marry Pharah.
And its Sup Forums related.
>she will never be real
>if she was real, she would never be attracted to me.
Ok Shad calm down and draw some porn of your mom.
how is it lazy? Does he re-use certain shapes or templates or something?
>retarded barely legible GRUNGE font
Someone around here has to have a folder I'm still working on mine with one hand
That's fine too.
>implying you've ever tried
Everyone's jerking it to banana legs when d.va is best girl
I could not care less about his shading or whatever, I hate it because of his inability to draw an attractive face. Also I don't even draw.
not with that attitude, luv
At this point I'd be satisfied with anybody who'd want to get married so we could both at least enjoy a tax break.
>just fine
Yeah, and so are mine
Look at the bitch's face.
probably because he makes 4k a month off his pictures and vee is maddddddd jelly
Not to mention his fucking generic, cringe-worthy dialogue and everyone's eyes always needing to be unfocused as he draws shitty ahegao.
I have no intention of ever playing this game but I find myself stupidly attracted to tracer.
Am I alone Sup Forums?
Would you have casual sex with Tracer?
do people in modern Egypt still revere the ancient gods at all, or are they all just muslims?.
You spelled Mercy wrong.
Most of his "stories" devolves into the same story every time. Mother daughter incest involving eating ass and futa. It's just lazy and repetitive on top of the previous mentioned shit.
Does any other artist incite rage from Sup Forums the way Shad does
You forget to mention that his animations go at 3 frames per second, lazyness, art is all edge, and shitty forced ahegao.
I'd rather a Widowmaker because she is the Dark Souls of sex.
she makes me want to get out and start exercising again, no waifu has motivated me this hard before
It's only because his shit gets posted in every 3rd thread.
Also it isn't only Sup Forums
That's the only casual I accept
what kind of fucking question is that?
that's haram, there are only muslims and minorities in egypt, not fucking pagans
>General Consensus
Shad draws porn of whatever the FOTM movie/game there is and we have to see it on every fucking website. Plus he never improves, ignores people who gives him criticism, and makes a tradesman's salary doing it all.
But the devs based her on a slut character. So, no.
His art doesn't really tickle my pickle so I don't really care about it but the shad himself is an edgy faggot.
After listening to some of him on Sleepycast holy fuck I would not want to know him in real life.
How much money does she spend and will she pay attention to me every day?
Holy shit Secret Plot Deep. Nostalgia boner
That doujin is a classic.
But I spent my life with D.va
Probably, if they're anything like persia they still remember they have a culture before islam fucked it over. Maybe not revere but on the same level of the Norse pantheon.
Secret. Plot. Deep.
The post you replied to literally has the name of it in it.
Egypt is 95% Muslim.
Like most ancient civilizations the only reason why anybody remembers them is because there are outsiders still interested in preserving it. What I'm saying is that foreigners are the only reason why ancient Egyptian is still a language that can be read; the likelihood that anybody in Egypt actually has the social and financial freedom to give a fuck about Ancient Egyptian in the face of borderline-fanatical Islam is so low that you might as well consider it zero. What I'm saying is that if you killed every single person in Egypt today, the number of people upholding the knowledge of Ancient Egypt would be mostly the same.
The reason why I know this is because it's the almost the same situation with North American Indians, although the Egypt situation is more extreme. If you killed every Indian living on reserves today - you will find the culture, practices, and whatever remains of the language are housed and preserved mostly in academic institutions.
I ask only because Pharah and her mom both have a hieroglyph tattoo on their face, so I wonder how invested they were in ancient egyptian culture
>heart pupils
This is why I don't hate shadman
His art might be shit but he seems like an ok guy
There are Coptics who are closer to Egypt's older roots. But, the Egyptian pantheon has been dead since Cleopatra and even before that.
neopaganism is a thing. a minority will always exist in today society.