Is he literally the pewdiepie of gaming?
Is he literally the pewdiepie of gaming?
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worse has to depend on donations and retarded friends to help make content
isn't pewdiepie the pewdiepie if gaming? since, y'know, pewdiepie only makes gaming videos
hands down worse then pewdiepie because at least pewdiepie does not pretend to be competent
>Hahaha pewdiepie sucks!!! XD he makes content for kids so he is retarted lol!
Kill yoself famalam. Pewdiepie is a cool dude and entertains millions of people worldwide. Just because not all of his content is aimed at "mature hardcore gamers" doesn't make him bad in any way.
Of Fighting Games outside of KI, you may say so.
I enjoy watching him but he can be obnoxious as fuck sometimes.
>Doom infinite all day everyday
>Geez that was a hard fight
>MKX Holiday tower
>He's done these before, so he should know what to expect
>Bitches about dropping/losing combos when it's raining Easter egg bombs or whatever
That being said its always funny watching him do the Halloween tower.
He's a talentless hack that makes money off retarded children.
It was great when he realized how much of a hack he really is when he played that game with Conan and just sat there awkwardly while Conan made all the jokes.
Don't expect much intelligence from the people who make these threads.
Shinji Hashimoto trolled his ass hard.
games aren't the point of pewdiepie videos
As much as I hate reaction videos, I have to give him credit for recognizing the FF7 opening for Cloud's smash reveal unlike the other 99% of youtubers who pretended to freak out for channel views.
of fighting games maybe
Of the FGC? Yeah.
Summer is here.
I literally never saw Max posted here until recently (oddly enough, since i started watching him).
He IS competent at some of the games he plays.
He does not yell like a stupid faggot in all his videos.
You are purposefully shitposting.
The constant donations and subscribers make it hard to watch
He was on Conan?
>tfw he won't upload anything Killer Instinct because he's afraid of being called a sellout
Honestly after seeing this
i can never doubt that he's a legit cool guy
>the pewdiepie of gaming
>pewdiepie only does gaming videos
>tfw he won't upload anything Killer Instinct
1 Day Ago - GARGOS Triple Ultra Combo
2 Days Ago - GARGOS Reveal
2 Weeks Ago - MIRA WEEK OF...
3 Weeks Ago - Arbiter
3 Weeks Ago - Mira Trailer
4 Weeks Ago - CRAZY FINISH
>le benny wulf XD
I used to really like Max's content until he started making those cringey hype and rage videos.
Well, consider this is Sup Forums. Deep thoughts about humanity and emotion and why people do what they do takes a backseat to shitposting and fake outrage.
i think a TON of people did, they just weren't popular or posted videos like myself.
I really liked him alot before he started doing Twitch and acting like Mr. Dood HYPE MAN
just cause your ass does not make him competent just less ass then you, the only game he is decent at is KI
I second this
stopped reading there
fyi this dude is not the person you were replying to so don't start that faggotry
He understands the basics of fighting games, that by default already makes him better than 99% of Sup Forums
he made like 70 videos before talking about loving ff7 so that reaction video was great to watch
Isn't PewDiePie the PewDiePie of gaming?
Well at least he admitted to being biased as fuck.
And quite wealthy for it. He provides something people want -- a LOT of people want -- and more power to him. Everyone should chase whatever dreams they have, fuck the haters.
>makes him better than 99% of Sup Forums
That's not an accomplishment worthy of praise, a monkey can beat Sup Forums in fighting games.
He went over my name twice on one of his streams, and one of my friends lost to him back in the SFV beta.
I thought that was cool. Maybe one day I'll be internet famous.
yes, the person you're replying to already implied that
Is there a link to that?
His fanbase is fucking cancer
>his boss fight videos
>all that rarararararrrarararar
He's much more acknowledgable than Pewdiepie but he's also much more annoying when he tries to be entertaining.
because he doesn't translate well to not being on his own or that conan being ya know, a funny and comic guy, is just better than PDP could ever be
Just google pewdiepie Conan you giant turd.
>He's much more acknowledgable than Pewdiepie but he's also much more annoying
>Tfw people hate on Max
>He's comfy as fuck fighting game streamer who cycles game and has fresh OC
I mean, I get the hate, different people different strokes, but Max seems like the kind of dude you could suck down snake juice with and head back home to play SF/old gen games
I really like him because he has a huge knowledge about games and he is good at them, on the other side he can be a little annoying but that's what everybody does to please the young audience today so it doesn't matter that much.
Also clickbait video titles and thumbnails - that the only thing i really don't like about him
Max is a pretty alright guy, and streamer when hes alone.
I dont like his friends though, it makes some otherwise pretty comfy streams turn into meme spouting, uninformed garbage.
That and i wish he would give more FGs the time of day instead of just sperging out about them being anime or whatever.
As someone who mainly plays SNK games, this guy is a goddamn retard and the there could not be any worse advocate for SNK games, which he thinks of as a pretty good one himself. That guy has no excuses. He has played plenty of SNK games over the years, and he continue to refuse to listen to his own advise about looking up guides and breaking out of his own comfort zones. He's a fucking fraud, and anyone who listens to his "advise" on any game other than Street Fighter series games is setting up himself for failures.
One of the best videos he made and something Sup Forums needs to understand
no, pewdiepie is the pewdiepie of gaming.
Not vidya.
Observe my 5, Redditors.
calm down pedro not everyone can be mexican and play kof 98 at the local bodega all day
a) I'm a gook; b) these games are some of the most easily pirated games in the world; c) he's still a fraud; d) you got me a pretty good bait, congrats 9/10
>is he literally the pewduepue of gaming?
What did he mean by this?
Oh fuck. I fucked it up. Real bad.
So is this like another Jacksepticplier
I'm actually PewDiePie, your memelord has arrived
he's the qtpie of gaming
I really liked his Marvel character videos. Not the shitty acting, just the character specifics. It really helped me get into FGC because of how much I loved MvC2 and wanted to learn about MvC3. Too bad he's a meme spouter outside of that.
Your haters are more annoying than you now.
Now I like you.
Real talk. His content doesn't appeal to good players, and that's ok, because he gets a lot of people like to start playing. We need more blood in the scene, and he's been really good at bringing it in. His humor is kind of cringe at times (Especially his one friend. You know the one I'm talking about), but he's not a professional comedian or anything. He's a guy who decided to play fighting games on stream/youtube, and somehow became somewhat popular. What shocks me is, with all the negetive attention he recieves, he doesn't even have a million subs. He's small potatoes compared to PewDiePie, in terms of popularity.
No, Max isn't good at most of the games he plays, other than KI. He's ok at Marvel.
Bruh, he admitted that he wants to put time into KOF XIV.
>he admitted that he wants to put time into KOF XIV.
Dear god, he really IS retarded
He's pretty ok. Humor is cringe sometimes and I honestly hate his fanbase more.
I honestly have no idea who that is.
>Bruh, he admitted that he wants to put time into KOF XIV
Not that guy, but I don't think he'll put in much time despite saying that he's interested. He's a nice guy and all, but when he did the KoF xiii videos he didn't really sound all that interested. After that he never played it again as far as I know. He sounds pretty clueless when it comes to SNK stuff (asking for Rock to be in KoF despite him being shown as still a kid in that timeline and characters not aging after '95/ not putting out content of him playing Garou despite being such a huge Rock Howard fan and him liking the game). At least he admitted that he's biased, I'll give him that. He said it wasn't his cup of tea and that's fine.
I think what pissed people off like the guy you replied to was that in the past he's said that KoF should be 1v1 or 2v2 that 3 characters was too much, despite him playing marvel, and that it was too rushdown heavy, etc, basically saying things (just paraphrasing) that would make it more like street fighter. Not to mention shitting on it a few times on stream when his friends were around. I guess they see him as disingenuous.
Only a fucking faggot would wake up everyday and think "I'm going to check in with and see what kind of wacky shenanigans they might be into!"
get a life. if u watch streamers on the daily your a cuck manchild, end of story.
Max needs to stop
>le HYPE MAN d00d
Cringey as fuck.
Also he's a poser in the worst sense of the word. Anyone remember the Smash 4 debacle?
this is literally true
is that you jimmy kimmel?
Max is the pewdiepie of ecelebs
What's the story behind this?
I'm jelly of Max.
>One guy kept donating him $100 every 5 minutes
I just don't understand how people with common sense can just throw away money to a guy they don't even know. Some guy donated $600 and I was like wtf?
I am a little jealous of that shit also
some random salty nigger
nigga u ghey
is there a vid of what hes talking about with the max guy and the rockaway carter guy?
I third this. I don't know who any of these youtube/twitch kids are.
Are there any other channels that cover a wide array of fighters while being competent? Maxs variety is the only reason I gave his channel a chance to begin with but he more or less took every page out of Matt's book on how not to run a channel right down to having more dumb collaborations with him, as well as just whoring out only one or two games at a time instead of giving variety.
Floe and bafael are the only ones who are good and plays multiple games on stream
Floe is retarded and is high 24/7, he also does that pretend to be ignorant/stupid while trying to get people to sub more than he is high
Bafael is a sloth
never thought I'd see another baf fan here