Sup Forums praises a game

>Sup Forums praises a game
>try it out
>99/100 times it's shit
>try another for the fuck of it
>it actually is great
What's the game?

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100% Orange Juice!
I had way more fun with that game than I expecting.

>Literally just rolling dice the game
>girls arent even drawn that well
Fuck I don't know why I like it
Sugiri a best

>Playing through the story modes is luck-based
>Card art is mostly shit
It's fun with friends, though, because you can fuck eachother over worse than Mario Party
Saki is qt

It's fun and it has likeable characters. With Tits.

>Be hyped for Shinovi Versus because of Sup Forums
>Pre order the physical edition
>Play game
>Nice titties but the gameplay is really repetitive and gets boring fast

Not gonna fall for the Senran Kagura meme again

Rocket League and Killer is Dead

Kill yourself, SJW shit

He just said nice titties.

>Say titties are nice
>Get called SJW


Game play is worse than SV, I'm disappointed too.
>all those long pauses after attacking

I've only played the PS games. How do the 3DS games compare?

God damn, i want to come home after a hard day of work and have Haruka sit on my face and give me a footjob before making me lick it off.

>before making me lick it off

Same. I purchased SV and had like a total of 20 minutes of fun with it before getting tired of it. I can't bring myself to dress them up because I have this OCD that I can't bring myself to change the characters away from how they are intended to look so basically collecting clothes and everything is a no for me.

The game really plays like a shitty budget game and the only thing it has going for is characters that rip off other video game characters in certain ways. Fucking Virgil and Date Masamune have their ideas and movesets somewhat in that game. If I want to play a silly budget game I'll settle with Earth Defense Force 4.1

I love big titties and asses but I seriously don't understand how Senran Kagura has so many threads and that it's even selling at all.

still on't know i the fuck i bought EV day 0.
I am not even that weabo , but fuck i would be lying about it if i say i didn't enjoy it.

Another SJW normie detected

Is 2 better than 1? I found 1 really boring

2 is definitely better to the point of being voodoo magic tier.

Oh shit, really?


Well, Burst plays more like a traditional 2d beat-em-up but the framerate can get pretty bad while 2 plays like a side scroller but with 3D combat sections. Obviously, the graphics are better and the framerate is more stable, but the story isn't as good as the first one was (or so people say) and the gameplay is a bit more challenging (though mostly artificial since most enemies in that game have super armor and unlike the Versus title, there is no parry/counter mechanic here.)

2 is fucking garbage

Yes, but they ruined the camera and partners make you waste your ninpo more than they help.

I don't know what to believeeeeeeee

>Sup Forums praises western game
>It's shit
>Sup Forums shits on japanese game
>It's great

Every time

If I want to play something lewd I'll settle with Artificial Academy 2 or Violated Heroine, fuck off retard. I'm not going to pay fucking 60 bucks again just to have some soft tease porn with shitty gameplay.

Why paying $60 for a $40 game?

I have nothing against lewd games themselves, but holy fuck how I hate you fanboys who use that lewdness to nullify all criticism and think that "SJW feminist emasculated cuck" is a valid rebuttal.

I assume he means he doesn't wanna buy EV on PS4.

20 dollars off for a shitty portable version with choppy framerate and shit tier graphics? No thanks.

>go to class
>this is your teacher

How respond?

Well, as a fan of the series, I say it's cool that you don't like the games. Obviously, they're not for everyone.

Do exactly what she says. Suzune-sensei don't play.

Ask her for special lessons

Sit and get it over with. I hate school.

Get As so I can see her Ds.

It's pretty cheap on amazon right now.


Great story and world but everything else sucks dick
>b-but muh goty award
Yeah no another example of why that shit lost all relevance

I don't even see it on amazon right now

Tell her that user has a gameboy on his backpack

It's pretty fun for a power trip every once in a while after playing competitive games all the time and getting your ass kicked.

I did try playing it online though, but I get fucking destroyed unless I play someone like Daidouji to guard break. I feel like I'm missing something from the game play when I parry, and try to attack but eat a super right after. Maybe I'm just bad though.

From a technical standpoint, the fact that they went from the barely playable, pretty bland, kind of awful SK1 to what they did on with SK2 on the 3DS is absurd.

The gameplay is, arguably, the best in the series. It's ok. I prefer the xtival style more.

I enjoyed it quite a lot. Guess it would depend on how much you were getting it for, price wise.

So cute!

big tiddies made for fucking

thank god I started with SK2 and avoided Burst.

spotted the cuck

Burst is recapped at the start of SK2 too. There's literally no reason to ever go play Burst.

I bought and played it on a whim. I dislike the fact that it's digital only here, but I played it. Took me a couple months to beat just playing here and there.



To be fair, the first thing most people usually do when they shit talk SK it involves them saying the fan service is creepy or sexist or regressive, or whatever buzzword of the week they came up with. So, naturally, if you disagree with the fan service then you're seen as a pussy.
Personally I don't give a shit about it. I think the game is really fun. Cute animu titties in my face is just a nice bonus.

If you could titfuck one Senran, who would you choose?

Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to Hebijo tomorrow.

Runefactory. Was always a fan of harvest moon but I never really got too attached to those type of games until i played Runefactory 3 and 4.
Clorica and Raven a best.

Attend and take lessons seriously.
Challenge and beat her when i think i'm ready and able.


Minori, under the guise that it was a game.

Mirai you dumb cat! That meme is old as dirt now!


sk sucks

There should be many more games that are fun with tits. Many of the games I like could be improved with tits.

Depends, which one would put her mouth over the tip when I cum and swallow all my semen?

Haruka, but there's also an equally high chance she'll force you to cum swap with her and swallow your own load.

Titties are Fuckin great man

Is SK going to continue? Or was EV the last shot in the series.

Didn't EV sell like 100k in Japan?
It's not going anywhere

I'm hoping for another on 3DS but I have a feeling that may not happen again.
If it stays Sony exclusives, I hope you niggas enjoy it.

EV's sales in the west resulted in "record profits". So yeah, its not going anywhere.


Of course the series is going to continue. Sold pretty well Japan and here from what I understand.

We'll just have to wait until Takaki-san is done with Uppers to hear anything about the next SK game.

Well user I'm also 3DS only currently. I was just curious because with Takaki doing other projects I figured that they might have moved on.

By the way, has Xseed given any info on the price of the SV steam port?

I do think the series deserves a 2nd chance on 3DS since there were a lot of unfavorable circumstances on SK2's launch.

Meidos should come back, animals are lame.

yeah the girls are nice and all...

but where's the fucking hentai

I do too, but then again it might just lead to more bitching.

Unless Yumi is in it, in which case the cure is worse than the disease.

Well, when the official artist makes such god-tier art, it's kind of hard for most h-artists to compete

>unfavorable circumstances
Can you elaborate, i'm genuinely curious.


Certainly not Senran Kagura. That series is fucking garbage.

Expensive LEs, overstocking it, no advertising when it came out (doesn't help matters Yokai Watch was released on the same day, and yes, the buyers for those games do overlap at some point), Yomi wrecked them to the point of submission, no Yumi (mind you, she is loved by the Nips enough to the point where she's now the face of the franchise), and not enough fanservice.

Take your pick
RIP your dick

>faceless men

Echoing SK2 here. Granted I like the SK games in general but I recognize them as mediocre. SK2 actually threatens to be a sincerely good game though. Had the camera been better and the superarmor not so egregious I'd dare to call it a fine beat-em'-up, and solid side content and DLC only adds to the game's appeal instead of bogging it down. I was actually surprised that it was as good as it was.

Oh, yes, that DLC. The Waist Deep DLC was fucking priceless. We got to see the cutest little bancho and that is worth the 5 bucks all by itself.

>SK2 is half off on Amazon

Is there a catch to this?

that catch is it's SK2 kek

yea, it's sk2

Oh you guys.~

Which region? I just checked and it's not even available on Amazon, not that it matters since I got the game new for $30 some months back.

I mentioned this earlier. Did something happen? Usually stuff is still listed even if it's sold out so you can buy from a third part seller

Never understood how people bought this + DoA with their dicks when stuff like this is all around the internet

Looking at the boxart, NA, it's even being sold though Amazon itself.

Well, I'm looking at eBay and surprisingly there's offers in the $30-40 range. Figured the price would skyrocket on it once it got hard to find but apparently it hasn't.

>bought SK2 used at FUCKING Gamestop
>like it so much I want to return it and get it brand new
is that double D edition worth the $40?

I like both for their gameplay well enough, especially DoA. I'm weird in that I dig its hold/strike/grab triangle and found a fun main in Lisa. SK's a harder sell gameplay-wise I think but it's good mindless fun in short bursts, decent junk food vidya really.

If you use google search instead of Amazon's search, it shows up. I wonder why it doesn't on Amazon's built in search though

Because they're fun.

Hell, DoA is pretty fucking sound (if were about the main games.) with the counters and throws and shit.

And SK, while simple (or basic, whichever term you prefer), is still a mindless but fun button masher.

Sometimes, you wanna have some stupid fun and have some nice tits and ass to look at.

And to your point, if we wanted to look at porn, we could just look at porn.

$40 is a good price for it since the LE only comes wtih a fucking soundtrack. Mind you, the LE was $50 when it launched.

It's the game and a 2 disc soundtrack, so do you like the soundtrack enough to want a physical copy that badly? Personally, if I were you I'd just toss the devs a little goodwill by buying the DLCs since they're pretty good. Maybe a bit slim for the price but they're all just off-base enough to be intriguing.





I like cute girls with cute boys

>just payed full price for digital SK2
>couldve had half price physical copy from scamazon

At least its fun.