What was the point of this character?

What was the point of this character?

how do I play p4

To provide a window into how the world and atlas view the player

You're all trash.


It honestly feels like he had a social link which got scrapped, so they decided to finish him off. I wish he'd play a bigger part in the story, such missed potential


>Wants to stop teenagers from being degenerate sluts
>Fights to set the class on the path to being respectable adults
>We're supposed to hate him

What was the point of this character?


i wanted yu to seduce and friend zone her hard but teddie cockblocked him

To make my dick hard

To warn guys about the STD ridden cougars.

And people called MC and his friends gay....

To solidify the fact that most of the main cast are gay

To terrify people with her massive forehead.

To be a deconstruction of the hot older woman teacher trope. Normally every guy would want to fuck her and she was begging for it even. But they turned it upside down for laughs that she was just some desperate cougar nobody wanted.

What was the point of this character?

Atlus mocking the people that play Persona games.

>Could have had a gangbang with your bros and had a hell of a story down the line
>Puss out and run


His eyes always creeped the shit out of me

To warn us about lonely old women.

literal faggots
closet faggot
Only alpha in this game

Just noticed for the first time that they aren't just entirely black.

Teddie is always down for the team, he's just happy to be alive.

Kanji and Yosuke are useless in these situations.

They were probably designed to be unsettling.

padding the game out
an excuse to make a retro vidya dungeon

I really don't fucking know.

Yosuke seems gayer than Kanji. At least Kanji showed interest in Naoto

Because he thought she was a dude.

if nothing else he's way deeper in the closet about it

Yosuke was a closeted denial faggot.
Gay man myself. His writing was very indicative of someone who was in denial about loving dudes.

I wish he would have gotten his Persona and become a party member, it would a shocking twist and a daring new move in anime RPGs to have an unattractive party member.

is she a virgin?

To make you miss Morooka.

ted was 100% ready to party all the time, would def be the most fun to hang out with

He is still interested in her afterwards though, so its fine.

Kanji and Rise had the best chemistry and should have hooked up.

imbyuo.lng they didn't.


Red Herring

He tried to instill moral Christian values on the sinful children that attended Yaosgami High and it wasn't appreciated.

God speed, King. You were too good for this world.

No one is imbyuo.lng anything bro.

He's literally you.

>ywn fuck Rise on live tv

No he isnt

Record it and make money from it.

Stop posting Mitsuo.

To have a poor man's version of that asshole principal from P1 and P2.

I quit playing because of this faggot and Megido(laon?)

>Caution! NTR

What was the last RPG to have an ugly party member, Dragon Quest with Yangus?

Persona 4 with Chie


P4 with Chie
Sophie with the fat guy
Coldsteel with Alisa

What was the point of this character?

kanji so cool even in this silly outfit he looks rad

To add another waifu.


So people with different waifus can get together to agree on one thing, that Marie is worst girl

To increase stocking fetishes.

And it certainly worked for me.

What was the point of this character?

>onii-chan, i'm your stereotype younger not-sis that appeals to the pedo crowd and i need your emotional support 24/7 because daddy is too busy
>please stay pure for me! someday i'll marry you!


didnt touch that bitch i kicked her ass to the curb day one

Yukiko being the only attractive girl was unfair.
Too bad they made her a cunt like Chie.

To annoy the player with her horrible English voice.

I hated nanako, she was there the entire game to be that "cute" character so I could be sad briefly when they pulled a fakeout death. Her s.link made no sense either since almost everyone maxed dojima's first due to lower stat requirements.


Love it


> he doesn't try to max out links at roughly the same time
Especially Nanako's and Dojima's


To be a lusty cougar with 0 (zero) porn

>almost everyone maxed dojima
every playthrough I've maxxed Nanako's first because she's around more often than Dojima is, and it doesn't take long to get your understanding that high if you're already doing the side jobs for pocket cash or reading the books

I did though, I was doing the s.links as far as I could go with my current stats, so throughout most of the game theres was pretty even, but then I maxed dojima's but couldn't continue nanakos until my stats raised higher, making the rest of it confusing.

Huh guess I'm the strange one, I was a few points behind on the stat I needed but it was only a few days behind finishing nanako's their s.links side by side still don't make sense.

to make the Izanagi/Izanami myth more personal and make up for the fact that the truck stop guy is a non-character for most of the game

I was studying so I could pass midterms

Does being a faggot give you a gaydar or something?

I think I pretty much only studied on rainy days when the library offers double xp

It's more accurate than most straight peoples.

Yes. read Homunculus.

I always had the feeling that even if it was someone his age, yosuke would have no idea what to do if a girl hit on him. He would probably just panic and run away like the bitch he truly is. Having a female version of p4 would allow me to prove this theory but alas it does not exist.

To show how bad was the writing of P4.

What was the point of any other female character in the series when Mitsuru is clearly superior.


Not him, but I'm straight and if you paid attention to his s-link it shouldn't be hard to realize that. He's just frustrated and confused about that.

Why is Rise such a hot piece of ass? Why will I never be able to fuck her?

Will social links in P5 finally have somewhat of an effect on the story? Maxing Dojima's social link and then him not willing to hear me out about Personas was whack.

P4G if you have a Vita/PSTV, otherwise just play 4 on the PS2/emulate it, hell it might even be available on the PS3 like how P3 FES is

Why didn't yu just stick his hand in the tv at the interrogation room?

Because she's a drawing.

Because she's not real, if she were.
You could at the end of her career.

someone who doesn't get a special tingle regarding certain guys generally doesn't have so many hang-ups about a guy expressing physical affection towards them

Because Japanese interrogations are fairly strict and i dont think he would have been allowed to stand walk to the tv.

Guys can't love guys! That's forbidden love!


Okay what about the tv at the house then?

Hugging is more of a girl thing, though.

Junpei's kinda average looking.

what's the difference between regular P4 and golden, aside from marie?

I always say that those who can't accept jokes about gayness are the ones who truly desire the dick. I mean who else would spazz out about something that is clearly sarcastic.

>not lucid dreaming so you can do so while you sleep

I do this with any waifu material girl.

Do not move while being shouted at. It's distasteful to your ancestors.