Is Witcher 3 a replayable game?
I played it once on XBOX. Debating on whether I should buy it for PC so I can use nude mods.
I usually get bored of cut scenes and skip past all the dialogue on a second play through.
Is Witcher 3 a replayable game?
I played it once on XBOX. Debating on whether I should buy it for PC so I can use nude mods.
I usually get bored of cut scenes and skip past all the dialogue on a second play through.
what mod is this?
You're a fucking idiot
I tried new game plus but it was boring as fug without the level progression and upgrading equipment. I started over in a new game and it was fun again.
Don't buy a PC just for mods. Literally not worth it.
but it to avoid paying for P2P
But in regards to TW 3, it is highly replayable. I have over 900 hours currently.
Not really. Unless you made some really bad choices in your first run. If you got a high end PC, it might just for the graphics
>giving yen big tits
If you're disinterested enough to skip cutscenes then no shit you're not going to want to play again.
It's a story based game.
How the hell do you skip cutscenes in witcher 3, you have to make dialogue choices.
You mean that woman is an ass girl?
How much is this game
Base game is only like twenty dollarydoos
I just beat the Witcher 3. Now im sad as fuck cause its over and It was awesome. Is the DLC worth it? Am I supposed to do the DLC after the main game or will I be over leveled? I know you can start with a prelevled character for the DLC or something like that, but If I keep my character, will I be over leveled or will it adapt to my level or some shit?
Hell yeah the dlc is worth it, really interesting quests, fights, etc.
DLC is around level 34 or so.
>Now im sad as fuck cause its over and It was awesome.
I feel you bro.
Do I buy the season pass? Are both worth it? And are they gonna add any more DLC/expansions?
The DLC is pretty good. The characters and story is well done.
The newest one coming out at the end of the month is a new region. Hearts of Stone is in Novigrad area
user, you liked the basegame I'm sure you'll love them both.
If you liked the base game, I'd say the season pass is worth it. HoS was great and B&W looks promising
One more question
I don't know how much the season pass it, i think it was only 25 when the game came out. There are two expansions and a bunch of small items, mostly cosmetic. The second expansion releases on the 31st and will be the final dlc for the game.
What's better? KBM or gamepad?
user preference. I use gamepad for anything thats not a shooter
Whichever you prefer. Combat system is pretty bland either way
>nude mods
what are you 15
Were you playing on babby mode?
Despite the length I could actually see myself playing it again. I played for well over a hundred hours and maybe saw 60% of the content.
why are you asking other people if you should play a game you've already played before, you fucking retard.
do you think you would enjoy playing it again even though you beat it?
play it again
don't play it again
how the fuck do you people function daily?
I think the key to not getting bored is to not do too many side quests. I played for like 80 hours and got tired of the game. Then I picked it up months later, a few days ago, and just did mostly main quests and enjoyed it very much. Side quests can be great but many can be real boring and very samey, especially if over leveled.
KB+M for instant sign switching.
>play Witcher 3
>combat is shit but everything else is utterly amazing
God, they were so close.
Where can i get mods like this?
pretty cool, looks a bit like morrowind
To answer the question;
No, TW3 is not a replayable game. It's not challenging, it's quests are not interesting enough to see twice (in fact, if I were to play a second time, I'd probably skip the grand majority of quests just because of how shitty they are or how fucking insulting the reward for the effort was), Gwent is boring, and nothing about the game is really affected by choice so there's no other options or outcomes to see.
> TW3 combat is utter shit meme
The combat suffices, or else you wouldn't like the game as much
With standards that unbelievably high you must have never played a satisfying game.
But the combat IS shit.
As is the crafting.
And the quests.
And the points of interest.
And the inventory.
And the stats/character progression.
So your advice is "Stop having standards and you'll realize how TW3 is 10/10 best game ever"?
and here's the bait
No. I was making fun of you because instead of saying "Hmm... I guess the game isn't for me" You said, "No! it sucks for all these reasons, even though people list all those reasons as to why they love the game". You're beyond jaded.
On the most popular mod website on the internet maybe.
>Defending a combat system that is beaten by spamming dodge, and is so broken and easy that it's trivial to beat the game on Death Marches without even using any healing items.
>Defending a crafting system where it's not only a waste of time to ever bother with anything other than some very specific sets of quest gear, but also full of so much garbage that you have an inventory full of hundreds of pieces of shit you have no use for, that you can't even sell to most people.
>Defending an inventory system that just becomes pages upon shit that you will never use for any reason, that can't be sorted or hidden in any way, so that the only option to not be encumbered by that crap is to just stop looting everything.
>Oh, and money is useless too.
>Defending points of interest that are 90% just a copy-paste monster nest or three bandits guarding a chest full of more usless junk.
>Defending quests where traveling around the map to get fucking tools and material for a famous master craftsman and making him work for you results in you being handed an under-leveled sword that you could have crafted yourself from a common recipe.
Really, guy?
dude are you that desperate for (you)s?
But, why would you do that quest for the sword and not to get a legendary smith.
Because the whole point of helping him is that he's going to make something special for you.
What they give you isn't even one of those shitty "unique" swords that don't actually have any special effects. It's just a normal quality sword. That's just the shitty reward, the actual smith is just as useless because remember, crafting is a waste of time.
Mash the skip dialogue button and choose the option with the limited knowledge you gained by speed reading.
>one quest
>out of over a hundred
>ignoring the fact it unlocks one of the best smiths in the game
Are there any quests you can name where the reward is worth it?
And please, don't tell me "lul its about da story" because the question was if the game was REPLAYABLE or not.
Considering that almost every side quest and several main quests all have branching options and can affect other quests, those narrative forks and how you get there indeed make the story an important factor as far as replayability is concerned. In any case, the best quests in RPGs are almost never about the rewards.
I disagree, I thought finding Diagrams and crafting a sick looking armour was worthwhile.
I have to say that quests are hardly intresting to do again. It's what is keeping me from doing a second playthrough.
Are there any good mods though? I played it when it was released but I want to do so again when the GotY edition is released with all of the DLC and hopefully decent mods.