Why should I care about Mass Effect?

Why should I care about Mass Effect?

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You shouldn't, they're bad games.

1 is great
Rest are shit

Nigger did you even play 1? The gameplay is fucking aids.

The Ur-Quan Masters (Star Control 2) is superior

>playing for the gameplay
It also wasn't that bad

>Stilted Bioware pacing
>Shitty attempt at third person shooting mixed with RPG-lite systems which doesn't succeed at shooting or having any kind of roleplaying depth
>Moon Patrol minigame
>Stilted voiced dialog
>Setting that rips everything off and does it poorly

No user, you are the demons.

You shouldn't. The first game set up a neat world with some cool concepts but had kinda boring gameplay. The second game focused more on characters rather than the cool world, improved the gameplay a little, but then fucked up the main story and RPG elements. The third game was a laughing stock that barely evolved the gameplay, shat on the story and world, turned characters into fan-fic versions of themselves, sent the player on hundreds of fetch quests, has a terrible ending, and tells the player about DLC in the last sentence after beating the game.

Fuck the series. It had promise but went nowhere. The best part of the first game was what it set up, and then it messed up. Just pretend the series doesn't exist.

I want millennials to kill themselves

It was fucking terrible, movement was floaty, guns had a stupid overheat system, enemies didn't react to being shot, everything was a bullet sponge, the mako in general.

Nothing about how ME1 played was good.


You really shouldn't.

1 is Sup Forums's first wrpg. It's a piece of shit really.

Mass Effect 2 is a good game, making it more of a tps was an improvement and shows just how bad an rpg 1 was. The only real problem with Mass Effect 2 is Mass Effect 1's fault, the stupid Reapers. They are a garbage enemy and they should have been over and done with in the first game. Just being a space cop and inter-species politics is what made the ME universe interesting, not the stupid reapers.

you cared enough to make this thread?

It's a pretty good series. Play KoTOR 1 and 2 before you play ME though.

>Setting that rips everything off

Everything is a rip off of something. Every story has been done, it's just tiny details that are different.

And I want oughties to leave, but here we are user. Staring at eachother.

Well off you go then. I suggest a plastic bag.

Robo waifu is best waifu

Mass Effect had fun gameplay and a really good sci-fi universe that only lacked in the space horror department which could improve with the setting of the next game.

The story is shit and the characters are shit, but if you play as Male Shepard and play into your character just being Zapp Brannigan, it's pretty funny.

>Everything is a rip off of something. Every story has been done, it's just tiny details that are different.

What's so goddamn funny is you probably believe this.

He's right kiddo

but that's true.

Read about the Monomyth.

>tfw me3 backlash made discussions on Sup Forums impossible


reminder that while people were disappointed at the focus on more action and less rpg/stats in me2, it was very much liked on Sup Forums at the time of release

but then me3 came out and it was even more "streamlined" and the story was super shit too and it didn't pick up anything built up in 2 so now 2 gets shit as well for being "pointless" in the overall scheme of things and for starting the cover-based downfall of the series

ME2 was great because they basically ignored the reapers until the end.
Everything before that was just wild shootout after wild shootout, getting crazier and crazier with every new stage. It's a game about meeting people, and travelling, and just generally being the most dangerous man in the universe..

My weak bait gave me the (You)s I desired.

Get played kids.

Woah, hey, you're not me, those yous are mine you son of a bitch get back here!

all me

>hey are a garbage enemy and they should have been over and done with in the first game. Just being a space cop and inter-species politics is what made the ME universe interesting, not the stupid reapers.

this. each mass effect should have been a stand alone story about another adventure in the Commander Shep saga. If the reapers showed up again, it should have been limited to a single incident without spoiling their cosmic horror mystique, like the Derelict reaper in ME2

user's why are you taking my (You)s?


All me btw

My stealing of your (You)s gave me more (You)s from you.

I'm on another level.


>mfw want to just skip one and play 2 but cant because then I lack a game file

fuck this gay shit.


Can confirm this is legit.

This however is not, fuck off you Mass Effect loving retard.

I thought all three were good fun but the ending makes it all not worth it and instantly devalued the entire series for me to the point that i still writhe in anger whenever i think about it 4 years later


you can pick pretty much any possible combination of factors.

Seeing the resolution to the Genophage, Mordin and Wrex's story was very satisfying, as well as having that Prothean asshole with you everywhere.

Rest of the game was just eh, and the ending was a clusterfuck of the highest possible caliber.

i cant believe Sup Forums has such bad taste to prefer 2 and 3 over 1

fucking embarrassing

I'm sorry, not all of us were underage shitstains whose first console was a 360 like you when ME1 came out. We actually played rpgs before and could see how bad it was.

>tfw still haven't played 2 and 3

Because the next game is gonna have

Surrounded by the enemy? SIMPLY BOOST DASH OUT OF THERE

Boost pack + Sentinel (Charge is back and ability cooldowns are now per ability instead of global) equals fun is back in session

ME3 would have been completely redeemable if you could bone Edi

>You will never cum inside Edi's vibrating fleshlight pussy and then call Joker over to lick her clean so you can go at her again in an hour or two

It's like Bioware doesn't even know what RPG players want.

>1 is Sup Forums's first wrpg. It's a piece of shit really.
>Mass Effect 2 is a good game
go fuck yourself.

Truth hurts.


You misspelled, mediocre.

>asking Sup Forums

I would assume that 99% of Sup Forums would apply to this.

if you're playing mass effect for the combat you need to leave. one was the best RPG out of the series.

An okay RPG with a passable story and atrocious shooter elements. Nostalgiafags an babby's first bioware game dorks think it's good.
An okay RPG with a passable story and improved shooter elements. Best in series but fagged up by streamlining and the rapid fall of Bioware as a developer.
A flawed shadow of an RPG with garbage storytelling and passable shooter elements. It's a game that's hip to shit on and for good reason, it was proof that Bioware is a husk of it's former self and only the deepest asshole licking fanboys will defend it.

>I want millennials to kill themselves
Millennial is anyone born between 1980 and 2000.

Since you most likely fall into that age category you should go first.

I thought ME1 was decent and I played it after 2 and 3 sometime last year.

Not even my first BioWare game or something I have nostalgia for.


3 > 1 > 2

Alien sluts

Overall enjoyment
3>1=2 because 3 has that multiplayer nigga, that shits so fun

> Why should I care about Mass Effect?

You shouldn't...


I get feels from all the previous mass effect music, especially the old electronic sorta stuff from 1
but fuck me if this isnt powerful
i remember playing that intro thinking just how FUCKING GOOD this is going to be except even on my first playthrough i noticed shephard was spouting "THE REAPERS" a fuckload and everyone was being fucking retarded
but fuck man that song and
are damn good

Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong

>reminder that while people were disappointed at the focus on more action and less rpg/stats in me2, it was very much liked on Sup Forums at the time of release

No it wasn't it was hated and everyone who liked 2 was called a faggot for killing the series.


You ahouldn't becayse the entire series is a mixture of heresy and gross Xenos.

I played 2 and 3 before 1 and even I agree its the better game, McFucking kill yourselves, autismos.

Say what you will about bioware and all the trash they've farted into their games since the mid 2000s, but there are awfully few other devs who bother making characters complex, flawed, and dynamic enough to care about like that
even in great RPGs with amazing gameplay and interesting stories, the characters are so often paper-thin and only have one personality trait

>No power armor
I never understand why most Sci-fi things use paper thin armor and nanosuits. It's fucking stupid, why can you never play as a walking tank that isn't a mecha suit?
>Humanity not being portrayed as dominant force
This is already stupid because in fluff bunch of ugly looking birds rekt humanity when it should be they get btfo'd and a few years their planet is orbitally bombarded until the alien filth is on their knees begging for forgivness after descecrating Terra
Also no really good, imposing and interesting religions.
And lastly completely uninspired alien races.

>it's a "the entire crew has daddy issues" episode

The games were pretty fun, and the characters were somewhat likeable.

I romanced Miranda and I don't regret it.
Come @ Me

This right here, biggest waste of time I ever did play.

they do have powered armor, all the armor is power armor. just on a much smaller scale. the only thing that you could consider 'proper power armor' is the destroyer suit that the N7 Destroyer in multiplayer wears.

with regards to the turians, i think it would have been better for the humans to be alot older space travel wise so the council can't just bully us around, have us be the instigators in the FC war, and have us at a cold war with the council because we are just too big to put down without commiting a lot of resources that don't really get them anywhere

I'm convinced that anyone who praised ME1's gameplay can't take off their nostalgia goggles or never played it.

>mfw trying to play a biotic
>mfw quitting 2 hours in


>Looking forward to Andromeda since it's the team that made the ME3 multiplayer.
>Andromeda's multiplayer won't have the spark that 3's did.

I hope I'm wrong.

Fuckin nerd garbage

Honestly I thought the gameplay in 3 was pretty fun.

And I played a soldier too. That shard shotgun was legit.


which one? the graal spike thrower? that shit was so fucking rad

>why most Sci-fi things use paper thin armor and nanosuits
because shields are issued on a personnel basis, not exclusive to the biggest baddest motherfucker that dont even take part in 90% of combats. and eldar weapons are the prominent sidearm of the galaxy. there is no such thing as "loss of technology either" :^)

That's true. That's why I don't give them too much shit for ME3's end. Yes it was trash and they failed but it was hard to make a proper good ending too.

I enjoyed the journey and that's what really matters

That myltiplayer drek is suppose to be Power armor? Looks pretty lame.
Regardless it would have been interesting if humanity was much older and evolved into an empire of it's own and instigated wars with great legions of super soldiers. But eventually it get's beaten down and becomes submissive to Xenos rule but over time the Empire slowly creeps back and strikes hard. Hard as in that Citadel thing being obliterated with all aliens on it.

normally im pro human, but what you are proposing doesn't fit with ME at all, and should be taken to .net

but i'll take that AdMech art though

You mean Dinky little shields that can't even handle a couple hits from a firearm or one explosion? Besides it's too expensive to make sure all armies are equally equiped with the same munitions of that elite legion, not to mentuon a huge waste considering their life expectancy is really low. Also are you doubting the works of the Admech?

Nah. I want humanity to destroy the system from the inside. They're already in the counsil now, and they destroyed their immediate rival which was the batarian hegemony.

Now the backstabbing can commence. I hope we get to screw some aliens hard in Andromeda, I want to get a taste of their pain.

ME3 had more customization than 2 did. And multiplayer was fun!

O just hipe we get the option t let these new alien races fade away into extinction becayse that's what they get for being filthy Xenos.
But it's Bioware, the same company that keeps pushing forward fag shit in their games.
>Le transexual woman man in midieval times
Ruined all of dragonage.

ME3 is so easy, even on insanity difficulty.

Did you like how she dies in ME3? I wished you could spare her father. He seemed like a genius and Miranda only hated him because she was a rebellious man hating asshole.

You're literally describing the batarians.

>TFW they got genocided in ME3

Fucking beautiful. I met that one batarian in the refugee area that tries to shit on you for destroying their relay. I told him the I had no remorse and left him to cough himself to death.

>I told him I had no remorse left and left him to cough himself to death
Good, good. That's what all Xenos get for wasting the Empero-erm...GOD'S great currency of life.

You could genocide races in ME3. And even though there was this shit in DAI, you could also be a cunt towards elves and such.


>medieval times

It's a fantasy world. It doesn't have to respect any kind of historical rules. I don't know any case of transgender woman in ancient times, but as is the case for homosexuality, it probably didn't appear in our century