People who say Dark Souls is hard clearly never played this

People who say Dark Souls is hard clearly never played this

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Maybe if your definition of 'hard' is getting sniped by an invisible pixel 50 yards away
I call it shit

please. try 150 yards

Sorry dude it's measured in meters.

RO2 isn't hard though, you just have to learn the maps


If you don't know the map, you're shit out of luck

People who say Dark Souls is hard clearly never played this

you don't really need technical skills in red orchestra 2, just experience, a basic understanding of positioning and map-knowledge

You dont need to learn the maps, its not like there are set times or amazing positions you must know about. You can be in a great spot and get sniped by a rifleman in a terrible spot. Plus since theres so many people on the map there will always be people in good and bad spots. Unless by knowing the map you mean knowing where the giant B on your map is so you can run to the objective that your shitty commander told you to defend.

t. 15 hours played

>its not like there are set times or amazing positions you must know about
You have no idea what you're talking about. Positioning is what seperates a good player from a bad player. Flanking, being unpredictable, and being prepared is how you rack up hundreds of kills. Everyone dies in one hit so it's better to attack from an angle the enemy won't think to check giving you plenty of time to line up the shot than to play like rambo and hope you hit him first.

in rising storm its literally impossible who is on your team or not

A game this ugly shouldn't be as laggy as it is. Runs worse than Battlefield 4.

it's very easy. The helmet shapes are different, the americans have different coloured skin and japanese soldiers run with their rifle in one hand while americans run with their rifle in two hands.

you're just fucking bad at the game

and so are you

the helmets are the same. at least with russians and germans the russians have earmuffs instead of helmets

most of the time the japs have grass on them

Played for a few hours and didn't get a single kill.
Wooow a shit game.

You didn't get a kill in 4 hours...


>Myshkova River

the shape is the same. you dont notice the camouflage on the american helmet from far away.

>no kill in 4 hours
how bad at videogames can one man be?

>Bridges of Druzinha


How shit are you?

posting best gun

what the hell is your problem you sick piece of shit

hahahah maybe you don't, retard.
also, you know, the uniform colours are different.

get fucking good hahahha

>it's not like there are amazing positions

Level 5 detected.

Mos of the japs have leaves on them

No bully

>game is so hard!
>it's PvP

RO2 is overrated anyways, it's buggy as fuck and besides that it's wonky and plays like shit


So is ARMA

>"it's like I'm really playing call of duty!"

Your first 50 hrs suck. After that you should be an actual asset to a team. Its not hard it just as a large adjustment period.

then don't call a game shit just cause you're shit.

I've played both, both are great

150 meter shots are super hard in RO. I have a 200 meter shot achievement in RO1 and only like .5% of players have that.

Try playing HOTW mod when both sides have similar helmets and very similar uniforms.

>Wonky and plays like shit

Rage quit after a minute of playing detected.

I just wanted (You)s for my lonely morning.

It's only hard in the sense that incompetent squad leaders and team leader will keep you from winning matches. You don't even need to win anyways. Personal skill and knowledge of maps are all you need to get points and level up.

Not posting this instead.

It's like you hate fun.

I've had ~200 shots at Omaha beach for HOTW, with a mauser but that doesn't really count.

>I played during free weekend:the post

it's hard because no besides the 1 sniper plays at that distant

Farthest I got was 103m

>not having high ranked Elite Assault
>not taking the Mkb as the Ruskies
>not getting into enemy lines/on a flank and shooting them

they dont even know they're getting shot for a while, because they think it's just another team-mate shooting. The last upgrade on it is fucking useless though, never take the scope.

literally CoD with one shot kills and gun wobble

It doesn't play at all like COD tho.

omaha is 200+ only desu senpai


you dirty whore

farthest i've ever shot someone is around ~170m with a random MP40 shot that i sprayed towards the enemy down a hill.

Also because it's harder to aim at a guy at 200 meters on a 1080p screen than in real life.

Also because people are really mobile in Red Orchestra, moreso than in real life.

>Implying in COD you can have an entire team charging toward certain death with their bayonets and swords yelling banzai

>not taking the Mkb as the Ruskies

The game itself isn't very hard, it's just that the community is complete ass and the player base has been around for so long and know the maps by heart and want to play the same levels time and time again so they can sit at the same spots with the same weapons and use the same killing lanes. It's odd.

>tfw playing commander on a large map
>tfw giving away your rifle to a rifleman that is doing decent
>tfw jacking off in a building with just your mauser calling in arty once in a while
shits comfy

"I killed two team-mates in a row then left the server out of embarrassment" the post

>Sup Forums tells me realism in games is bad
>Sup Forums constantly praises red orchestra 2

>Not throwing smokes
>Not speed capping

the AVT only really shines in certain situations. I feel so though the Mkb can do everything it can, but is also better at keeping your eye on a target and good for moving into an occupied position.

the AVT just climbs way too much and if you do bursts of more than 3 or 4 shots you go completely off target, while with the mkb you can stay relatively on-target during sustained fire.

People who say RO2 is hard clearly never played this

My very first kill in the game was 170m, a hundred hours later I still haven't beaten it.

liar detected

>spawn on squad leader, behind cover
>inexplicably get placed in the open and shot

>spawn on squad leader
>inexplicably get placed 100 yards away

>do nothing
>get obliterated by artillery

>throw grenade
>it leaves my hand at a 45 degree angle to my line of sight for some reason and bounces like it's made of rubber

>somebody is shooting in my general direction
>get parkinson's hands and can't aim

>playing modes with anachronistic shit enabled

just kidding, classic mode is dead

fuck RO2, RO1 was way better and more historically accurate

>plays commander
>only dude with two smokes
>sits back jerking himself off
>probably calls arty ONTOP of the objective
>calls rocket strikes defensively
>probably tries to take out tanks with mortar strikes.

fucking TYPICAL. Commanders are the worst kinds of people.

I was about to call you a casual until I realized I LITERALLY have the same amount of hours as you

>the AVT only really shines in certain situations
Semi auto
Scope for big maps

>I feel so though the Mkb can do everything it can
MKB is terrible at range and doesn't kill in 1 hit.

The only time I need full auto is for trenches. There's no reason to use it for anything else. If I expect to be clearing rooms I either use nades or go PPSH.

I love to play video games on a single map non-stop for an hour that's what

realism just for an ad-blurb, or press 17 keys to aim your gun is bad.
RO does does realism correctly.

>probably tries to take out tanks with mortar strikes.

man, there's barely any fucking AT in RO2, you use what you got

another reason why RO1 is better, some maps had guns

Dat face do

>playing engineer on Myshkova River
>tank on the bridge we have to defend
>decide fuck it, sprint straight towards the tank
>go prone on the bridge right as i start getting shot it
>instead of slowly crawling towards the tank, i glitch through the floor and fall into the bridge
>have full view of the river, yet cant be seen by germans because im glitched inside of the bridge
>start shooting at germans, my bullets can actually hit them
>rack up 180 kills, stopping the entire german advance on my own
>promptly get banned from the server

what a game


>RO1 was way better and more historically accurate
No it wasn't.
>Automatic weapons having absolutely ridiculous recoil
>Tank combat was a joke
>Can't run for more than 10m

>>somebody is shooting in my general direction
>>get parkinson's hands and can't aim

>what is suppression?

>or press 17 keys to aim your gun is bad

If you're talking about ARMA, ARMA 3 is basically Red Orchestra with numpad commands for 11B tacticool drill stuff.

Why is the knee mortar and traps so shit compared to the flamethrower?

I've literally had this happen to me back to back with the occasional tk

I still love this game

>Spawn in the middle of an area which is being heavily contested by friends and enemies
>expect to come out unscathed when spawning

You have only yourself to blame

>>spawn on squad leader, behind cover
>>inexplicably get placed in the open and shot
why are you spawning on someone who is taking fire?

>>spawn on squad leader
>>inexplicably get placed 100 yards away
probably because he is taking fire

>>do nothing
>>get obliterated by artillery
probably because you were doing nothing

>>throw grenade
>>it leaves my hand at a 45 degree angle to my line of sight for some reason and bounces like it's made of rubber
this is fair, grenades are fucked and take a lot of practice

>>somebody is shooting in my general direction
>>get parkinson's hands and can't aim
if you start taking fire, move. Don't sit there and try to aim back at them unless you and your nearby teammates can send back more fire than they can send at you.

Are you guys fucking ready?

>stick mags on PPSH in Stalingrad
>AVT in Stalingrad
>Mkb in Stalingrad
>MG42 in Stalingrad
>fully automatic C96

>grind to level 100
>never get affected by suppression

great game

Because you don't know how to use them
Knee mortars are fucking obscene in the hands of a player who knows how to use it

Don't put traps in areas where you expect a flamethrower to come through, flames set them off.

(are) (a) (real) (nice) (guy) (user.)

>want to die but can't die before Vietnam

another reason why 1 was better

No to mention it takes like 10 seconds to reload

Yes. Working on making my perfect 60s playlist.

mkb can semi auto too
scopes are for plebs lmao, enjoy being useless within 40m

>tfw noobs steal class and proceed to keep it in full retard/shoot god mode

>get in helicopter
>it ain't me starts playing

i'm more hyped than you can possible imagine. I hope thatonly americans get helicopters and only vietcong get rocket launchers. That'd be fucking sick.

>icy cold out in many cases
>under some of the most intense combat stress of the 20th century
>not a well-trained, or trained at all soldier

who heroes of the west here?

Would've preferred WW1 or Korean War

Vietnam is such a fucking hard thing to capture for a video game

>win map as the japs
>entire team starts laughing at the "american dogs" in full accent

This game is pretty good sometimes.

I'm not arguing RO2 is better only that they both had issues.
Also MG42 and the AVT was in stalingrad albeit small numbers.