Hey bro pass me the controller

>Hey bro pass me the controller
>I can't

Other urls found in this thread:


>Hey user, we bought you an xbox!
>It's even got hole technology!


What, you don't want your PRO GAMING console, user?

does the claymore work though?

Is that a Helghast 360?

>Here's your controller bro
>You can eat some cereal with it when your done, too

I wish this joke would stop coming back.

>pass me the controller, bros

>Here's your controller bro, it's my older brothers
>No, I don't know why it's crusty



>left handed


Anyone know what batman game this is for?

>oh I thought you were bringing your N64
>no I don't have any systems
>I was hoping you were gonna bring yours
>oh you need to use the phone, oh...
>it's just over there

>they get picked up and leave

systems... remember those days.

>those fucking sound effects

>tfw nobody will ever show up to a smash tournament with one of these

>here you go bro, had to go deep into a fish to get this bad boy

I think it's this one.

>sorry man, it's all i got, you might wanna wipe that thing off

Shit back when it was available to buy I nearly bought one.
Wish I did.


>pass the controller bro


>Bro passes you the silver slime controller
>It disappears mid-pass

>how you want your controller senpai

Thanks doc

was never funny

pretty sneaky sis

>here's your controller bro
>gotta build it first though

>try to press the start button
>controller bites your finger

But can you fuck it?

ow ow ow...

>Thanks bro


Wutang clan you fucking degenerate.

Oh, of course (i have no idea of what this means)

check the filename fuccboii

I just noticed the filename. You know damn well thats not a batman controller m8

that wasn't me senpai

>sleeping over at a friends house for the first time
>brought games and shit
>get cold feet later into the night
>ask dad to bring over some controller or some shit so I can ask him to drive me home when he gets there
>he gets there and drops it off while I'm taking a piss and I miss him
>start freaking the fuck out and crying and shit
>tell the kids mom I want to go home and she calls my mom to get me
>make some bullshit excuse up to my friends

fucking dad's a faggot man