Gothic Series

Are these games any good Sup Forums ??

Other urls found in this thread:½-—-SystemPack-(ENG-DEU)


What are these games about? What are the highlight features that make this game worth playing?

Yeah. They're pretty dated but alright if you can get past that.

They have a similar appeal to something like Morrowind.

Best two open world games ever. Remember to join new camp in G1 and mercs in G2.

It's an RPG, you kill orcs and shit. Go play them.

They're excellent, they're a bitch to install though. The steam versions are shit and won't be fixed. Just gotta watch out for some potentially game-breaking glitches on Gothic 1, had one when that black merc from the new camp came to check on the raptor monastery when I had already cleared it hours ago, he got stuck and couldnt do anything after that.

You start out as complete trash in both games, so be patient.

And don't forget to praise our Lord and Savior Mud, saint patrons of all animals, every day. Pic related.

Is the lore deep?
What niche features do the games have that a pleb RPG doesn't have?
Which game in the series should I play?

They're not like Morrowind at all. The world is handcrafted,smaller, and full of goodies in every nook and cranny, NPCs have schedules they follow and go to sleep, combat is not based on dice rolls and focuses on learning enemy patterns with your animations changing as you train your skills, and it has a normal dialogue system instead of selecting keywords for generic responses.

The overarching plot is standard dark fantasy vaguely based on germany but the first game takes place in a prison colony surrounded by a magical barrier. Everyone treats you like shit and all sorts of shady bastards will try to screw you over.

>What niche features do the games have that a pleb RPG doesn't have?
It controls like shit.

Why would he join the new camp ? You will join them anyway after the old camp kicks you out, might as well join it and get their guard armor plus loot everything in the warehouse, or join the sect for shits and giggles.

The controls are fine once you get used to them, they're just unconventional.

So he can bro it up with the best characters.

Good RPG experience, hard to say any actual aspect of them is done better than what other games have to offer.

They're worth playing, but they're vastly over rated.

Give me a good reason to play this game.

This video pretty much sums up why I like Gothic. He forgot to mention all the other different ways you could get the orc weapon for an apprenticeship.

Also you can defeat any enemy at level 1 if you are good enough.

The only women present in Gothic 1 are used as currency or sex slaves.

An amazing sense of progression. You start off feeling absolutely pathetic in every way and when you do become incredibly powerful it's satisfying as fuck because it feels like it was the result of your work instead of you just playing the game on autopilot.

>that first time you kill an orc

Can't say I liked Gothic much personally, but a very good/enlightening video, thanks for sharing.

>when you've got the gear and the levels to make Lefty (the New Camp shadow working for the rice lord who bullies you) shut the fuck up and literally make him your slave

Yeah, they're (1 & 2) only the best rpgs ever made and nothing else comes close.

That was the best.

same user, meant to say rogue instead of shadow

I adore games that do this. They're rare. I will look into the Gothic series now.

Why does no one ever mention Gothic 3?

GOG, why do you do this

because it's a complete disappointment and it spawned the worst cash-grab "expansion" in existence

cuz it sucks

Before I dive in, you guys are saying both Gothic 1 and 2 are good, right?


Both are good. I wouldn't play 2 without playing 1 first. For gothic 1, download the Player Kit and System Pack so your FPS is uncapped and your game will perform better. For Gothic 2, download the report patch, the system pack, and the DX11 renderer if you want shiniear graphics. You can get them all here and I would recommend disabling tessellation, SMAA, and dynamic shadows for all objects with the DX11 renderer for stability reasons.

Its good but incomplete. Last I checked years ago, modders were working on filling the entire world with cut-content and new quests. Don't know how thats faring atm, but I hope its still going.


They're not for casuals though.

agreed, i also recommend the L'Hiver mod, thought you might want to try out vanilla first

Good sense of progress. Memorable characters. Seeing the same characters from Gothic 1 back in Gothic 2 was kinda fucking heartwarming. I really recommend you play Gothic 1 and then move to 2. Play them as a series, like it is.

The DX11 renderer works for the first Gothic as well.

You say to get the System Pack, but I don't see anything by that name. I do see the FPS uncapper. What else is part of that pack?

I hear it's breaks things like the barrier effects.

Download it here. There's no need for the FPS uncapper if you have the system pack.½-—-SystemPack-(ENG-DEU)

I was curious so I just checked.. they're still alive!

>you kill orcs and shit.
Don't actually try this until you're pretty high level, they'll kick your ass all the way to next sunday.

These aren't your average orcs. Do you see this motherfucker? This motherfucker doesn't afraid of shit. He's going to rip your head off and shit down your throat before you can get a hit in.

Don't fuck with the orcs until you're seriously hot shit.

But yeah play the game, it looks like crap and the controls are odd, but it's worth it.

Man that part was awesome

Another reason why gothic 3 is a disappointment : you can beat orcs 1v3 at level 1 by button mashing.

D-does anyone have any good Gothic fanart, of the Prisoner and his buds from 1?

Dear lord the controls are wacky at that. But once you get the hang of it it makes sense. Camera can still fuck you over though.

I can hear the orcs grunting

There's a bit of fanart but not much.

Another thing about Gothic is that the music is very unique.

This was my favorite area just because of the music

Alright, got the player kit and system pack, adjusted ini for mouse sensitivity and to fit my native resolution. Here's hoping it works.


Play with the keyboard trust me. The combat will feel much better if you do.

Yes. The music was great.

I'm not sure this made it in the international version, tho

Yes! I was so disappointed with 3 though, really was a massive failure, and bugged as hell.

>this made it in the international version
This band thing? I never saw it. I've seen this video before but I thought it was a mod. Is this seriously in the goddamn game?

Yes. Second chapter, old camp.


Superior version coming through. Fuck off poles

>when you beat a nigga so hard a trail of blood leaks out his ass

not gothic, but Blind Guardian

I just picked the version that actually works here.
Apparently they had to leave it out of the english version, copyright issues.

That nigger kept killing me in the mine raid.

It's back in with the unofficial patch.


Should I pay Sentenza to get into Onar's farm like a cuck?

I just tried moving and wow is that weird. Arrows to turn and mouse to face. I'll turn off the mouse and see how it goes.

Keyboard works much better if memory serves. The mouse just doesn't fit with the control scheme.

>open menu
>New Game
>Load Game
>>Save Game
>other stuff
Oh that is so good, that's so fucking good, load the menu right onto what you'll need most and have Load Game and Exit Menu in opposite directions so you can't fuck it up, and call it Continue instead of Exit so there's no ambiguity
This should be standard on all games and this is 15 years old

No need to turn off the mouse you can use it to look down ledges if you want. What I personally do is put my right hand on the arrow keys for movement and hover my left hand around WASD and CTRL. You can use A and D to strafe easily and you hold CTRL then press arrow keys to attack (or use objects if you have no weapon equipped). CTRL+LEFT and CTRL+RIGHT do side swipes that keep you stationary. If you do a forward attack, your character inches forward and as you train your weapon skills you can chain more forward attacks to form a combo. You can use all threee attacks together to form combos. In Gothic 2, backstepping also counts as blocking.

There's a torch by the starting area. How do I pick it up? No key or mouse click seems to work.

Thanks for the advice, I'll try it out.

CTRL+UP like i said to pick it up. Think of CTRL as your action modifier key that all actions are tied to. In Gothic 2 you just have to press CTRL.

Yes, I'm playing Gothic 3 right now with the most recent community patch and wonky combat aside it's really enjoyable.

No game has topped Gothic 2 though.

Ahh, okay. That worked. I'm getting the hang of it.

Combat will get easier once you train your weapon skills and learn enemy patterns.

Might have been the first game to do proper roleplaying elements properly. Encouraged exploration, the in-game currency has to be hard-earned and is actually useful, no level scaling so you had to pick your battles and revisit areas when you're more skilled.

And just little things really. For example getting into one of the first towns in Gothic 2 was an actual quest. Normally you'd have to pay off the entrance guards with what was then a small fortune, but you could do some borderline exploitative terrain jumping/ledge grabbing to maneuver yourself over the wall on one of the cliffsides. When you get in an NPC from the first Gothic would say "I don't know how you got past the entrance guards and I don't want to know".

Just little shit like that. No hand-holding. You actually had to use your intuition and common sense to succeed in the game.