Dark souls was 5 fucking years ago.
Dark souls was 5 fucking years ago
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And it's still shit.
>tfw playing DaS as a spellfag for the first time
Pyromancy is broken. I wish I had not dumped so many points in int though.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
And it looks like a 10 year old game.
Christ it is fucking ugly.
I'll be travelling the world as a vagabond wizard.
>persona 3 was 9 years ago
Hopefully out of my native country, with a stable home, that's all I'll ever asking for in this life.
How about you, user?
All I'll ever ask for*
What kind of third world shithole do you live in?
Yep stable life is underrated in my age group but I just want a calm life with plenty of time to play vidya.
>mfw pyromancy on Izalith
You better start farming humanity, user
richer, more famous, ideally more travelled
You mean Quelaag? Also why humanities?
Huezil, shit's rough here, not as rough as some places, but still pretty annoying.
I hear you man, a life with no worries is enough to me.
>Facing a guy in Consumed King's Garden
>It's an Estoc Fag
>Count every time the game has me take damage while in immuntiy frames/he doesn't aim remotely at me
>20 times and as I land the last blow, the game says "nope!" sword goes right through him and I die as he fires off an Estoc hit 90 degrees to my left
Thanks From, I love good netplay.
Pyromancy doesn't do shit on Izalith, precisely, Quelaag, Firesage, Ceaseless Discharge and Centipide demon don't take damage from fire
that's why of the shortcut from Quelaag's sister, the devs knew pyromancy was shit on Izalith so they put the shortcut and some nice spells with Quelaan
Same as now but with more chronic pains and fatter.
And the series has only gotten worse.
>mfw I actually google huezil thinking it was a real country
You got me, Pedro.
Well I use my sword for bosses anyways.
you don't really need to farm humanity, you can get enough humanity in game if you don't spend them like crazy. Some might say it's better to do it without the shortcut the first time.
What shortcut. Also I still don't get what you mean by farming humanity, that shit's useless.
Don't worry about it. Just play the game.
I've already beaten it. I'm confused.
Dark Souls 3 was released almost one fucking month ago
I'm going to be an old man in the next 5 years.
Oh. If you join the chaos servant covenant and offer queelags sister 30 humanity you can open up a shortcut from the demon ruins to almost directly outside the boss area for bed of chaos. This is also how you save solaire.
I think it's 30 anyway. Been awhile since I played DaS.
>30 humanities
Fuck, I want to open that shortcut.
Oh shit, are you gonna be a father? Congrats.
Get to farmin bby.
Farm the creatures at the bottom of the archives. That's what I did. Honestly only takes about an hour to get 30.
I'm at gaping dragon. Are they better than rats?
Wait I'm retarded, I thought you were talking about the white spider bitch. I didn't even know Quelana existed. There's so much stuff I missed in dark souls 1.
hopefully with my life more together, more happy with it, bigger changes.
Pretty sure the drop rate is higher. Plus the run to and from is super quick.
le contrarian face
Hopefully not homeless
no matter how much of a wreck I am I want to atleast come home to shitpost at the end of the day
IT worker with a good job, married, own a tesla model 3, looking to buy a home
No wonder its starting to feel stale. They're putting out a new game once a year.
Triggered soulsfag spotted
>finish degree next year
>finally get career job sorted
>live in peace for the rest of my days playing vidya and despising other people being the bitter cunt I am
>watch as society burns, but at least doing it with good friends
>finish degree next year
>sorry bra, no job we need younger people
>b-but I'm 27
>you're just not what we're looking for right now
repeat because as it turns out the lack of a degree wasn't the problem at all
>leave country because no job
>join rest of family in the land of the free in the US
>eat hamburgers all day and shoot guns then play vidya
>still be a bitter cunt
>try to make new friends but lets face it who the fuck remakes a close circle of friends at 30
>barely would even know how to do that
>watch society rot, alone
However my life turns out at this point I fundamentally can't go back in time and share the golden years of my life with someone I love. I almost got a taste of it though at points, used to play WoW with this qt asian girl when I was 16 or so. Both moved on because different countries etc (she was canadian/murican). We still keep in touch though, usually around xmas time.
Really just wanted to experience that feel again but never got it. Every girl I've met after that really just didn't gel with me or understand me very well. Most didn't have much more than a fleeting interest.
People say "better to have had something", that's complete horseshit. It hurts way more to know you can never have something like affection in your life again.
First post best post
Playing Dark Souls 6 after Bandai whores it out for as much as they can.
Imagine a Dark Souls WWII game
Why imagine it? Wait a couple years and Bandai will team up with Activision and make it.
>futuristic dark souls game on an abandoned space station
Dead, as I promised I'd kill myself by 30 if everything feels horrible.
What? Why? at 30 you get to use magic
>mgs was 18 years ago
>How the FUCK do I beat Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. B
Hopefully building rockets for NASA or whatever aerospace company is relevant at the time.
Well I mean assuming my desired field doesn't just get filled with poo in the loos
git gud
Also, reinforce your PTRS-41 to +10
As much as I rag on DSI for it's shite final half, it's PVP, expansion on the Demons Souls online, unique areas, interesting lore, great graphics and atmosphere and excellent balancing, allowing for every playstyle possible to be doable created one of the best JRPGs ever made.
What did you like most about DSI?
Git gud shitter
>mfw nuking weebs with my jew magic
>using magic to cause damage to other people
That's a nice way to get your powers removed user
In graduate school
>A rifle forged in an Eastern land
I'm in the same boat as you just graduated.
Honestly, you won't get in any company without inside connections or a backer. Just sayin'.
brazliions should be banned from posting with anime
>3 games in 5 years
Talk about burnout.
Living off investments that I worked those 5 years for. I hope.
If not, contemplating suicide as I realize that if I want to live, I'll be a workslave for the next 25+ years
Hot damn, what's the sauce on pic? Google image gives no results.
COMIC Kairakuten BEAST 2015-11 its in that not sure of the actual title of that specific one.
Enjoy, user. Get it while it's hot.
It will probably be deleted from sadpanda.
wow you're a loser
most non video game shit ive seen all day
hopefully fucking dead
Thank you so much!