>Gregor has joined the enemy team.
Gregor has joined the enemy team
Other urls found in this thread:
MC's skin is too light, stop whitewashing Japs. Yes I am triggered.
>Gregor has left the match.
>You've been banned
>Reason: Cursing on a Christian server
>You are the Gregor
>its an "akiri watches Misery" episode
I watch HorribleSubs to see the name changes because they're usually funny, I already know all the stand names anyways.
People who name themselves "Gregor" are never true Gregors, just people who want to live up to his name but never can.
>Jotaro is half white
>Gregor has joined your team
>Gregor leads his troops
yukako is best girl
>Name changes
What does HS change? I've never noticed.
HorribleSubs doesn't even do the subs, they rip directly from Crunchyroll ASAP, hence the name changes because of how Nazi-Tier America is in regards to Copyright and Crunchyroll wanting to save their asses.
This man understands. Gregor is a temporary state of mind. If you think you are Gregor, then you are not.
Who else is subbing DiU?
Like every Stand name for fear of being sued.
>The enemy team does dirty deeds for dirt cheap
>the enemy team performs filthy acts at a reasonable price
At least Worse Company was a cute joke.
>Your team is full of Pitiful Players Performing at High Pings
Why did they leave out the part where Josuke suggests to Koichi he should tell Yukako he's gay?
I constantly forget that HS just rips from CR. I also wasn't aware that CR has name changes.
I've been a lazy shit and just got onto Stardust Crusaders so I know absolutely nothing. Didn't even read the manga which I should be doing.
Ugh, seriously user? It's 2016, that homophobic bullshit doesn't fly anymore.
Did Kira show up yet? Haven't watched but I hope the pacing isn't as bad as last season
Because they were coming up with lies and everyone is gay for Josuke.
He's in the first episode.
I think Part 9 could have the main JoJo say he'll kill every single gay person in the world and the series still wouldn't be homophobic.
How come no-one was able to notice the big fucking nail in his head?
>he's Identical to josuke! Jotaro will surely be fooled!
fuck off
Take a wild guess
>Worse Company and Chili Pepper were used in Viz subs
>mfw the names on CR will be the names in the localized manga and in future games
Why is Okuyasu so cute in the anime?
Pearl Jam soon fellow anons.
>Gregor joins the game
>everyone else tries to join Gregor's team until its full
He always seemed like such a super cool guy, but anime Okuyasu is the most adorable retard ever.
I love how he comes over, decided they're going to be best friends because he lives across the street, and then tells Josuke he wants to fuck his hot mom.
10/10 best friend for life
Dude it takes up much less time to blow through the manga than watch the anime.
>jumping right in the middle
>not even trying to read the manga
Get your shit together user
>Jumping in the middle
I didn't say I jumped in the middle. Watched season 1 and 2. I just haven't been motivated to pick up any "new" manga.
Where can I watch part 4?
your hard drive, after torrenting it
you ain't seen nothing
What would the name of the Ultimate feeder be called?
Post songs you want for future EDs
Vento Aureo ~ Live and Let Die
Stone Ocean ~ FairGround
Steel Ball Run ~ Black or White
Jojolion ~ Poor Boy
horrible subs
You need to sign up for a Crunchyroll subscription, if you torrent it the FBI will bust down your door and arrest you.
I seriously don't think I can wait a whole week for Yukako part 2. What the fuck should I do?
read the manga again
>white people are the only people with light skin
>in order to not be a week behind you must pay money
fuck that
What is Gregor? Is it a meme?
>Future EDs
All I want is roundabout back.
How did we go from this
the pomp is all wrong
i really want to see the superfly user flying through the tower
read the manga,
make an account on Batoto (it's free) and you'll have access to every chapter in the manga in full colour (atleast I think they're all in full colour)
Although the reading subbed manga can be annoying because a lot of unnecessary F-bombs are thrown around.
Honestly, after last weeks episode, that's when I finally decided to just read the manga online, I just couldn't wait anymore.
Man, it will be 2020 before they even consider Steel Ball Run.
I can't wait to find out if Rohan VS Boys2Men was actually happening or if it was just a fever dream.
Vento Aureo should have an Italian song
Please tell me that theres more Okuyasu in this series.
I don't need like Polnareffs Bizarre Adventure but I'm loving his character. It just seems like Koichi is going to be the focus of most of the story.
Is this fucking real?
You know josuke is half white, right?
>gregor thread becomes an Sup Forums thread
You fucks have an entire board for that shit. Let us meme in peace.
can't think of any iconic italian songs that isn't just accordion
You mean Shady Group
i really want to see how david production handles enigma capturing people into paper
or how josuke reveals the gun
is it the duwang copy or did someone finally reup a good version?
>I watch HorribleSubs to see the name changes because they're usually funny
Heres the spoiler
You get more Koichi than Okuyasu
yes it sucks but at least we have Rohan to look forward to
also you should read the manga
What's a better subset for DiU? I'm getting tired of CR's shitty subs
Part 5 ED coming through
Didn't notice another frame was already posted.
I use some-stuff, but I know shit about sub quality
He's a libtard, even if he knows he's wrong he thinks he's right
>not watching DUWANG
you super reatard
Stone Ocean
Steel Ball Run, any of these.
Assuming SBR will be a 2 part anime like SC.
that part made me lol irl
>Gregor joins the enemy team
>Havoc joins your team
You didn't think that post through, did you?
You really need to go back to your containment newfriend.
Steel Ball Run
also I demand that this plays at least ONCE during the SBR anime
Araki realized he made Okuyasu too strong, so he had to keep him from getting too many fights as Okuyasu can instagib pretty much anyone.
yeah pretty much any of his song is perfect for part 5
It's the Magicians Red problem. Araki had to kill Abdul twice because 90% of the problems in SC could be solved by setting things on fire
Araki has a serious problem with this kinda shit and never really got over it until fucking SBR
I can see that as his power is basically the same as Cream's.
I think though, because he's a self-admitted idiot, and I think in general the kind of guy who doesn't want to hurt people that he'd avoid using his power to absolutely demolish people and instead use it in more interesting ways like he does when he fights JoJo and just erases the distance between them.
>tfw even Manga is susceptible to power creep
nah it's much better.
It's had 741.4k views on the website
No typos, perfect english.
Jotaro dies in Part 6 and the universe gets reset.
>join a server
>name is gregor-esque
>temporarily turn into gregor for a life, have a 30+ killstreak
Is there no greater feeling? Since then my name in multiplayer games have always been gregor-esque just for these type of situations. Its always the fucking best.
>anything but this for part 8 ED
You mean Terrible Platoon.
What's wrong with watching Dubs?
I'd rather not read subtitles the whole time