Is it worth buying a PS4 now that Touhou is a Sony IP?
Is it worth buying a PS4 now that Touhou is a Sony IP?
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get the fuck out
>A non-doujin touhou game
What am I looking at?
a few doujin games are being released on psn. That's it.
>game available on pc
>sonypony still thinks he has an exclusive
I'm guessing it's the most recent fighting game
>Implying they won't be Windows 10 exclusives soon
>Implying anyone wants to use Windows 10, especially after they skipped 9
Sidescrolling Touhou.
What's important about that number?
>>Implying they won't be Windows 10 exclusives soon
>Implying ZUN doesn't still have XP
What's wrong with that?
>We need two secondary threads in a row.
Congrats, you guys actually turned this into an actual general tier thing.
I hope you "Touhoufags" are happy with your circlejerk.
While you're at it, make a soku thread too
It's just a really cool number.
this looks boring as sin
most japs still use XP or 7 if they are lucky
The 3d graphics are really ugly.
>it's this meme again
>Posting a literal meme character
Nothing wrong with that.
>Koishi with breasts
What is this heresy?
when exactly did koishi become green flandre?
she's one of the characters that would be fun to see in some official books.
Is this made by the guys who made Croxieur Sigma?
Because they both share the same problem (want to be hardcore but their onee-chan won't let them), both live in basements, both are kind of fucked in the head (Koishi more than Flan, because Flan's only problem is that she might accidentally murder people, while Koishi isn't even consciously aware of what she's doing), etc.
>Sony IP
The breast kind.
I though that was something better.
Is this being localized? Heard a 2hugame was.
Does ZUN get paid for every copy sold?
They always are, user.
>Paying money and buying a console to get games that you can easily get on your PC for free
>A game in which you can have Kirby, Pheonix Wright, and Reimu on the same team
>Will most likekly never see a US release
Goddammit I really wanna play this and I have a spare 3ds lying around I could use to pirate but I'm afraid I'll brick it and end up losing all the old stuff on it
You're probably thinking about bullet ballet or whatever it's called.