What is the most complex game you regularly play, Sup Forums?
What is the most complex game you regularly play, Sup Forums?
Samuel Hernandez
Michael Gray
Carson Russell
Arma 3
Nolan Martin
Fallout 4
Jacob Cox
Learning Curve ? Dwarf Fort?
Some cold war Finnish military simulator forgot the name but was extremely complicated.
Matthew Hill
oh really?
Jose Turner
Football Manager
it's actually really complex and hard to learn
Lincoln Price
It does seem like a fun game; never tried it though, as I don't really follow soccer.
Jeremiah Price
I really like football and it's worth the time, but you really have to go through a long learning process of tactics and all of that
but if you don't like the sport, then ignore the game, it won't appeal to you
Bentley Campbell
Probably Dorf Fort.
Either that or that 80 dollar simulator I bought. That one is bonkers.