Post characters that trigger Sup Forums

Post characters that trigger Sup Forums.


Fucking WHORE

Any strong woman character.

Why do we hate her again?

strong male heroes

Western Characters.

I love her

Yukari triggers my dick.

Why would best girl be triggering?

Because she is best girl.

I liked her and Mitsuru the most. There was just something about Yukari that got me.


Fuck man I wish i could go back in time and play this game again for the first time.

That first play through was fucking magical


I want to eat Yukari's pussy

Who is this?

What game is she from?

Ken prolly triggers Sup Forums more than Yukari.

Try playing the PSP version, or play Persona 2.

what do you think her "OH!" face is?

Purse Owner


Yukarifags are cancer

That's easy.

>its a gay fucking weeb bait thread

all of p3's girls are kinda shit

>being triggered by best girl
You can't make this shit up.

I'm currently playing through FES as my first SMT game I've ever played, and the only thing I'm aware of is not to party with this guy called Shinji, because what I can only assume is that he dies later on.

I just had a demonic persona with a sword rip out from the face out of an android persona that the PC got from shooting himself in the face, and go berserk on a shadow with a lot of hands and a mask. What am I in for?

About 4 months of extra curricular activities

>What am I in for?

A lot of craziness. Now out before you get spoiled.

Sup guys

I wish the answer never happened.

why is she farting

You mean "strong"?

Looks like a girl in my Spanish class

Junpei's alcoholic dad is murdered
You meet Mitsuru's arranged fiance and then he dies
Aigis was "evil" all along and she did nothing wrong
Have fun

source? i'm retarded and can't used image search

The middle months can drag on a good bit, but the ending is pretty damn fantastic

Sauce? Can't get a source with a crop.

Source plz

should have at least posted the best one

