Animal Crossing Wanted Poster

When you played Animal Crossing and went to the police station, did you ever wonder who the hell were those two criminals in the wanted poster?

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I dunno but that chick's pretty hot

Yes. I don't know why no one has ever mentioned this.

The human is your mom the only other human. The owl is your dad which is were you get the horns from.

she has a really weird hairstyle that makes me think of Juri from Street Fighter and Jolyne Kujo JBA.
either that are those are ears.
can't tell if she's human or animal

I like you're theory but i don't think that's in owl dude


good theory, just change owl to goat.
>tfw mom was a goatfucker



It looks similar to blathers

This is why they only send letters. They are in hiding so they don't have a return address. Which is why you can't send them letters

where's the teeth and ears?

Teeth ears? I don't see it on the wanted poster



they're animal ears you turbo degenerate

the upside down triangle isn't a beak, it's a nose.
the 6 squares on the bottom are teeth.

it's a headshot of a goat

I see a beak and two sets of horns which could be a variant or a bull not really sure just know it has horns



That is clearly BigFoot and a ghost from some shrine.

well then Sherlock , do you know what animal it is?


if you remove the squares, it kinda does look like a bird

It's a fucking panda in the poster you blind faggots.

Left is booster

pandas have horns

Pandas don't have 2 sets of ears



now try the one in the right

it's one on the right
this is a mug shot
it's like a goat head

whoops I deleted it

Yes. There were rumors on the playground about it, too.

The most prevalent one was sometimes in the middle of the night, the one on the left would show up in your house, and in exchange for you not reporting him to the cops after busting him, he'd steal any one piece of furniture you wanted from a neighbor and give it to you.

it's also weird how the police never mention these two criminals either.
you'ed think maybe after leaving the station they'ed tell you to be careful of any wanted fugitives


who tells you that?

her name is TED! obviously

>rumors on the playground

>mfw I discovered the secret codes to get the NES games


>NES games were removed from future games so they could resell 15 year old games on GBA and Virtual Console

>mouse girl

it might be Penny, but she's too cute to be wanted by the police

my question is how do you get them all?
do i need a cheat device for forbidden 4?

Everything you need to know is here:

looks like a bull or something with a beard and a qt mouse thief

Is there somewhere that I can find a list of all the Animal Crossing villagers that didn't make the cut for the next version of the game? I'd be interested in figuring that out.

this thread

So I want an AC to play and I've exhausted everything I can get outta New Leaf.

Should I get the GCN or the Wii one?

The gcn one is my favorite it is the only one that truly felt like a village to me. It's just bare bones when compared to nl

GCN is goat.


OP here.
We also have another wanted poster

We need some r34 of that qt on the right

i picked up a CDN copy at a yard sale the other day

just weird

but we don't even know what she looks like

Jasmine from Pokemon?

I always thought the woman was a mouse and those were her ears, but if that was the case, considering how animals in Animal Crossing work, she wouldn't have a human face and would have a mouse face instead.

you can guess
just take a AC villager and put a body on it
its what i'd do

Crime Duo
Mouse thief and Goat Brute

there just has to be some sort of hidden lore.

GC if only because of the music, which is pretty damn important if you're gonna be playing it for days on end

Wii for features

i want to draw this now, but im absolute shit, even worse when drawing something stylized like AC

just draw it and post it dude.
i suck too but maybe later i'll make my version

not now, its late, but if there is an AC thread later today...

Maybe it's just nostalgia I loved the Gamecube version the most, honestly. I liked the camera style the best, and somettimes I would boot it up to play NES games.

>tfw you took the game seriously and actually put effort into your letters and stuff
>...Including the fossil identification letters

threads here on Sup Forums don't last


Came here to post this. I thought that even when I was a kid.

I want a new AC game...

>...Including the fossil identification letters

Hah... you were probably a little kid, right?

I only played this game as an adult because I was a teen when AC came out, and wasn't interested in it back then.
I missed out as it's a really awesome game, but I'm kinda jealous of people who were actually kids when they played this. It's such a magical game.

Anyway, every time I try to write a letter to the other animals they yell at me because they say my letters don't make any sense, even though I just write simple stuff like "Hey how are you?" just to see if they reply back, but they always send back angry mail saying my letters are unredeable.