Now for the Free Association portion of our session. Simply tell me the first thought that comes to your mind

Now for the Free Association portion of our session. Simply tell me the first thought that comes to your mind...

Other urls found in this thread:


Good, good. Anybody else?


Alright, next slide.

RIP beta worldgen
RIP glacier seed


Incorrect filename

u cheeky cunt

Sadness. Loss.


gargamel > glacier

fuck /r9k/


hello thread bump

Minecraft Sup Forums server when?

Swiss cheese.

A better time in my life.



I remember when these were relevant.


You have seen nothing yet.

Sauce? I'm a huge faggot and would probably enjoy this.



That's a lot of autism crammed into one webcam user.


webm is part05 I think

I just groaned in my head.
Fuck man. It hurts.

>Sup Forums now hates minecraft
What went wrong



>there was a fine where this was the second-most posted image
>now it's barneyfag

*a time

>Start world with friends
>have fun for a few days
>get hooked, advance the world while they are offline
>Build a railroad with a tunnel and everything
>"user, we are starting another world"

Fuck them, I never played with them again.


shitty floating bowls.


I didn't see this until I clicked the thread from the catalog

So why did notch abandon us for Reddit? was he not much of a lurker prior? Does he even still lurk?





I don't think so, I think Sup Forums became too much for him to handle with all sorts of negativity, plus the shit from his wife. He went to where there was more "coordination" to his stuff and where he could keep logs of what he'd done to the game.

Notch laughing jewishly

Damn shame he sold out to Microsoft, unfortunately they were better marketers and since than have made 3x over what he originally sold out for. I work in retail and it's amazing how much of this shit goes off the shelf daily.

Minecraft sold 9 billion copies and it's going to sell 9 billion more now that it's coming to China and everybody has seen this message.

How many people do you think have joined Sup Forums because of Minecraft?

Because this place is garbage now? The fuck do you think zone left? The fuck do you think Moot left? The fuck do you think Snacks left?

I'm still here after ten years because I lack the good sense they clearly have.

I've been her for ten years too and it's not like this place had a "nice aget" It's always be a scenario where you either deal with the bantz or leave like a pussy.

So if you can't handle the bantz, why come here in the first place? I guess my confusion is where Notch stood in relation to Sup Forums. Shills come here obviously, but when a Dev comes here to ask for development advice and help from the community they obviously saw something in us that made them think "Yeah this is a good place to get a community effort to help make my game a reality". Was he just simply naive?

Notch used to lurk on Sup Forums like any other lurker would, so of course he was mentally ill

If he was a long time lurker why would he even think about going to Reddit?

When webcelebs reach a certain point they realise they'd rather have an unconditional hugbox that sucks their dicks 24/7 than a place where they can get honesty intermingled with a lot of shitposting.

Due to him being a Swede,he couldn't stop his urges to suck redditard cock.

He tried having a wife, but he couldn't handle not having a dick in his mouth so he divorced.

His wife actually divorced him the day the law allowed her to take his money.


OP is a fag.

When Notch used to come to Sup Forums to chat, I called him a cunt when he mentioned he was thinking about giving torches a time limit before they need to be re-lit.

I told my cousin this story because he's a fucking weirdo and loves Notch and Minecraft and he slapped me in the face and cried.

He was like 12 years old.