So fill me in on pic related. People always seem to talk about Doom 3 (for better or for worse)...

So fill me in on pic related. People always seem to talk about Doom 3 (for better or for worse), but I rarely hear anyone mention Quake 4. Is it bad?

Other urls found in this thread:

It was bad on release. About 2 years later they finally fixed its issues but the community was already dying/dead.

It's just entirely forgettable. Kinda bad, but not bad enough to be interesting as a blunder.

no one really played it and felt the urge to comment.

I like it.


>It was bad on release.
What did they supposedly fix that was so broken?


Not actually developed by Id.

Campaign isn't bad.

Stroggification of the character was kinda cool.

I remember being kind of excited about it because it was a sequel to Quake 2, and that was the first game I played on PC, but for whatever reason, I never got around to playing it.

Not a good Quake game but it's a decent shooter with some really nice feeling guns.

I was really bummed that it had no multiplayer bots on launch.

I really liked it simply because I like the aesthetic of strogg shit.

>using a gigantic heart as a pumping station
>using a morbidly obese creature vomiting acid to digest bodies and make stroyent
>giant brain as the central computer
>technology is highly advanced yet brutally primitive at the same time, literally just tearing people apart and slapping new robotic limbs onto the bloody stump

Are there any other games you guys can think of like this?

It's extremely dull. Very little variety in level and enemy encounter design. You're better off playing a Call of Duty campaign.

I remember getting it as a launch title with my 360. I had fun with the campaign but it's nothing to write home about. Multiplayer was dead.

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars was part of the canon, the better part. It's pretty much dead now, and that sucks.

System Shock 2, maybe?

I played when it when 360 launched having never played any other quake, it's single player was okay but forgettable other than the stroggification scene.

It's better than Doom 3 but still suffers from all the same problems in single player. Not even slightly Quakey and makes no attempt to recapture the look or feel of Quake 2 which it is supposed to be a sequel to.

Multiplayer is okay, it's like a lower framerate, clunkier engine Quake 3.

iirc quake 4 had pretty decent enemy count, not even close to bad as doom 3

Neither were the final jedi knight games.

But they've been working together eagerly basically since they were an anybody.

>Neither were the final jedi knight games.
(neither were those developed by lucasarts, doesn't stop them from being those exceptional actually-good license games)

It's a good game for about the first half, then it goes into the shitter the second half.

I actually enjoyed the Quake 4 single player.

I love how the spoiled the shit out of the game in the trailer.

Goddamn. I wish this was released on PS3 so I could play Quake 2. Wolfenstein 2009 which came with DOS Wolfenstein and Doom 3 which had Doom 1 & 2 got PS3 releases.

Can you even handle this shit?

500MB of VRAM is quite a lot even for today

the lack of coop and harder difficulties was disappointing. to this day there is no coop mod for quake 4.

I bought this instead of fear when they were both pretty new. one of the worst gaming decisions I've ever made

no it isn't

Doom 3 was a really good game. However it wasn't a great Doom game.

Q4 should have been way better. I remember somewhat enjoying it when it came out, but I haven't touched the game in over a decade. Also, multiplayer was fucking horrible.

Here's to a new Quake1 sequel by id from their recent success with the new Doom. They have to make the multiplayer themselves this time though.

It's literally the far better Doom3 (& 4).
Also, the MP is literally sequel to RTCW's Enemy Territory.

The stand alone quake game was, not Q4. That thing flopped hard.

Can someone even tell me what Quake IS?

Because I get the first one, basically Lovecraft not-DOOM but with jumping and aiming, and because of jumping and aiming it was the first real and popular arena fps online and all that jazz yada yada.

But what happened with Quake 2 and onwards? Apparently they went with the arena shooter for online still but the singleplayer took a totally different direction?

You have to be 18+ to be on this board child

I only played C&C and Civ II as a kid on my old crapbox. Even that was really stretching it, my mom fucking hated the screaming infantry and squish sounds. No way in hell would she have ever tolerated DOOM let alone Quake.

And by the time I was a teenager my computer was far too shitty to actually play games on. And I was very ignorant to most of that kinda stuff anyways.

>but the singleplayer took a totally different direction?
You must be thinking of Quake 4. Quake 2's single player used the same game mechanics as multi. It plays like the logical piece of the puzzle between Doom clones and Half-Life clones. You have scripted objectives instead of key-hunts but there's no in-engine cutscene stuff to slow shit down.

I've just heard people complain about Quake's singleplayer and how the story of 2 just completely ignores the original or something. I've gone back and played Doom, but not quake and aside from the mp I know next to nothing about the series.

I quite enjoyed the campaign personally. Never touched the multiplayer.

2 and 4 had a completely different setting and story. It became sci-fi with cyborg alien enemies called the Strogg which were clearly inspired by the Borg from Star Trek.

So then what was up with Quake 3?

Purely multiplayer, had no story or anything. I guess it maintained the aesthetic and setting of 2 though.

>new wolfenstein
>new doom
quake 5 soon lads

Quake 1 and 2 are both very much worth playing. Don't believe the Quake 1 purists who shit on 2 just for deviating a bit. 2 isn't as straight forward as 1 but it's still an old 90's FPS gem, and to dismiss it is to miss out on an essential shooter.

ET:QW was some good shit too. It's a pity it didn't get a bigger community because I felt like it was a more fun Battlefield.

It's Quake 2 Part Two. If you liked Quake 2, you'll enjoy Q4. If not, you might still like it, I don't know.

Does it run on modern hardware?

You can get it on GOG, so yes.

You'll need to download ports for both games. I'd say DarkPlaces and KMQuake2 for 1 and 2, respectively. I haven't tried much other ports so I can't really vouch for what is the best port. They're compatible with steam should you decide to nab the Quake games on there. Otherwise just pirate it.

>but I rarely hear anyone mention Quake 4. Is it bad?

Nah just really bland.

Believe it or not everyone here isn't some basement dwelling neckbeard faggot who plays super obscure games from 30 years ago no one gives a flying FUCK about anymore.


Great single player game.

They're going to reboot Quake and obviously they can't go back to strogg unless they pull some prequel shit with them. So you KNOW they'll go back to the techno-medieval aesthetic of Quake 1. Although I can't really imagine it not being a lot like Painkiller. Painkiller was almost a Quake 1 successor anyway.

im thinking of replaying it, actually.
I liked it on release. It was a sequel to Q2 essentially which they promised it'd be. The sequence where you become a strogg felt fucking brutal at the time.

sp wise:
Quake > Quake4 > QuakeII > QuakeIII > ET:QW

It did have something of a story, just one of Id's 'porn stories' of course, but it was there. As for the aesthetic/setting, it was all over the place. You had tech bases, gothic castles, platforms floating in space... (honestly my favourite setting for a multiplayer game. Why pretend it exists for anything but to be a fragground?)

One of the only games to feature a New Zealand territory, miss those times.
Graphics were really good too, without being modern Battlefield overbearing.

where do I get it? Couldn't find it on steam.

>60fps cap
>expensive to get a solid 60fps
>terrible UI
>singleplayer was basically Doom 3.1
>lack of mods/content for a long time
>q4max eventually made the game bareable
>game was dead before it ever got a chance
Crouch slides were an extremely fun mechanic, but never articulated well
The game also came out in the CoD2 era, when it became apparent ultra casual console FPS would dominate.

If you're lucky, or you could buy a used copy.
Should be some fan group resurrecting the MP like the FEAR Combat crew, but haven't found it.

It's called "Quake IV" on steam.

Assuming Quake Wars, not IV.

I thought it was pretty good.

A man like Kane will get us killed...

Ah, the Volcano map. The one where the final objective involves the Strogg sending flyer drones down vents to destroy the objective, fun times.

He never asked for this.

the false dawn mod for quake 4 is pretty neat, adds a bit of graphical fidelity and a whole new campaign


Just ask 3.5 owners :^)



Honestly it was worth the ten bucks I got it for years ago. Met some Latin chick off the multiplayer and ended up finding out she lived close by. Fucked her, never called back and never played the game again. Good times niggers.

A man like Kane, will get us all killed

The game got more fun once I discovered there was b-hopping and crouch sliding.

Quake 3 was "id's greatest hits," deathmatch edition.
It tried to mash together the aesthetics of doom/quake/quake2 but didn't really succeed.
Mostly the arenas are quake1-like but more advanced graphics.

>my anus is a mouth