If you buy a Playstation you are literally retarded
If you buy a Playstation you are literally retarded
Other urls found in this thread:
>Tumblr gif
Congratulations, you're automatically infinitely more retarded than them.
So I can play the entire game just holdings a single button down? Nice
>shitting on naughty dog for giving their game options for disabled people to be able to play
are you acoustic?
Button mashing is a retarded mechanic anyway regardless of context
I want to suck that tranny dick senpai
Fuck I laughed. I feel pretty bad but I couldn't help myself.
On a serious note, it makes sense for Naughty Dog to implement these kind of mechanics since the priority is to sell as much as possible first, and not make good games.
But sorry if I say this, games should be first of all experiences that challenge the players, not a way to interact with the story.
Not to be rude or anything, but there are plenty of mediums handicapped people can choose from, compromising the core of videogames themselves doesn't feel right to me.
they aren't compromising the core of the game, they add accessibility options for disabled people or people who are just shit
that's like saying putting subtitles in a movie is compromising the core of the movie and that deaf people should just lip read it
yeah fuck those kids!
If they wanna be shitty and just shit up everything around them then those turds should go lay in the yard!
they should
grienke pls
Yeah, fuck cripples!
>when consolewar shitposting goes too far
There's no such thing as a "consolerwar" on Sup Forums.
Nobody here actually takes console gaming seriously.
>When you've gone too far from your faggot subreddit
How do you know if a gif is from tumblr? Never been there plz explain senpai
Nobody here takes PC gaming seriously
>Nobody here actually takes console gaming seriously.
But it's the only gaming there is...
OP gif has all the tells.
>small filesize
>short loop (usually a pointless one)
>subtitles for words being spoken (bonus points if gif doesn't cover the entirety of the quote) (more bonus points if it doesn't even need subtitles)
>sjw friendly person of interest
Seemed pretty articulate to me. Physical disability =/= mental disability.
Could you refer to it as depressed? You might trigger people with or people who know people with down's.
I have severe depression and this post triggered me.
>implying SJWs don't hate alpha females like Kim as much as they hate white men
B-But they are doing the gameplay first, right?
>a chelsea
Well if you wanted to say whore you should've just said whore.
>Nights Into Drakes
Depression is a made up disease for white males to validate their inability to capitalize on their inherent privilege.
Erenuh, is dat you?
god i wish
>having options is bad because memes
Fuck off sperg
Fuck man, I don't even consider some of those changes to be bad.
The holding instead of mashing is a strictly quality of life change. I would be happier if mashing was gone altogether though.
stop appropriating retard culture
I enjoyed bloodborne gravity rush hd the new ratchet and uncharted 4 guess the jokes on you
HELP what game do i play next
infamous ss
2nd playthrough of dks3
It's been too long.
Let's just be shitty to be shitty. Fuck off. I'm really glad this game is just fucking killing it right now and I hope their influence continues to spread the industry so you fags can fuck off.
What's the matter? Did you get triggered?
You know that none of this is actually on when you play the game, right?
>helping disabled people play video games is somehow a bad thing
>posts that slag
>calls others retarded
Most deaf people can lipread, but they can't lipread a person, sound or voice that isn't in a scene.
Subtitles are also useful for horrible accents and NIGGERSPEECH like in 'The Wire'.
Before 2010 I could feel secure in knowing I'm not discussing vidya with retards, but since then you guys have swarmed in and infesting the place with your retarded opinions.
This is why we should castrate the mentally incompetent
Early Uncharted games sucked for all the random button mashing required.
As far as The Last of Us being more friendly for the handicapped, I highly doubt that.
Daily reminder that you might suffer a terrible accident tomorrow and never enjoy videogames the same way again
thank god, i can finally rest
kek, game literally made for retards
I don't see why this is a bad thing, even if the guy is a digusting retard there should be more options for people in games who have issues like colourblindness or missing limbs
I wish I could impregnate Kim
Hey now, I got a friend in college who's missing most of his hand and with the accessibility option he was able to breeze through the game and play something different than the usual RTS/point and click game. It kind of makes me wonder how fucked up I would be if I couldn't play video games with both hands. Increasing paranoia now
>making fun of handicappable people
>when they're better than all of Sup Forums at playing games and macking on women
>people find Kim attractive
only niggers
Is it me but like 95% of a black persons brain is just devoted sex and reproduction the other 5% is basketball, vines ect.
Whites are just as horny. Western society is very sexualized.
If this was in Africa or mostly black suburbs it would be around 95-100%
pic could have the exact same impact without being animated.
lurk moar newfag, or just apply the tiniest amount of reasoning to a question before posting.
>killing it
are you 16 or 36? this is actually funny either way.
Posting Kim Kardashian garbage, and calling someone else retarded...
Just wow op
nothing wrong with making fun of retards man, it's objectively funny. brolylegs rolls with the jokes himself, pun fucking intended
Which one is it? Is the west oversexualized or is the west filled with puritans because they don't like panty quest rpg #1111?
Meanwhile, in Japan, a lot of games don't even have left handed options on shit like the DS.
I don't give a fuck if you've got a disability. If you're not mentally competent enough to play the game, you don't deserve the same experience.
But hey, we're talking ND here, you could be a blind cripple and still make it through the uncharted series by mashing.
If a game has no challenge, it's not worth playing. Easy modes are an affront to any gamer who was looking for a decent experience.
All I see is casualised shit, and this makes me a horrible person.
> le japanesu hardcoru geimu
Finish that 20th playthrough of Dark Souls and then kill yourself weeb.
Western games used to be good until they endlessly pandered to the Candy Crush crowd.
An action adventure game is absolutely no place for accessibility options.
Yeah Japan only dumbs down entire genres so their shitter country can enjoy them. Come back when Nioh is dumbed down because of Japanese casuals who might as well be handicapped.