god-tier compilation discs and remasters
>tfw playing Mega Man X collection in glorious 240p on a CRT right from the disc with no hex edits
god-tier compilation discs and remasters
>tfw playing Mega Man X collection in glorious 240p on a CRT right from the disc with no hex edits
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I have the GC X collection, apparently it's supposed to be inferior?
>all those extras
>that OST
I miss retail compilations, they just don't exist anymore.
For some reason collectors go nuts for the GC version. The PS2 version is better because of the controller and because you can play it in 240p with some affordable component cables, and best of all you can get it on eBay for about $10. I got mine with the shrink wrap still on for $10.
To be fair, vidya takes up a lot more space nowadays. They couldn't even fit all 3 Sly games on one Vita disc.
I've played both and the only literal complain I have is the controller.
The GC controller is and will always will be by favorite controller but it just doesn't have a good layout for X and you cant rebind.
The only reason for this is because the face buttons on the Ps2 are closer to the SNES face buttons.
On a technical standpoint I own both and have never had technical problems with either and I've played a looooot of both of them.
Fuck yes. Loved hearing that theme while looking at the comics and shit. Played this a lot before I got into emulation
Still the best Darkstalkers release content-wise, and reasonably good in terms of arcade accuracy (Resurrection has it beat there, but has far less content).
I don't realize why they can't do big ass collections like these anymore
Also I think this came out in 2010.
>PS2 version
thats the shitty version
>platforming with the GC's analog stick/dpad
Yeah the GC X Collection is rather expensive. GC version goes for $60+. Good thing I got the GC version the day it came out.
That's an exception. You don't see konami, nintendo or capcom doing those anymore. They have to jew it out with VC releases for $5/ea
look dont get me wrong, i understand this is a bad thing, but i like the games to run better and for whatever fucking reason they run better on the gamecube.
load time aside theres fewer frame drops. that and it sounds better
I got it for 20$ at my local game store.
Had no idea.
>You don't see konami, nintendo or capcom doing those anymore.
Capcom released another Megaman Collection last year. Nintendo released a Wii version of Mario Allstars. And Konami doesn't care about video games anymore.
Anniversary Collection > Legacy Collection
Legacy only had MM1-6 while Anniversary had 1-8 and the 2 arcade games.
For Legacy they should've done 1-10, Mega Man & Bass, and maybe the 2 arcade games.
Those are 6 NES games for $30. Sonic's Genesis collection is a mix of 40 Genesis, Master system and arcade games.
Emulation has been around forever and we still got good compilations during 6th gen
There's really no need for them anymore though.
It doesn't matter which one is better. user wanted to know why they don't release collections anymore. I've shown two examples proving him wrong.
In fact, here's another.
Good thead user
Heck, Microsoft released a big ass collection of Rareware games for the Xbone. user is complaining about something that isn't remotely true. Good grief.
>They localized the SF Alpha collection but not the Darkstalkers one
I think for the most part is because they can sell them individually on eshops, and make more money.
>sega genisis
Is it any good? any mp games?
A shame indeed.
Also there is a World Heroes anthology I could never get my hands on. And it seems it has become somewhat rare.
This a bunch of roms on a shitty emulator on a blu-ray drive. Not even comparable to any of these other compilations.
Anniversary and Legacy are both awful collections.
Unlike Anniversary Collection, there's no difference between versions. Any lies like the second poster here is simply placebo shit.
Wait, people seriously pay $60 for it? Maybe I should sell mine and get the PS2 version plus another game with that money. The Gamecube controller honestly kind of sucks for older platformers, or at least I don't like playing them with it.
Oh man, this thing introduced me to phantasy star, bless them for including all 4 classic phantasy stars in this, i ate them up
Also the kingdom hearts 1.5/2.5/ and most likely 2.8 are/will be god tier collections
What the fuck is this? When did this happen?
It's fairly decent. It includeswhat you would expect, the golden axe games, shinobi, phantasy star, ristar, comix zone, etc.
The arcade versions of Altered beasts and Zaxxon are unlockables too.
>It's just a bunch of roms on a shitty emulator
Yeah. That's what all compilation discs are, you moron.
I don't get it. Are you baiting me into finding you more compilation discs or are you just too stubborn to admit that you were wrong about companies not making them anymore?
Happened either this year or late last year.
August 4th, 2015.
Oh, well, the golden axe games, altered beasts and sonic 2.
Nah, it's more that they didn't want to take any compromises
Jak Vita was forced to one card and look what happened there
If you're only going to get three Sly Cooper games on Vita cards, Sly 3 might as well be the one that gets left out.
I really like the PS3 collection for the most part. It's not perfect but it looks really good and plays very well. I think it's the best option for playing the original 3 games.
The Metal Slug collection is great. I wish the games ran in 240p natively but they still look great in forced 480p on a softmodded PS2. They look even better if you do the hex edits to force 240p on a CRT monitor.
Yeah most hd collections were great save some stinkers like the silent hill fiasco, and the splinter cell one was crap too.
sonic gems collection is pretty good.
I think it has more to do with the fact that they realized they could make more money by selling them individually on the eshop. Take Megaman for example, instead of 8 games on a $20 ps2 disc they just sell each game for $5 on eshop
>splinter cell one was crap too.
What's wrong with it?
Nice, thanks.
The framerate is balls. It has really dramatic drops, specially in the first two games.
I was lucky enough to get these two Hori controllers from Japan when my dad went on a business trip, back when they were still cheap. I'm kind of scared to own them now that I know they're worth over $130 each, but I'm happy to be able to play games on them. I think my dad paid the equivalent of maybe $20 for each of them. I asked for two because me and my brother wanted to play Soul Calibur with them. I had no idea how rare they were going to be eventually.
I was that weird kid who loved everything Gamecube. It wasn't until late in the 6th gen console cycle that I bought a PS2. My dad also bought me the Ascii keyboard controller and I got the component cables as a Christmas gift one year. I ended up with an extremely valuable GC collection just because this is the stuff that I wanted to own back when it was all still pretty easy to find.
Everyone complains about the PS3 having backwards compatibility stripped out, but I really didn't care because I kept my PS2, and in the long run I am glad that it paved the way for HD remasters because I really don't think they would have happened otherwise.
Not to mention no online to speak of. The online in SC 2 and 3 was one of the best aspects of those games.
There are companies that still make them. Two were just posted in this thread and Atari Vault came out this year and Capcom Arcade Cabinet came out the year before.
Not all compilation games are just roms in a shitty emulator. The recent remastered collections are last gen games ported to new systems. Games that barely have more than 5 games under their belts.
Capcom, SEGA, SNK, Midway have already pushed out a bunch of compilation releases. Why do you need more?
Where's ZoE 2 HD?I say ZoE 2 and not one cause one is ass on both PS2 and 7th gen consoles
>I ended up with an extremely valuable GC collection just because this is the stuff that I wanted to own back when it was all still pretty easy to find.
Same for me and my PS1/PS2 collection, granted I really don't have shit THAT valuable. I just bought what I wanted to play and down the road some of this stuff got somewhat value.
But that is the real value of a collection I think, the memories, the good times you had with your games, it's like reading a book and keeping it in your library forever. Same stuff.
>For some reason collectors go nuts for the GC version.
Gamecube game prices in general are absurd.
Got that one digital on a sale. Same for the Hitman collection.
>Legacy only had MM1-6 while Anniversary had 1-8 and the 2 arcade games.
>For Legacy they should've done 1-10, Mega Man & Bass, and maybe the 2 arcade games.
In Legacy Collection's favor, it excludes the bad games.
Should I even bother with DMC HD collection if I can emulate the ps2 version or play on the original hardware?
I liked The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection
Tell you what user, if you want the PS2 version, I'll trade you.
I'm actually looking for a GC X collection. I have a problem.
Native version is better. Emulation and HD versions both have minor input lag.
Considering how you're posting on Sup Forums, I highly doubt you have the skill to the point that it matters
>tfw my brother loaned out my copy of Metal Gear Solid 2 Snakes and I never got it back
That shit costs more now used than it did brand new when I bought it. I asked him to track it down for me and the trail went cold, because someone down the line either re-loaned it or sold it. He said he'd replace it since it was his responsibility, and I think I'll take him up on that offer next time I want to troll him.
Zone of the Enders HD on PS3 after High Voltage was told to fuck off and HexaDrive came in to save the day.
>I'm actually looking for a GC X collection.
At a store I frequent, it goes for $60. Shouldn't be that hard for you to find a copy. Hit up your local game stores.
GC collectors are crazy man.
The RE ports of the PSone games are expensive as fuck. Hell, RE4 for GC, a game you can find in pretty much every console ever made since is like 60 bucks.
>tfw got the wii version of metal slug collection
And those are for multiplats and ports. Don't even think about trying to get any GC exclusives that stayed exclusive.
I had the Gamestop collector's edition of RE4 with the metal case and shit, and I sold it. It's gotten so many ports to other systems and I always felt that the GC version is actually the worst. I had it remastered on PC for graphics and PS2 for muh physical copy, so I really didn't see any reason in keeping my GC copy. It's been over a year since I sold it and I have no regrets.
I do regret loaning out Twin Snakes, though. I really want it back. I am hesitant to loan shit out these days.
Zelda Collector's Edition was pretty great and I'm glad I got a copy of it way back when. The one issue I have with it is that it doesn't support 240p on the NES games even with a boot disc due to non-integer scaling, which is a bummer but they are still quite playable, especially in 480p.
Also, I love Mario Bros. Deluxe. I've been playing it a lot this week since I just stuck a front light in my GBC, and I finally figured out how to access The Lost Levels / SMB2J. Lost Levels is downright brutal but I'm loving it.
>Also, I love Mario Bros. Deluxe. I've been playing it a lot this week since I just stuck a front light in my GBC, and I finally figured out how to access The Lost Levels / SMB2J. Lost Levels is downright brutal but I'm loving it.
I got it just for SMB2/LL. Started it on the GBC, ended up playing most of it on my AGS101 GBA and then actually finished it on my no light regular GBA (hence the super crappy photo), but keep at it and you too can be a super player like me! It was a crazy fun weekend, but I feel like I didn't really finish it since NES SMB2 apparently has wind and a couple of differences which add to challenge (although I think the dramatically reduced visibility due to the screen size is a whole other fucking ballgame when it comes to difficulty)
I mean how can you not love that title screen though?
I play it on my lit GBC and on my GB player. I have it hooked up with component cables, running in 240p on a CRT and play it with one of my Hori pads. I love playing it on Gameboy but the TV experience is quite nice.
Sadly the image is still cropped, just like on the GBC, which makes it harder than the NES version probably was. It's not impossible but it's more frequently unfair.
is the power stone collection any good?
yeah it's actually pretty solid despite the screen size and shit. They've added the VMU minigames into it as well which is nice.
are you using the game boy player disc in 240p or GB interface?
240p with a border would make me assume Disc+Swiss.
Pretty sure neither LL or ULL support any sort of border to keep delay to a minimum.
>Online features removed
>First two games play lower than 30 fps
>While they run at 60fps on ps2.
>Chaos Theory doesn't have the multiplayer component (neither coop or pvp)
I felt ripped off even after i got the collection for free.
Looking through all the old comic covers while this comfy music played sparked an autism inside me I didn't even know I had.
>PS1 soundtrack for Megaman X3
What a shame.
except they literally just released a megaman compilation