You DID preorder, right user?

You DID preorder, right user?

why is this woman featured prominently on the boxart when blizzard cucked themselves with her by folding to sjws?


who the fuck is buying this game on ps4?

yes I have the game already pre-loaded

>cucked themselves by folding to SJWs

when and how did this happen/

This user gets it, xbone master race!

She had a pose where she faced around with her ass in perfect view.
Someone gave a lengthy post saying why posing like that didn't fit her character (it said nothing of widowmaker's slut outfits or poses), and blizzard took it away.

Thus, blizzard's cucked by the SJWs

have you been living under a rock? or are you one of those mythical shills i've been hearing about

Blizzard didn't actually give in to the sjw's
If anything they laughed in their face by giving her a better butt pose

How is the Xbone version any better?

>Take out Tracer's pose
>But keep all of Widowmaker's slut poses and outfits

So maybe it didn't fit her character afterall?

And now for the new one, she shows off some leg, has her body stretched up and her ass is still in full view.

Is this worth it on consoles? Keep in mind I'll be playing it with five other friends.

That guy literally just said it was out of character and it got replaced by a pin-up pose.

Nobody got cucked

They replaced her Over the Shoulder pose with a pin-up girl pose right afterwards. It's pretty similar in showing the ass and not seeming "too offensive" at the same time.


Fuck yeah

I played the beta on console. It's definitely stable, no one in your group has to worry about having a good enough computer.

Friends sure, but if you want to seriously play it go for PC

It was out of character, her new pose is much more in line with her personality,

Thanks heavens i didn't.

seems like garbage

>all the TF2 kids will wait five years until it's F2P to play it

no i'm not a blizz shill, I just legitimately didn't know.

i never care about this sexuality censorship in video games because i don't want to fuck cartoons/game characters. i just want to play the games.

but yeah, they should be able to put whatever they want in the game. poor fatass girls triggered by a digital girl with a nice ass, very sad.

>paying blizzard for 20 tick servers

fuck off

>blizzard game

Bad b8 m8

Keep up that backpedaling kiddo

No I'll grab it once it's released.

We all know pre-ordering is a fools game OP.

Now I know it doesn't apply to Overwatch that much since we all got to play the open Beta, right ?

But still, what is a man without his code ?

And I will never preorder another game ever again.

But thanks for asking.

check out this normie

>overwatch on consoles
>player base 1 month from now

the ranch dressing of memes

Hearthstone is free to lose, if you want to win you have to put money into it.

>if you want to seriously play the Mario Party of FPSes go PC

So for pc when is it actually playable? Getting conflicted answers on the early release shit.
Is it Sunday the 22nd at midnight (ttechnically 00:00 the 23rd)
Or is it midnight the 23rd (technically 00:00 the 24th)
Or is it some off est. Shit like on normal blizzard patch days?

>modern blizzard
>generic shooter
>pandering to CoD crowd

I cancelled it and got my $40 back within 4 hours.

>Put money into it to win
>They just gave out 13 packs of the new booster and a free legendary

Monday at 4PM PST


>people masturbate to this instead of making love to flesh and blood women like the Lord Jesus Christ intended his children to.

I will never understand.

They had the times. I remember ur able to play at 7pm on 23rd for eastern time

>play beta
>this is fun
>can't wait for launch and all those extra features to justify the premium pricing

Are you so inbred that you are completely unable to look up that information yourself? It's not that hard you know.

It must be tough being autistic.


wow 13 packs, now you only need to buy 87 more to be able to make a decent deck.

B-but muh censorship!

>take america back from the founders of america who wrote everything biblical out of the constitution
remove christians

Did they die of thirst in that last panel?

i have actually autism, please help me out here friend


4pm PST May 23.

That is the correct answer.

I just like actual vaginas, man.

It wasn't even that it was so much it was out of character, the main problem was that there still are multiple "over the shoulder" victory poses that are almost exactly the same between characters. So they removed very generic victory pose and replaced it with unique one.

let me try explaining it to a thick person instead
>blizzard game
>going ftp

The new pose looks objectively better anyway

And yet you can't see things from a different perspective. You're autistic. It's like the main qualification for not being autistic.

damage control as usual

Even googling for something like 'overwtadach ladfuncfd' gives you the correct answer so I don't know who retarded you have to be to not manage to do even that.

I can't understand things from the perspective of pedophiles, furries, ponyfags, rapists, mass murderers either.

I don't consider this a weakness.

Can't people just shut the Fuck up about this game already. It's gonna sell well and die off in 3 months tops. The beta was literally the full game.

please help me user. i can't find anything. please user, please help a person with real autism

I most certainly did.

yes, and people literally can't stop playing the full game and the clamoring for the game is only growing.

I can't wait to see the excuses Sup Forums comes up with to explain this game's inevitably massive sales.

Yes master. Anything for you, Blizzard kun.

Im thinking about it, but 40€ is a little bit much. On the other hand i have nothing better to do so maybe

Look at this shill ass shill shilling shit.


Only thing I preordered is front row seats to see yahtzee tear it a new one.

Here let me sum it up for you
>Overwatch is a new MULTIPLAYER ONLY *stickman puking* game from those silly Land of Craft Wars guys or something bugger
>I didn't like it.

Yep, praying amazon either sends a code via email or the shipping shows up really early on Monday.

shiiiet, s-sauce ???

>Giving a single shit what Yahtzee thinks about games

>not watching the reviewing equivalent to ausfag shitposters make hilariously under budgeted reviews

sauce plz

>they don't know that they replaced it with an objectively better one

just uncuck my shit up

It was just a ruse, wasn't it.
And we all fell for the meme.

>damage controlling
>th-this new one is BETTER!
>the only one d-didn't fit tracer anyway!
no. end result is the same. blizzard allowed an sjw fuckhead dictate changes in their game. this shouldn't be allowed to happen because those people don't play videogames and never will. if you give them an inch, they'll take a mile. the only correct way to deal with these cretins is by ignoring their feeble bleating as they try to push their asinine agendas on to every entertainment medium.

how about some sauce mah nigga

You have to be blind not to realize it was a cheap marketing buzz generation though a sock account.

the previous pose was a recycled widowmaker pose. someone made the argument that it didn't fit tracer's character and blizzard agreed and said they were already planning to change the pose. the person's post didn't change anything, this was already in motion.

plus, they replacement pose didn't censor anything. the ass is still on display and its literally a ripoff of a pinup. I'm not sure what else they could have done to satiate people like you.

i'll preorder tomorrow

>4pm PST

PDT actually, since california is in daylight savings


Yeah. Me and 2 friends going balls deep for a day.

I know that penis

>tracer had a pose with her ass in full view
>Blizzard removes it
>replaces it with a literal pin-up girl pose, with the ass still plainly in view

Cucks on suicide watch! SUICIDE WATCH!!!

>I know that penis
i sure hope so, slut.

>no. end result is the same.
Because it was going to happen anyway, even if nobody had said anything. OW's design team was already planning on switching the pose, which was a near-copy of other poses from other characters, to another.

>blizzard allowed an sjw fuckhead dictate changes in their game.

>this shouldn't be allowed to happen because those people don't play videogames and never will.
A hyperbolic and factually incorrect statement, but irrelevant regardless.

> if you give them an inch, they'll take a mile. the only correct way to deal with these cretins is by ignoring their feeble bleating as they try to push their asinine agendas on to every entertainment medium.

I don't like SJW culture either, but you sound like a disillusioned Sup Forums cunt. Literally as insufferable to see as the SJW scum you spout about.

sauce ?

>I don't like SJW culture either, but you sound like a disillusioned Sup Forums cunt. Literally as insufferable to see as the SJW scum you spout about.

You fucked up, now he's going to post that image of a hipster wearing a mask saying "i'm no sjw but don't you think anti-sjw's are just as bad etc etc"


>getting Overwatch on console

yeah, on pc like a normal person.

>>getting Overwatch on console

I'm not worthy for Mercy.


my roommate and friend are preordering on console. im getting it on pc.

>multiplayer only
>5v5 only
>unbalanced characters
>f2p feel but charging actual money
>massive beta
>overhyped before release
Boy oh boy
this reminds me of something that flopped hard.
What was its name?

El Oh El the shilling is real, do Sony and Blizzard hire their marketers from the same company?

>intentionally avoiding friends

this is the kind of autismal fuck that posts here

>Getting triggered by ps4 box art

>5v5 only

6 v 6 only

>unbalanced characters

who is unbalanced and why?

>f2p feel but charging actual money

What is the "f2p feel" ?