4 hours long, maybe less

>4 hours long, maybe less
>poor level design
>repetitive combat, more so than previous titles
>subpar graphics

Here's the gameplay video.


Oh boy, looks like we have another Korra / Star Fox Zero / Transformers stinker on our plate...

I guess it's the price Platinum has to pay for stretching too thin with more than 4 games being developed at the same time, even though they're just a medium-sized studio.

It's sad that they're smearing their own name with these products.

Thoughts, Sup Forums?

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their pen-to-paper-to-product speed is astonishing to say the least.

but i was complaining about this back when MIH was first announced; platinum is cranking out all these short-ass games that, with a little more time and polish, could be amazing classics

but i guess they are being hired so often now because they can knock out a game as good looking as this, or something like the Korra or TF game, on a very tight schedule. but that's all they end up being; 5 hour long arcade beatemups that get repetitive really quickly, cuz how could they have time for more animations with dev time that short?

>jo0t rbrn sauomh yje bane om yjr oiat

>$40 for 4 hours of gameplay

At least Korra only cost $15

The internet will forget about most of these games once Nier Automata and Scalebound are out.

The game looks worse than Korra. I'm not sure the internet will forget that easily.

>Platinum is a good developer


They're contract workers. They have to work to whatever time constraints Activision is pushing them for. It will literally be in their contract that it HAS to be out at a certain date. Just wait for Scalebound if you're that bothered.

that guy is playing on fucking easy, where there are less enemy everywhere. of course its 4 fucking hours long

Anyone else who literally pirates all of Platinum's games regardless of quality? I even played Korra to completion. For me gameplay is king and Platinum always seems to nail it.

Gameplay is king, but these Platinum C-tier games have bad gameplay.

I honestly even enjoyed Korra's gameplay, its like a babby DMC

the turtle team up moves seem like a fun enough gimmick to be worth playing

i've just started the Korra game, is it just me or are the Triad benders like ten times harder than anything else? every time they drop some of those fuckers on me they completely ruin my shit.

this will be good r-right boys?
genuinely worried

I'm not sure anymore. All footage we've seen were in that forest area and that warehouse. I'm worried it'll be a one-note game.

it'll be fucking godlike, don't you worry

Looks empty and bland. Lots of arcade style fighting but nothing much else.

Nier is definitely their top priority game.

I think if you liked MGR you'll like automata, but it's not gonna be "fresh" like W101, vanquish, mad world, etc.

Scalebound, you mean. Kamiya isn't working in nier

Kamiya didn't work on Bayo2 either and it's one of their best games.

Kamiya isn't the only thing Platinum has going for it.

Bayo 2 isn't as good as Bayo 1 though, or W101 for that matter. I'm not saying it's bad, but it's a step forward and one and a half steps back.

The problem with platinum though is that besides Kamiya now, their games are very homogenized. It's all slightly modified Bayonetta mechanics on an already existing IP, I get that for short contracts with activision it would make sense but MGR and it looks like nier will have this problem too but it's too early to say, but I wouldn't be surprised.

I'd kill for a combat racer or even fighting game by platinum.

I disagree about Bayo, 2 as far as I remembered improved in every aspect or is just as good.

I'm already happy with what we saw with Nier 2, it's clear they kept and will focus on the bullhell esque combat.
