Anyone have any good Micro Keyboard suggestions? I like the KUL ES-87 but I don't really want to pay 100$ for a keyboard.
Also, keyboard thread
Anyone have any good Micro Keyboard suggestions? I like the KUL ES-87 but I don't really want to pay 100$ for a keyboard.
Also, keyboard thread
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how do you live without pg up and pg dn?
I have a scroll wheel user.
What jewery is this? The bottom one doesn't have arrow keys guy
KULES-87 is bland for 100 dollars.
Most micros don't have arrow keys, they're never used anyways.
it just isn't as fast
on really long threads, boom im already at the bottom
Then just grab the scroll bar on the side and slide her down.
Or press in the scroll wheel and let it scroll for you.
Do you really need to shell out at least $100 for a decent mechanical keyboard or is Sup Forums fucking with me again?
I couldn't live without home and end.
Loving my keyboard desu, Ducky makes such good quality stuff.
also chrck out the Pok3r
Some just cut off the numpad.
Are the LED's customizable?
What model dat is
>literally paying extra money for less keys
How would you even Ctrl+Alt+Del?
where is f1-12?
where is my home and end?
how will i enter my alt codes?
sorry man, but this is complete shit
all or nothing for keyboards
Yeah I actually have a Hotline Miami setting (shown) and an ASSFAGGOTs setting.
it's the Ducky Shine mini, so it's a bit outta the 100$ price range, but it's fucking QUALITY. the function keys also let you have Mouse movement, arrow keys, end, home, all that good stuff.
>not just doing ctrl+shift+esc
just post loss edits instead
I've had some logitech keyboard since 2007...
It's never broken or needed repairs and doesnt get things stuck underneath the keys and doesnt make god awful clicky-clak sounds when you type.
Don't know why all you faggots buy $200 keyboards when a $15 one from 2007 has lasted me nearly 10 years.
>yfw 2007 was nearly 10 years ago
Mech keyboards are a meme. If you don't do actual work on the computer there's no reason to buy a 50+ dollar typing device. I get the same amount, if not more work done on a five dollar thrift shop keyboard than you mech key memers.
Get a Magicforce. Nice TKL with better clone switches than Kailh. It's cheap and you can actually ctrl+alt+del with it.
>I get the same amount, if not more work done on a five dollar thrift shop keyboard than you mech key memers.
so you've done tests? please post your research.
Yeah that's a tenkeyless keyboard. OP is talking about a micro keyboard.
Give my my num pad or give me death.
Tell me how fuckin secci this is.
Fuck you faggots numpad 4 life.
quit memeing me, you know those massdrop chuds choke down snakeoil like semen to a nymphomaniac.
My TTesports mechanical has that feature and it's not that great. I just prefer certain sets of keys dimly illuminated with slightly different colors.
Yeah that's another one of my favorite modes, I perfer the Wave lighting or the Raindrop mode personally
And this fine motherfucker is under 60$
The biggest issue with these are for southpaws. I use the numpad and more specifically rely on num-0 for sprint while using arrow keys. Is there an alternative keyboard for lefthanded folks without having to get use to using some middle of keyboard scheme?
Why do all keyboards have the same layout?
Some mice have buttons to let you spin the wheel freely and very quickly
Oh shit negger forreal?
I have this keyboard, I don't have a lot of desk space and I move it around a lot on the desk to fit the way I'm sitting. This happened to be on sale and I went ahead and got it. my only complaint is how loud it is. But it's the only mechanical keyboard I've owned so I can't compare it to others.
>using a keyboard without a numpad and the arrow key section
will never fucking understand
i want a braided cable. :(
For me, it's not necessarily about getting more work done, Although, I do make fewer mistakes on my mech keyboard than I do on others. but it just feels so much better.
I got a Cherry mx 3 for about 70€ and it's been pretty good so far
Is there some sort of modifier key that lets you type numbers and use the ~ key? Some games really need those, not to mention you need numbers to check out this 5.
>m-memers are dumb, im just as good as they are!
>m-meme! meme! MEME! REEEEEEEE
That looks like you would end up moving it for comfort a few times. Braided cables will fray really easily if they rub the edge of a table, remember.
Almost every key on the keyboard has another function, pressing the FUNC key allows you to access them.
You can just click the bottom link at the top of a thread or the top link at the bottom
>paying more than 20 bucks for both the keyboard and mouse
holy fuck kys
Here, Let my 8 show you how it's done
My trusty G400 mouse is dying on me, and my keyboard is a piece of shit I bought for 10$ as a temporary placeholder 3 years ago.
What should I buy to replace them? G400 appear to be discontinued unfortunately.
My death adder has a braided cable and it hasn't really given me any trouble.
This is how my setup was originally with both keyboards.
how do you ctrl+alt+del?
Define 'layout.'
If you mean layout of the keys (e.g. QWERTY) there are lots of layouts based on language. If you mean mechanical layout, that is decided by ISO/ANSI/JIS standards.
It does make a noticeable difference, plus it looks nicer too.
Playing video games on them is pretty nice too. At least with the blues you can see how much better your reaction times are on average.
ctrl shift esc
I have this with brown switches (CM storm quickfire TK)
it's decent but it's a little bit too xXGAYMURXx looking for my taste
move out of the way peasants
With the 80% keyboard I only have 6KRO so I can't do much with typing, even if it feels nicer and I'm used to the clicking telling me when to move on to the next key.
Isnt this the "mechanical" keyboard that really a mix of a membrane kb and blue "switches' to make it feel like a mechanical kb?
But with the browns, all the switches are interchangeable, so I can press all the keys on it at the same time, and they'll all register. NKRO is great for typing, but horrible for gaming as my reaction times go up by like a whole 30-50ms.
jesus clean that shit
I've got a ducky mini too, can confirm the function layout is supreme.
Yeah I've not cleaned it in a few weeks, just been generally busy.
Well I can't say it's the NKRO that sucks for gaming, it's more the switch's fault than the NKRO design. All the same, I can press any combination or permutation of buttons on the Poker II keyboard and have NKRO.
With the PLU ML-87, it's just 6KRO, which is enough for gaming, but I'm so restricting in a typing sense.
show keyboard
who here /cute/?
is it fun using linux all the time?
give that keyboard back jamal
why is there feces on your keyboard
not really so I use windows on my desktop.
The keyboard's mine, no one's going to steal it from me because it ain't stolen tyvm.
Why does it have a numpad
dude who cares what color you are you fucking nigger
why is there a brown substance on your keyboard my mans
what kind of phone are you using to take these pictures
Where did you get your keycaps?
hey babe
That's just spit and crud from the chocolate bar I was eating.
Feces doesn't show up like that on plastic.
I'm pretty sure I ordered them on amazon.
I think they're on massdrop right now.
Who do I have to kill to get that. TELLME.
Oh yeah these are cute, I wouldn't use these colors, but they look good.
I like white, red and pink for my desk since it's all black.
you are an animal
I don't know what you mean!
That's a crazy thing to call me. Such a tempestuous thing to say, are you trying to start a fight on this imageboard, I swear.
you are trying to start with the wrong guy i am simply informing you that you are a mess and you should not get CHOCOLATE OF ALL THINGS on your board that you payed 100 dollary doo's with. How did you even manage to get chocolate anywhere that is not your mouth?
mind if i save that pic?
No, I don't mind just credit me if you are going to use it. :^)
Also chocolate gets everywhere when you're eating it, it's not like saliva just stays off your fingers you know.
same, my old IBM office keyboard still working as intended since my dad brought it home in 2008
get a real camera
the camera in my cell phone is super natural
have a look inside my fridge at some crazy res
is there a point to numberpads?
I have two camera phones and a kodak quick snap just in case I ever get laid.
A DSLR would ruin the entire thing.
I can't do the minimalist keyboards like these. I mean if thats your thing cool but I have big hands and like to have a hand rest on my keyboard.
>no palm rests
lol say goodbye to your wrists in a decade
who'd you steal that keyboard from?
A better question would be is there a point to having the numbers above the keyboard instead of just simply having a numpad. People that use anything but the numpad for typing in numbers should probably fucking kill themselves.
you can hold space and go to the bottom
Shift + F1 etc. would be horrible on those
Please tell me this came pre-built with the fruity keys. I don't wanna spend more just for the keycaps
rate my keyboard layout fammy
I use a G600, really nice, but I also use the side buttons for games so dunno if that's your cup of tea