git gud
What site? Was it Polygon trying to damage control?
At least you were kind enough to post the pastebin.
someone sounds mad he couldn't git gud
even worse, it's other sites damage controlling for polygon
>Taking games seriously.
Games shouldn't be taken seriously, period. It's entertainment, nothing more.
Is this because of the terrible ign player
You should have to be good enough to beat the game on normal to be allowed to review it. Anything less is playing the game as its developer didn't intend it and a review based on this play through would be objectively inaccurate, even in it's opinions.
>This kind of hostility towards “outsiders” is why so many think poorly of games and the people who play them. It’s the same attitude that inspired the so-called “GamerGate” controversy. All the stereotypes and clichés that anger and diminish “gamers” are reinforced by incidents like this. By reflexively acting out against those who they believe are encroaching on their private turf, these game fans make themselves look petty and mean-spirited and encourage the dismissive attitudes the general public tend to hold towards them and their hobby.
Apologize, Sup Forums.
>This article highlights what's wrong with gaming journalism where the journalist is hardly a gamer. The Polygon gameplay was atrocious and made the game look clunky and horrible, which is completely wrong unto how it actually feels.
I bet you believe aiming is a social construct and must be torn down for the sake of equality. You believe people's merits should not be respected it it gets in the way of fun for others. IN A GAME LIKE DOOM WHICH IS HEAVILY SKILL BASED.
It doesn't even need saying that you don't have to be good at video games to have fun in them, what it does say is that if you're inept at playing a game you have no right to judge it or showcase it in a way that makes it unfaithful to the product.
Everyone has the right to play games, but if they lose they shouldn't blame the game for their own faults unless truly warranted. Polygon showcased gameplay footage in a bad light because of the player's ineptitude with the medium. I would not hire a carpenter to teach a science class. For the same reason I would not hire a person with minimal to non-existent game experience to showcase gameplay for something they're unsuited for.
>Expecting Anyone to take you seriously when you've never played baseball
Same Applies to vidya
>you'll never be so bad at video games you bleet like a lost lamb for all of the Internet to see
>We scared off the normies
Oh no...
it was polygon's arthur "virtual guns scare me" geis who had that atrocious gameplay video
he also reviewed it and gave it a n 8.5
>Polygon First 30 Mins of DOOM
>its actually the first 10 mins for anyone besides an absolute retard
Its not even get gud, its learn how to even approach 3d game mechanics for polygon
That's a long article. If they ignore people bitching it would actually stop. But the fact that so many articles are being written about the reaction to the polygon actually gives the criticism legitimacy. Fuckin idiots
I don't follow this internet drama stuff like you guys do, what did ign do now?
Why should people take games seriously? They're still largely a source of entertainment for children and teenagers.
>Muh gamergate
I'll start taking games seriously when you stop blaming your problems on something else.
It's no suprise. That thing from 2 years ago proved that all the gaming outlets work together as a massive propaganda machine.
If you take it seriously, you git gud.
If you don't, you don't.
That's fine and the way shit works. This argument is like someone saying "If you want to learn, do your homework" and a shitty kid saying he shouldn't have to to pass.
It's pastebin for online articles so you don't give clickbait sites ad revenue.
bait article for a bait thread. nice (You)s OP.
>The person playing DOOM in Polygon’s video appears to struggle with the game at certain points,
>certain points
and Understatement of the Decade goes to!
Yes, but not on Polygon because all these guys are on the same mailing list, and they all ghost write for each other. It is not likely that Garret, or Johnny wrote their respective articles.
>it does what doom fans expect a doom to do
>neo/v/ taste confirmed to be polygon-tier
Well what do you expect? Journalists are all looking out for each other, and they realize that if one of their bretheren get their reputation trashes, they all get their reputation trashed. That's why they protect each other.
>if gamers want their medium to be taken seriously as an art form and to be acepted by a wider community
that's what these chucklefucks don't understand, I don't want gaming to be seen as an art form. I don't want games to be taken seriously. I don't want games to be accepted by a wider community. I would be happy if games were still a niche hobby that required effort to have fun in. I don't give a single iota of a fuck about fucking casual cunts playing games. I would be happy to see them fuck off and leave me alone.
It's more like a comedy.
I don't want games taken seriously. I don't want whatever fucking walking simulators and visual novels about otherkin issues that your mate is putting into early access.
What an idiot, games aren't meant to be taken seriously.
>appears to struggle with the game
>can't even move the character and the camera at the same time
There's a pretty huge difference between people harassing a new player for being bad and people harassing someone who is apparently a VIDEO GAME EXPERT at being so bad that you'd think they've never held a controller before.
what do you guys think of the guy from forbes, erik kain?
I think he's a pretty good dude and seems level headed
The only people who want games to be taken seriously are games journalist who wish they had jobs that mattered.
What these idiots don't understand is that if games were taken seriously they'd actually be less inclusive and much more uninviting. High art, and high fashion are both good examples of this.
Hilarious then sad, then hilarious again when they showed the guy from Nvidia playing. Fucking gold.
>And here's Dannika Patrick announcing for the Minnesota Wild. What do you mean she doesn't know what she's doing? It's that elitist attitude that keeps race car drivers out of hockey.
Perhaps videogames aren't taken seriously because the people that represent them (read: journalists) are utterly inept and don't have any interest in getting better despite the fact that playing videogames is their fucking job.
It's like if a sports commentator didn't know the rules to the game he was commenting on.
Not to mention the whole desire for videogames to be "taken seriously" is stupid. Taken seriously by who exactly? It feels like they just want movie industry-sempai to notice them.
Way to pull that GG shit out of nowhere only a few paragraphs in. Jesus fuck.
If I was deaf, would people respect my music reviews? If I was blind would people want to read my movie reviews? If I can't play games or learn how to play games, and won't bother learning controls should people take my reviews seriously?
It's fucking retarded how video games have to be the one medium that allows bullshit like this just because it has emotional meaning to some faggot who played Zelda when he was 9.
Still kicking.
what the fuck, is he playing with a steering wheel?
Reminds me of the "GAMERS ARE DEAD" articles from different publications were posted in the time span of one day.
I've been seeing lots of talk about skill in video games and journalists inability to grasp simple controls.
>people won't take games seriously
The only people who legitimately give a shit about this are the people who are ruining the fun for everyone else.
I can not believe there are people defending that video.
Sorry ;_;
There has never been a more fitting time where "git gud" applies than the time when Polygon made that Doom video.
Seriously... who the fuck plays a shooter that poorly? GIT GUD.
Games """"""""Journalist"""""""" have to stick up for each other
>weak bait
git gud
literally git gud
doom is easy as shit and i suck at vidya
Daily repost
I'm going to post this on every article from now on that I see when a vg journalist starts raging when they can't handle criticism over a subject they know nothing about.
>an outlet like Polygon isn’t only writing for the most serious and dedicated videogame players. Their audience includes anybody interested in games, from the most hardcore who spend hours a day on the hobby, to the less passionate fans who only play a handful of games a year. Their writers shouldn’t be expected to reflect the tastes or share the abilities of players who devote most of their leisure time to gaming
yes they fucking should. imagine a fucking film critic that only watched 3 blockbusters a year.
Wow, the author of OP's article sounds like a fag.
Anyone got the Polygon article about that guy who went to a Rock Band 4 press event and he loathed not only the game but all the people enjoying it.
Hell he spend maybe a sentence talking about the actual game saying shit like "Its just pushing buttons" and the spent the rest of the time complaining about his surroundings.
Quality video game journalism Polygon, don't forget the "How to turn on a PS4" article.
>"they say that somebody needs to “Git Gud” at a game, but what they’re really doing is trying to exclude players who don’t devote as much time to games as they do."
Yeah? They need to play the game more to git gud...
Awesome!! Gamergate got nothing on this!! Thats so 2014. I Cant wait for GITGUDGATE!! ggg'rs are the worst.
>it's okay to be bad at things and make no effort to improve.
This shit goes beyond casual, casuals just don't care about gitting good, this is an aware and active attempt to do badly and to keep doing badly.
people shouldn't take games so seriously
>there are retards who want people to take videogames seriously
Yes boy i cant wait for more censorship and banning games just because they hurt people feelings
when i saw the video i honestly assumed whoever was playing it was disabled
literally cant make this up
>people who don't know how to drive a car should be allowed to make reviews about them
Reminder as to why several competing websites are posting similar articles almost simultaneously.
it's because game 'journalists' don't play games
If you prove you know the material through avenues constructed to test one's proficiency on a subject(exams) then the homework, which is intended to help one learn the material, shouldn't be necessary to pass.
Homework was designed to cover information and solidify information in students outside of class due to time constraints but has morphed into an arbitrary point system.
In short, your analogy sucks.
Are they playing with just a keyboard or something
These articles are the longest, most ridiculous excuse for justifying why they as journalists suck at their job. They can more about the political message of the game than they do the gameplay. I wonder how many more articles will they shit out about this.
How is it even possible? there's fucking autoaim when using gamepad, isnt there?
literally how
Only people who can't git gud at video games would ever make an article like this
You have a very warped idea of how significant autoaim is mate.
games shouldnt be taken seriously because then it becomes an art then women get involved and ruin it for everyone
Can anyone tell me what happened with doom and what is this shit is all about. I just came from army and isn't up to date on anything. Hell, it was a surprise to me yesterday that DeS 3 is out
Someone needs to edit this and every shot he missed they need to edit in clips of people getting shot in movies.
Someone make it happen.
Nope. In the whole video, you can see DS4 button prompts.
I'm mostly upset that video games, being the only interactive multimedia form of expression, are so fiendishly lambasted by gaming journalists for their interactivity, and praised when they take strides to avoid being interactive. It's the same as a film critic crying online that a movie should be judged by music and story rather than the cinematography that pulls everything together in a meaningful manner. Or a music critic ignoring the instrumental elements in favor of the message of the lyrics and the cool album cover.
I don't think Doom has any but there's still no excuse for being this fucking bad
Console DOOM used the Halo method of magnatism for it's autoaim, it's not the snap-to like CoD uses.
It's a little less idiot proof since it only helps the player and doesn't do all the work for them and is also distance based where the closer you are the weaker the magnetism is
The job title of "journalist" is effectively a learning disability.
>polygon on full damage control
>they are crashing and burning
>blame gallantgators again
God bless us everyone for gamergate.
So weird these stories came out so close to each other.
Why should I want the normalfags to accept me and do the same things as me? If I wanted that I'd be a normalfag.
"Git gud" was no the mentality behind GG though, it was about shit/shady game journalism
possible retard played game using one arm tied behind his back to review the new doom. shitstorm followed. it's still not verified if a retard with one arm tied behind his back did review the game but the gameplay says otherwise
doom is fine solid 7.5/10
polygon doing polygon things and all retards followed in their footsteps like rps/kotaku
>This kind of hostility towards “outsiders”
This is the problem right there. Someone who doesn't like games or the act of playing video games should not be reviewing video games. Likewise someone who has no interest in art/literature/movies/music should not be reviewing said mediums.
git gud
oh god gitgudgate
Jesus if you're going to do that shit couldn't you at least talk amongst yourselves to make sure you don't all use the same keyword so it's not so blatantly obvious?
>I don't follow this internet drama
>literally following the drama
Fuck off cunt.
Wow! What a coincidence! Almost like that certain event 2 years ago!
Neither of those have really "evolved".
Yes there are trends/fads but it's the same song and dance. Gaming has changed from a small innovative hobby to a cashgrab market.
Tell that to the guys making over a million doing esports.
I wonder what compels people who barely play games to blog about them for a living.