Why do the Chinese do this? Why don't they have creativity or original ideas?

Why do the Chinese do this? Why don't they have creativity or original ideas?

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Easy cash grab that is quick to replicate without having to spend so much effort in developing the concept and idea without breaking copyright laws. Quite literally just China being China trying to cash in on dat phat Overwatch l00t

Because they fucking murdered all their intellectuals in Mao's great leap forward

Well, it's hardly like they're gonna rip off Mei, considering how negatively she was received in China.

Reminder that China is just as bad as India when it comes to POO IN LOO.

It is more of a "Why not?" for them. Thanks to the government enforcing copyright in China is nearly impossible. And getting access to online games not run by a government owned company is also nearly impossible.

Wait, why? Explain yourself

Overwatch already ripped off their designs from various other games/series/mangas, they oughta be public domain at this point

Why come up with your own ideas when you can sell someone elses? China literally doesn't give a fuck, they're basically cut off from the entire world.

Mists of Pandaria was a failure in China too. Every attempt to pander to them fails. I'm starting to think Chinese actually hate themselves.

They liked Kung Fu Panda.

Well blizzard ripped off tf2 and chinks rip off overshit, seems like justice to me

>I'm starting to think Chinese actually hate themselves.

They half do. I deal with a lot at my job and there seems to be two types. "Please don't lump me in with the rest of these fuckers" types and "HOMELAND CAN DO NO WRONG PRAISE CHINA!" types.

This, it Kung fu Panda did well there. They hate blizzard for being shit.

So is this a FPS or just another mobile MOBA?

Pls respond :c

Its a mobile FPS

The weird thing though is that you'd expect an artist to be creative and come up with his own ideas. It doesn't cost anything to be creative and come up with ideas. This is literally just direct copying.

This is how the Chinese people and economy work.

Living in a communist country, creativity and the drive for success is very limited. Therefore, the Chinese make their own success by copying the success of capitalist nations.

This does not only apply to the videogame industry in China, it also applies to things like schooling, business, music, and even manufacturing/industry.


Mods are asleep, quick post bootlegs.

But will it get as much porn?That's the real question.

And all the other purges of previous dynasties. Burning books and shit was common whenever a new emperor came to power in China. Pretty much the only reason Chinese people will defend Mao is because he's just continuing that tradition.

Mainland china is still very much socialist/communist.

Have you been there? I suggest you visit.

This is how a fascist society exists when the world is globalized.

It's no different then bootleg pirating of games.

If it sells, why change anything? Just steal the shit and rename it.

Super Mr. Pikachu 64 Turbo 3

It's run by the communist party though.

>It doesn't cost anything to be creative and come up with ideas
Sure it does. If your original idea is shit (and let's be real, most original ideas are) that costs you potential profits.

On the other hand, you could rip off an idea that has proven to be popular. It's way lower risk.

It must be soul draining to actually make these games.



but Kung Fu Panda was good

and north korea is a democratic republic

In my experience, the former tend to be from Hong Kong. Every chinese person I've met from Hong Kong has fucking hated mainlanders and wanted nothing to do with any sense of nationalistic pride.

It's a deeply ingrained cultural thing desu

Basically they intentionally copy successful things and people in hope that they too will be successful

Not about being original, but following exemplars

Their modern economic policies are more like
>Ban foriegn products/services
>Create domestic copies while giving the domestic version huge protectionism to create Chinese jobs
(ex: ban Facebook but create Weibo)
>Give domestic companies huge subsides to go out and expand to foreign markets
>Also invite foreign companies to produce in China so they can steal their IP

> i haven't been there but I read some stuff on the internet so I'm kindof an expert

I don't understand how it would even make money.

Wouldn't people interested in Overwatch just play Overwatch? Why would anyone play a shit knockoff?

Why is China is so fucking shit?

Even it's people are yet praising it as the best country as like USAfags

Don't even have to make sense of it, China is a hell hole and we all know it.

Communism is a joke, most of the country doesn't even follow communist rules and bend to capitalist methods.

Meanwhile, they get pissed off at Blizzard for including an optional Japanese skin for the panda character in Warcraft 3 which forces them to remove it.

in my experience you're a chink and i don't care if you call yourself hong kong or ching chong or nippon you may as well accept you are yellow barbaric savages

It's a hybrid capitalist oligarchy, China is. Run by the communist party.

Their culture is fucking garbage, that's why. It's not really a mystery.

All their fucking products are half-assed, all of them, even their architecture and public safety procedures are half-assed. The only reason why they are even remotely successful ever is because they occasionally try to emulate western culture, but they do so poorly and in a scatterbrained matter so their success is infrequent and overall negligible.

>people actually think China will take over some day

One of the biggest jokes of our age.

I guess Diet Coke is actually good to complement your diet food then.

u wot

Well there was that TF2 rip-off where you played little kawaii doll girls.

But then there's also the TF2 rip-off where they legitimately ripped off the character designs.

And then there's 300 Heroes, which is just in a fucking league of its own. A Moba that lets me play as Wall-E and Conan Edogawa? Fucking yes please.

Because is free

And people wonder why the US is losing to the Chinese.

What the fuck is that non argument supposed to be?


well well well look who just go out to play

here you go cuck

You're not familiar with how communism works are you


It's not completely their fault that 60 years ago Mao rounded up all their professors and original thinkers and then executed them. This is what your left with when the generation that could have advanced your society forward is obliterated.

It was down to her appearance. They chimped out en masse upon her reveal last November, since they were upset that their only rep in the game was, in their words, "just a fat white girl who happens to speak Mandarin".

Never reply to Sup Forumsfags
Learn that, newfriend.

China's economy is very mixed, about 60% state owned and 40% private industry (but the private sector is growing). The most accurate term to describe it would be "state capitalism" because they blur the line between state and private owned.

1 and 2 were
3 was dumbed down garbage with humor so dull because they wanted to appeal to the Chinese market. They even redid animations for the Chinese version where mannerisms were more Asian like more bowing and stuff.
I like anime but I dislike almost all anime comedies or Asian films that have a high emphasis on comedy because the humor just doesn't appeal to me. When I want good humor I want shit like Wolf of Wall Street, In Bruges, Its always sunny and Rick and Morty.

>Stereotypical portrayals from outsiders fails to go over well with the people that are actually part of that culture
Mists of Pandaria is like blackface to them.

How tf are we losing?

Except that he destroyed a lot of actual historical monuments, buildings, statues, etc.

Communism basically tried to destroy China's history.

Yurocuck spotted

Exactly. Them calling themselves communist is a non argument as well. What matters is their actions, and they've implemented a very mixed economy.

I'm divided on this thought.
Too much patriotism is bad but if you keep on thinking your country is shit then it will never change. You will end up leaving your country and moving to another country thus your old country will forever be shit. No worse than a middle eastern refugee. At least the Chinese think they are making their country a better place

The type of Chinese communism that we see is only able to prosper because of western capitalism. It's more of a social/domestic communism than a communist economy.

While the state wont take all of your profit and capital, it sure as hell will tell you what you're going to do with it and when. For instance, China will ban services like amazon and instead create their own similar service. If you want to compete with that service you'll have to go thru hoops in the never ending chinese bureaucracy


China confirmed low test

I'm not denying that or trying to defend communism. But China has been destroying their own history for a long time. That doesn't make it right, it's just a fact.

Am I the only one that fears the Chinese might implode one year?

>losing to the Chinese
>fearing the Chinese

except Chinese people weren't enslaved then later mocked with pandas.

I talked with an American working in mainland China about this on /his/ once. He's in the steel industry, and had come to fucking despise Chinese.

Apparently Chinese work ethic is so shit because in industries like steel, you have two options:

1. Work your ass off for 40 years making barely enough pay to get by
2: Rip off some dumbass Western, hoping they don't inspect the quality of your product before purchase, and running off with a $500,000 profit.

It';s so common in mainland China that businesses don't even punish the workers that do it unless they actually pocket the money for good product. Everyone just sees it as an opportunity to get rich in one sale over working their life for less than the money you'd make otherwise.

Chinese have dank memes though. This panda is basically their Pepe.

Yeah, most of the world likes skinny people I bet.

Well soy literally contains estrogen so...

I'm only afraid of that because India will take their place if that happens.

>they don't cater to obvious pandering!
>ha, what a bunch of losers XD
Murritards are pathetic.

Its a pretty dangerous thing.
The only reason why we have all our stuff is because it's made by poorly paid Chinese workers. If my laptop was completely made in the US it would cost a fortune

You know china actually has intelligence force that shitpost against america for a living right?

it's cyber warfare

Did anyone post Chinese Nep

someone post faulty escalators since were talkin about how shit china is

Don't we do it too?

"Cater to" and "pander" means the same thing you dumb chink.

We are losing because China is putting economic practices in motion that will eventually crush America and propel China into the lead.

Every year their GDP grows. American business are moving there, whereas knockoff Chinese businesses are isolated in China in order to keep jobs. When we do see Chinese business, it is only for China's benefit, as they give benefits and subsidize those businesses.

Finally, China is exempt from alot of the taxes that other trade agreement countries pay. There is no incentive to keep our money here in America.


Half of the characters respective countries hate their character because they can't get it through their thick skulls that the characters are exaggerated and overdone. Last night there was a fucking thread where a load of bongs were complaining about tracer.
>fucking americans think we all sound like fucking mary poppins
>why didn't they hire someone that actually sounds like us
Like as if every jap talks like fucking shonen anime ninja like genji and everyone in america talks like a cowboy.

Nigga they had their own empire colonized by pretty much everyone - in the XX century.

what the shit lmaoooo

Nah mang I'm just from NJ. It doesn't take a genius to realize that China is ripping us off and slowly filling the gap.

Everyone does it. But America has so many jingoistic shitposters paying for professionals to do it is redundant.

Aah, the century of shame. Good times, good times.


no they were forcibly deported to Mexico after building the railways that allowed for the far west to develop

Texans do talk like that, though,.

the airforce has rooms full of 250 people that just post propaganda all day.
imagine getting paid to shitpost.

Paultard detected.

Has anyone ever seen China's newest Android console?

And guess what? The company is planning to beat other major companies with their shitty "Donut Steel" console

Why on earth would a bonger WANT Tracer to sound like a real British woman?

I'm a dual citizen between US and UK, and fucking despise listening to the grating voices of the general British public when I visit my family. Brits should be glad Americans think they sound posh and fancy, because fuck me if their regular accent isn't awful.

>Inb4 angry Britfags shitpost about American accents

Of course not, user.

Be sure to vote this November, your vote counts! :^)

>xbone controller
>that ps4 console shape

To be fair the game does have a cowboy

>imagine getting paid to shitpost.
would make it infinitely less fun tbf

They've literally copied Paris and other cities.
I'd say copying a video game? they can do that in their sleep.

Chineses are scum. They will do anything for an easy buck, disregarding everything else.

The gutter oil issue made that very clear
