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Im 16 hours in and I unlocked Colony 6 quests. I feel so lost in this game. What character should I be maining?
Should I bother with the gem crafting system? I'm liking this game but I just feel overwhelmed.
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Im 16 hours in and I unlocked Colony 6 quests. I feel so lost in this game. What character should I be maining?
Should I bother with the gem crafting system? I'm liking this game but I just feel overwhelmed.
You should be maining Fiora, unless you got her killed in Colony 9 at which point you should restart the game.
There isn't really a "best" party. You just have to find out who you like best. I did Shulk, Reyn, Sharla for a solid chunk of the game, and ended up switching drastically late game.
Gem crafting is alright-ish at first, fucking vital late game.
It's a huge goddamn game. Being overwhelmed is gonna just be part of it for awhile. Try to find one thing you want to do for awhile and just do that for a bit. Accept that you're gonna be at this game for many dozens of hours if you want to do everything (even mostly) and just try not to get too stressed about the amount of stuff that's available. The "timed" missions don't expire until WEEEELL into the game, so don't stress about those either.
Any team that doesn't use Sharla is good. Just only use Melia if you're controlling her though.
Fuck. Okay restarted now. Thanks for the heads up didn't know you could save her.
You need to grind to level 99 before the robot comes so you're strong enough to beat him.
Gem crafting becomes vital late game? I don't really feel like learning it but I guess I will.
8 just get overwhelmed with all the items I collect.
Im constantly checking gear to see if I should equip it on my party or sell it. Then there is skill links which confuses me.
Im not giving up. I just need to put more effort into learning all the mechanics.
I only have 4 party members. I guess I'll replace sharla which dunban
First, the game is super easy if you do any sidequesting, so you can just run around and slap the controller/3DS with your dick and still finish the game.
Gem crafting gives you better gems earlier and best gems you can only get by crafting, but again the game is easy, so no need to put any effort to that, I always just mass produced random gems with minimal thought.
Third and most important, use all characters in different party configurations. Characters who are not in the main team also get almost as much exp than main party, and switching party around occasionally let's you adapt to situation and is just much more fun.
>Im constantly checking gear to see if I should equip it on my party or sell it.
You will do this for the entire game.
>Then there is skill links which confuses me.
You might wanna Google it. I was confused for awhile at first and I'm shit at explaining. Just be aware because there's some fucking retarded huge spoilers floating around on the wikis and such.
Skill links isn't that hard to understand, it's just passive skills that you can take from other characters if their affinities are high enough
Talk about the fucking game
Gem crafting is very useful, just use it when you can. It helps you defeat any over-leveled enemies you find while exploring and used right, you can defeat enemies even 50 levels greater than yours.
As for who you should main, all of them are viable mains, but not party members, Dunban works as a party member, so does Riki. Reyn is also decent and Sharla works but is unnecessary, while Robutt is probably best as a party member because she's pure DPS. But AI controlled Shulk and Melia are braindead, so if you want either of them in your party, you best be controlling them.
I can't seem to gem craft on the go. Do I gotta go to coloney 9 for that all the time?
Drop Sharla as soon as you can, once you unlock more skills for him, try Dunban out, his skills are super fun to combo. Remember that Thunder isn't useless since Tempest Kick turns you 180 and Gale Slash makes you go through the enemy, so it's just a question of knowing when to use it.
There is sidequest for on the go gemcrafting.
There's a sidequest to make a miniforge at some point
Pretty sure the sidequest to unlock the portable forge is in Frontier Village. Been a while since I played though, might be wrong. I just remember that I was in Makna Forest when I crafted my first gem on the go.
you gotta get a ultra small rector from colony 6
I've played most of the game with a Shulk-Dunban-Riki party. There's a reason that's the party that shows up in Shulk's Final Smash in Sm4sh, it's super fucking efficient.
Riki is a great healer that's NOT useless in chain attacks and can also dishes good DPS via stackable DoT, so he outclasses Sharla entirely.
Unless you want to kill the bullshit ultimate monsters don't worry too much. As long as you do quests enough you should always be able to handle battles. Pretty much any party combo is fine, but it is a good idea to have at least one tank. Dunban is the best, but he requires a bit of intelligence since he needs to dodge things rather than take hits. Use Reyn if you just want someone to tank shit. Maining Shulk is fine, but mixing characters up is good to build relationships. And don't worry too much about gems until maybe late game or if you want to take on optional fights.
If you do want to break the game a bit then use Dunban, Shulk, and the last party member you get in the game. Their mixture of high agility, being able to fight above their level, and dodge everything is the best way to kill big enemies.
Some general tips:
>Look up where some items are for quests. Some items only appear in specific pools of water during a two hour period in the morning but all the game tells you is check water in the forest.
>Melia is an idiot. Main her and learn her skills or just bench her. She can be amazing, but only when you control her since her AI is retarded.
>Some quests will go away with events in the game. For example, when you get to a big noble city where Melia comes from remember that any quest there can go away later on.
>Don't do every quest in the game. There are some more interesting quests and some that lead to good rewards like new ability trees for characters. But look them up. There are too many quests in the game.
>Sharla is nice to have for the heals early on, but later you'll realize you can get by without it. Replacing her later on with a character that can do better damage and combo with others is a good idea.
>Build relationships. Crossing skills over between party members is fantastic.
The game is needlessly convoluted at times, but it's fucking fantastic. Have fun user.
That and Dunban is bro tier
Ice cabbage
I had Dunban as my main throughout most of the game. Much more fun to play than Shulk in my opinion.
The other two party members were usually Shulk and Seven, with Seven getting swapped out for Riki sometimes if needed, and it worked extremely well for pretty much the whole game outside of a few instances YOU SHALL PAY FOR YOUR INSOLENCE