ITT: Shitty final bosses
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but thats not the final boss user
just because she's optional doesnt mean anything
look at this casual he never fought elizabeth
Final boss means the final thing that you fight in the game retard
Demifiend's not the fucking final boss of DDS, Ozma's not the fucking final boss of FF IX
Jubilee was better.
>is the last unfought boss of ng+
>not final
compared to what? I thought it was pretty good. long, but not too hard
Literally the biggest reason Bayo 2 is worse than 1. Zero climax
>almost finished with this shitty boss
>he charms mc
>oh no
Agreed. Jubileus fight had more variety to it than this faggot.
Not the op, but I thought it was really bullshit how it's not hard at all unless it completely randomly just happens to inflict enough status effects in one turn to completely ruin everything and set you back 50 minutes
ITT retards that fight her without unshaken will
Easiest boss in the game.
I would argue that Haytham was the final battle and he was just the epilogue
>nu-nintendo games
And her SotFS replacement is even worse.
The only unwinnable situation is Nyx charming a character with Diarahan/Mediarahan, but that can be easily avoided.
Every single Gradius game. It's on purpose though.
I had Yukari charmed and MC, Junpei, and Akihiko enraged
The only reason I didn't get wiped is because Junpei did like 600 damage in one turn and killed her
Well why didn't the game just fucking end after Jecht? What a waste of time.
nigger what
for a movie game this guy was pretty funny
I just finished the main quest and the civil war in Skyrim. Both Alduin and Ulfric were pretty lame final bosses. Not that I expected much, but still.
> final boss
> game
pick one.
Probably the most edgy boss imaginable.
You still gotta beat this guy to beat the fucking game at the end
Elizabeth comes before
>tfw metaroopa was the final boss
>The big 'wings' were really just massive fleshy growths that sort of looked like wings
>The one big black wing in particular is clearly not actually a wing
>Fuck it let's just give him a single black wing whenever he shows up from now on
I don't see what's so edgy about that particular form.
This is one of the best fights I can think of. It was a long, exhausting fight with an incredible payoff. You'll need an explanation.
This is the final boss
Seraphs are edgy?
Doesn't Sephiroth literally translate to one-winged angel? Like from latin or some shit?
I remember my first time fighting Nashandra and expecting her to go into some crazy second phase, but it never happened and I beat the game disappointed and unsatisfied.
He's a healing check, at best. Get Mediarama and you win.
>American education
>FF7 is not a weeaboo game because I played it as a kid
I hate this meme
Safer Sephiroth is supposed to be seraph Sephiroth. Sephiroth itself is a Hebrew word
-came out of nowhere; no buildup or tension
-only ONE form
-was easy as fuck
Nigga what? We never said anything about weaboos
Oh yeah, I remember that class on hebrew mythology when we discussed the Tree of Sephiroth in great detail here in Europe the capital of Europe
Fucking retard
But what if it's a bonus boss that actually is the Final Boss? Like Specter from Ape Escape?
please commit suicide
Just list every western game ever made, they all have shit final bosses
i wouldn't go on calling them shit boss fight more like meh boss fight
It is obviously not latin for many reasons
Easily the best boss in the series. Nyx felt like a Final Boss. Not just because of the atmosphere around it but because of how it functioned. It wasn't just a one-off super powerful enemy, it was a battle that required you to change your style to the situation. It wasn't random either all the situations you face in this fight you would have encountered before so you should know how to deal with them. Nyx was essentially a final test.
>dat build up in the last month
>dat grand stage at the top of a 250 floor tower
>dat theme
>dat "final battle" after
What more could you ask for?
It was silly, but in a good way. The fight itself I enjoyed.
I knew the game was gonna end before I even got into the boss room, and I was still mad
just made me feel empty, like I went through the whole game for fucking this
>please attach a picture of king allant xii
Can't afford it chum. I don't want massive debt I can never hope to pay off. Y'know like Europoors in Greece.
>hating Lazarevic
He's arguably one of the better bosses in that type of game
>no one posted him yet
Can't wait for this theme to play during the next P3 Movie.
You have really bad taste user.
That's not tartarus
Lul though I really like his design
Man, I hated Bomberman Armageddon
It's actually Sefer Sephirot
A bit of letdown than the predecessor
He was a great first boss but, you really expected something better at the end after fighting monstrous demons.
Can't even let the final boss monologue.
That's more considered a "true final boss", like Sir Henry Motherfucker in NM, if you have to complete some sidequest to unlock the real final battle that gives the real ending.
I honestly thought Nashandra was a secret boss because I fought Throne Buddies before even getting the Mist Heart, and I just went back to the throne and stumbled upon her. Then the game was over.
>not understanding that SAX is the real final boss
>Omega Metroid is just there for tension and character building.
That being said, SAX's final form was still pretty disappointing.
Bullet sponge > QTE
Nxy would've been okay if it wasn't for that bullshit final attack it spams right before it dies.
Now that I think about it P3 has some pretty shit boss design. Replaying it at the moment and I'm stuck on that knight faggot with a ton of health/defence that can one shot your party members.
Nigga I never even played the fucking game. It's just a somewhat tacky angel, get over it.
i appreciate the fact that we fight a giant book as well
Wasn't it supposed to be Saviour Sephiroth or something like that?
And you would be correct.
P4's bosses were worse. At least some of P3's pose some kind of a threat. P4's are just damage sponges because they're all so easy you have no chance of dying unless you're a retard.
Ugh that moment grinds me. In one hand, it was cool to see a character act as they truly would act, blasting their enemy as soon as they could get to him, but it was so fucking disappointing to not have any sort of real final boss fight.
>Now that I think about it P3 has some pretty shit boss design. Replaying it at the moment and I'm stuck on that knight faggot with a ton of health/defence that can one shot your party members.
Get good
I'm so thrilled to know I'm not the only one who had trouble with this assface
People give this boss shit all the time, but honestly if your going to have a final boss in Uncharted, it's about as good as they could have done. Bosses in shooters ads hard to do without just making them bullet sponges, Lazaravic felt like an old-school platformer boss put into a modern game.
Nigga, what P4's bosses were way better. They were actually legitimately difficult and required strategy to beat. P3's bosses were mostly pushovers with the exception of a couple of Tartarus bosses and Nyx and even then alot of the difficulty came from the party ai being stupid.
Technically, isn't the final boss The Man on Fire during the Truth Mission? Episode 50 is Extreme Sally, but that's an optional post game mission.
> 89 replies
> no ones posted it yet
This is the first time I was actually disappointed in a game. I'd played many games that in retrospect where shit, but the final boss in Crash 2 was the first time I felt betrayed by a game, the first time I felt "wait, that was it?".
>Metroid Fusion
>November 2002
Naw man, the only boss with interesting mechanics in P4 was the video game dude. Everyone else was easily beaten just by using your strongest skills, keeping up buffs and healing up as needed, including the final bosses.
When Izamai did a shiny new attack I hadn't seen yet and all it was was another "everyone takes moderately high damage" one that was dealt with with one mediarahan I almost didn't want to beat the game anymore.
I guess so, that would make it the worst boss of all time.
>just run to the door
>keep pressing Y: The Boss