So how strong is Cloud? Physically, that is

So how strong is Cloud? Physically, that is.

How strong does he get when he goes Super Saiyan?

His strength has more to do with magic and shit. Not guts muscles

Is he stronger then Mario?

Stronger than a normal person by far thanks to mako and anime/video game logic where training/gaining levels can make you stronger than possible in reality.

he has that retard strength. remember that he overpowered and stab Sephiroth without the Jenova cells.

How do you go from this

to this?

to THIS?

When you analyzing the physics involved to wield a retarded sword like that competently and not be flung by your own sword or break your own body... Cloud is retardedly strong. Physics shattering strong. Swords are a blight.,

Soldier. First class.

Why does Dissidia get the hair right but not the remake?

Strong enough to lift a dude with a sword while being impaled with said sword, and that was before he took steroids

>Dissidia arcade is KH hair with gray default
Why does Dissidia PSP get the hair and outfit right but not the arcade?

enough to fuck your mom

why didnt he let go?

Sephiroth was so surprised with his strength that his body commanded him to grip the sword as hard as he could in hopes of maybe getting some of that strength transferred to him through the sword as a conduit

Shock of getting overpowered by a small grunt right after he bitchslapped around a top-tier Soldier

Because a swordfag would rather get flung into a bottomless pit and die then dare let go of their weaponfu.

Well he's a pretty balanced character but a pretty good mage. From what I recall he gets around 80 STR at 99. Still doesn't compare to Cid but I'd say he is pretty strong physically.
Although I guess it doesn't matter at that point since the meta are multi-hit attacks which Cloud is decent at but not nearly the best.

Cid and Barret have him beat there

Because Shinji Hashimoto wanted it to look like Advent Children.

Which I like. Unlike AC, I think the Remake nails the realistic look in a pretty hard-hitting way.

Prompto could beat him up.

It's odd because Nomura is character design lead on both FF7R and Dissidia Arcade.

Go back to your containment thread gayboi

The only thing Prompto is going to beat up are his chromosomes and Cis-scum

Is being a degenerate part of his character or was that unintentional?

a teenager could probably bench more than him

Don't be mad just because Cloud is a bigger fuccboi than Prompto.

You mean like how Prompto repeatedly hits on and flirts with women while his bulging 12" is visible? Meanwhile Cloud dresses up as women and overcompensates with that giant sword.

I did not realize the artwork in the title of FF7 is a meteor in motion until sometime after I beat the game. Before that I thought it was just Cloud's hair.

>Meanwhile Cloud dresses up as women and overcompensates with that giant sword.
There is nothing wrong with Cloud be an S tier cross dresser.

to this?

Calm down, kid.

He's such a great crossdresser that he fooled SE into making him the protagonist of TWO FF games!


>Tries to call Prompto gay despite him literally hitting on women constantly and being a skirt chaser is a main part of his character.
>Denies Cloud is gay despite him cross dressing and getting into a bathtub with naked men.
Ok brah.

Like I said, Prompto could beat up Cloud and has a big dick. Cloud has a tiny pin dick so he overcompensates with the buster sword.

That abomination has nothing on Cloud's beauty.


3 games actually if you count 13-3 and he made Toriyama go gay without knowing

>If they replied to me they must be the same poster!
Learn some context, subtext, and get used to posting on an anonymous image board.

But it is Cloud you dip. Only a man has an ass that flat

I refuse to believe that. We will see in the remake.

he was overdosed on Mako, he's pretty fucking strong

especially given the fact that he actually wields the Buster Sword all the time, where as Angeal didnt and Zack tried to not use it too much


Sephiroth had been up for multiple days by that point and he's been reading a lot of shit that'd be fucking with his head.

Combine that with the fact that he's never actually been challenged before like that and all his life Shinra had hyped him up to be the best of the best of the best ever.

Well it's easy to see how he could be shocked like that and not realize what kind of shit he was about to be thrown into.

Thats peculiar. I recall replacing that useless POS the moment Mythril Saber became available.

>So how strong is Cloud? Physically, that is.
as strong as the writers says

Somewhere between Cap and Thor.

He's good at squats


>f-fan art see look!?
Fucking hate retards that do this shit.

As pointed out in such a timely manner: Someone who does squats regularly wouldn't have Lightning's twig legs and concave ass!

Friendly reminder: In AC Cloud moves fast enough for time in the perspective of the viewer to slow down in both the highway bike chase and in the demolished Shin-Ra building free fall scenes. Also, he cuts down buildings in a single swing.

>Borders on low level speedster speeds
>Silver age Superman strength and jumping

He's leagues past Cap. Thor isn't a character I know that well so I won't comment.

Fuckin Cloud what the hell did he do with the Buster Sword

top kek

Terrible form. Hed buckle under an empty bar kek

he returned it to Zack, it got a little rusty being out there for awhile.

Exposed it to the elements

ligt a cute!

I always thought that Crisis Core was the one that started portraying the Buster Sword with the gold frame at the bottom. didn't see this scene carefully at first and didn't notice that

In FF7R it's looking like a mix of the original one and the comp one.

Which is odd because chronologically 7R takes place between CC and AC yet the buster sword looks identical in CC and AC.

Those don't mean anything, son. All I saw were the main white and blue title when I was a kid.

I keep thinking it'd be cool if Cloud's less careful use of the Buster Sword broke it and he had to replace the gold bits with the one with all the bolts.

It'd be neat if over the course of the remake you could restore it to the "original" or something.

>straps that curve with the boobers

In FFVIIR it's the Compilation Buster Sword, but Cloud put a metal covering over the ornate hilt to protect it.

In some stills in the trailer, you can actually see the compilation hilt under the covering.

Say what you want about Nomura, this was ingenious character design that compromised between what Hashimoto wanted and how Nomura originally designed the weapon.

this is the face of autism in the year of our lord 2016

The only thing we know is he is weaker than Lightning.

In physical strength? No.

In swordsmanship? No.

Only thing she beats him in is supernatural shit.


TPTB say Lightning > rest of the FF protags.

Get over it


I mean, I guess so, but being a literal goddess would do that.

Lightning is a high ranking soldier who's primary weapon is a gun bade which she is an expert in.

Cloud was a lowly grunt who was only trained to use a gun.

Cloud is a weak cuck who can only fight because Hojo injected him with Jenova and Sephiroth's cum.

Thanks for letting us know about your obsession with dicks XV-kun.

>Everyone who talks about XV is XV-kun.
When will this meme end?

When will XV-kun finally end?

When the meme ends.

Can the meme end now?

>Cloud was a lowly grunt who was only trained to use a gun.
Cloud is a combination of Sephiroth's brute strength, Zack's technique, and his own natural talent, which supposedly surpasses even Zack's talent (showcased in Before Crisis, when he WAS a mere human grunt)

>TPTB say Lightning > rest of the FF protags.
>fucking Toriyama
First of all, Toriyama never said that. Second of all, only thing Lightning surpasses anyone at is arbitrary, short lived goddess shit. As far as swordsmanship and brute strength goes, she's merely OK, especially compared to people like Cloud or Sephiroth, who treat reinforced buildings like large piles of confetti.

>starts shitting up the thread out of nowhere just to shill XV
>not clearly XV-kun

Okay brah.

No Cloud is a lowly grunt who was only trained to use a gun. Anything else about him was mako not his own natural skill, he had no natural skill. Every mad skill he has was mako, not his own.

Lightning is a high ranking soldier who at the start of the game just got a promotion due to her efficiency and skill. She was already highly skilled in combat with her gunblade so when she became a l'Cie it only boosted her natural skills and gave her some magic spells.

>Shitting up.
>Making fun of Cloud by pointing out that Prompto is bigger than him.
>Seriously can't handle the bantz

Just admit that you call anyone you see talking about XV as XV-kun, it's a meaningless boogeyman meme.

I'd say he has a lot of endurance at least.
I mean he could still walk and fight after taking all those dicks up the ass in the bathhouse.

So you're just gay for Prompto? Okay, my bad.

Are you legitimately this fucking autistic that you can't even stop yourself from shitting up every Final Fantasy thread? Fuck off XV-kun.

>OP asks how strong Cloud is physically
>Guy posts pic showing Prompto has bigger arm muscle than Cloud, thus physically stronger.

How is that shitting up? If anything the ass pained responses were shitting up the thread.

See you're still doing it, you are as much XV-kun as anyone else is in this thread. Fuck off XV-kun.

>I know literally nothing about Cloud, the post.

>I-It's a boogeyman meme!
Literally only XV-kun would still even think to unironically post this shit. Fuck off you dumb phoneposting faggot.

You clearly don't. Everything special about Cloud came from Mako, he was nothing before that, a nobody.

Everything he said was on point.

See this is exactly what XV-kun would say.

>guy posts cherrypicked pics trying to show XV in a better light

Sure sounds like XV-kun to me. And the fantasizing about Prompto's penis certainly didn't help.

Stop shitting up the thread already XV-kun.

Cherry picked what? It's two unbiased images of Cloud and two unbiased images of Prompto showing Prompto has bigger arm muscles, how can you even deny this fact? Are you seriously denying that FF7R Cloud isn't skinnier than Prompto?

XV-Kun just stop.

Clodu was slashing multiple (original) AVALANCHE members back in his MP days without a second of swordsmanship training.

He was always a madcunt with a sword, that part is not debatable. The mako treatment just gave him the physical strength to turn him into an absolute madman, and the S-Cells turned him into Sephiroth's physical equal, and Zack's influence filled in the gaps (literally, that's the canon explanation for Cloud's abilities.)

>XV-kun broke the thread

Man is this what denial and autism looks like?

>it's a XV-Kun boogeyman episode

>hurr Cloud always had better natural talent
More proof the spinoffs are utter garbage and only appeal to morons like you.

Cloud failed to get into Soldier because he was weak. An ordinary person. That was a good thing and made the story better.But that's not cool for dickheads like you.

P.S Lighting is stronger than Cloud.

He gained all his skills from mako poisoning you idiot. He was a weak loser before that.