NES dominated

>NES dominated
>SNES dominated
>In one generation Sony took over the home console marketshare with PS1 and all third party companies practically stopped caring about Nintendo home consoles even to this day

What the fuck happened? Did Sony bribe them?

3D makes me puke

Nintendo ruled with an iron fist back then, so when viable competition came, they backed the new guy.

You can still see it in the lack of third party support Nintendo gets nowadays.

Her thighs are too big

>n64 released 2 years later than ps1
>ps1 has the biggest market share
>cds cheaper than cartridges
>nintendo still using cartridges
>very limited space of cartridges vs cds


PlayStation had 3D first, was cheap, used CDs that you didn't have to pay out the ass to license, didn't require approval from Nintendo, and so on.

>You can still see it in the lack of third party support Nintendo gets nowadays.

This is only true on Wii U right now. Wii got massive third party support and so did DS and to a lesser extent 3DS. Companies don't hold grudges, they just put games on whatever they can make money from.

Implemention of cds


Oh, and >tfw you will never see Otako's hairy genitals


>You can still see it in the lack of third party support Nintendo gets nowadays.
3rd-party support today means AAA and little else and Call of Duty and AssCreed don't sell well enough on Nintendo's platforms. Few of the people working at these places were likely there 20+ years ago in the first place.

N64 was too expensive and difficult to develop for compared to the Playstation. That's about all there was to it, N64 was just not a well-designed machine for consumers or developers.

The main reason the Play Station became so popular was piracy. Every single person I knew that had a Play Station pirated their games, all of them.

>posting chicks with dicks

White women trying to be chinks is as bad as white men who think they're niggers t b h

>those legs


what a qt :3

you mean chinks trying to be white women?

Otako was the best girl, she seems fun to hang out with. 10/10 would exchange dirty jokes and human biology factoids with.

Nintendo has been screwing over devs on hardware for quite some time now

N64 used cartridges so you couldn't have FMV or CD-quality sound, which the PlayStation could

GameCube used those asinine micro-DVDs compared to MS and Sony using regular ones, causing some games to just not fit

Wii never supported HD and never had a universal "standard" control scheme separate from Wiimote, also publishers learned that Wii customers don't actually buy games, they just play Wii Bowling

Wii U forces you to accommodate the touchpad controller

If Nintendo would just release NX with similar hardware to the PS4K and Xbox 1.5 at the same time as them, and just kept the gimmicks and bullshit out, third-parties would feel comfortable releasing on it.

Nintendo was working with Sony to develop a console that would use discs instead of cartridges. Nintendo was trying to screw Sony in the contract and once Sony caught wind of it they bailed and created the PS1 by themselves

Afterwards Nintendo tried to partner with Phillips and let them create the infamous licensed CD-i games in turn for helping them. The disc reader never ended up getting made though

Explain the meme teacher to me pls I don't understand how she became famous

>Nintendo was trying to screw Sony in the contract and once Sony caught wind of it they bailed and created the PS1 by themselves

sonyggers in charge of history

>Wii U forces you to accommodate the touchpad controller

how so? Many 1st party titles just ignore it

She was a cute anime character in a school textbook. Pixiv then made her meme magic just like they did catbra or keyhole sweater.

Everyone loves the red sox, so she is popular by extension

Is pixiv for japanese artists only, or do westerners use it too?

>leggings when doing cosplay of characters with bare legs

Just fucking cosplay as someone else. I hate when people going as Cammy do this shit too. It looks stupid. If you're not comfortable showing off so much legs make the outfit less revealing, wear spats, or just fucking cosplay as someone else.

A combination of Nintendo's licensing and cost of dev tools, the cost and storage capacity of CDs vs cartridges, marketing, and timing.

>GameCube used those asinine micro-DVDs compared to MS and Sony using regular ones, causing some games to just not fit

I always wonder if this was actually a thing. A lot of PS2 games came on CDs and a lot of regular isos are just above 1 GB and probably could fit in GC discs without any problem, so, for a lot of games micro-DVDs shouldn´t had been a problem.

I always blame the N64 era and PS2 for the GC failure, the GC wasn't bad but the inmediate past and the competition was too much.

Animu drawing westerners do. As long as you can moonrune, you can make an account. Only 2ch are JAPAN STRONK as far as I know.

Otako wears leggings i though

Westerners use it too. It's easy to register for if you want.
Don't save master1200s

Anybody can use it.
Why and how would they bar people from using it? It's a social media website. That's like blocking British people from Facebook or something.

>Why and how would they bar people from using it?
The same way Sup Forums blocks certain countries and ips from posting?

>tfw Nintendo made the original ps1, but betrayed them with Phillips


Because of child porn spam.
Who gives a shit if 12 yeard old weeaboo mcweeb wants to post his naruto drawings to pixiv? He wont even use kana tags anyways. There's nothing to complain about.

I know. I'm talking about Galko.

What country banned from Sup Forums?

I recognize that knife block

I think germany and some of autstralia

>new competed with turbografix and master system
>snes barely beat out genesis

Nintendo never dominated

>What the fuck happened?
Shovelwares. Easy to pirate on. Marketed as something else but a videogame console.

afaik It's only Russia that have explicitly banned Sup Forums. Dunno about China.

Daily reminder that Nintendo used Tiny CDs so no one will pirate their games. This led them to be inferior to the PS in every regard.

Hmm, but I saw german flags rather often in Sup Forums. Australia need whole continent ban desu.
I guess it is more country banning Sup Forums and not vice versa.

Sup Forums isn't banned in China. You just need a pass to post because Jewgle.

but ellen baker is from boston