Yo Sup Forums maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass haircut you got you'd get some bitches on your dick

Yo Sup Forums maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass haircut you got you'd get some bitches on your dick

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That's offensive.

what hair ;__;

>tfw balding

I mean, you don't have to like it, cause the hood is gonna love it

My haircut prefers the pronouns yii/yuu/yaa not yee, Lamar.

Rip :/

>old yee-yee ass haircut
What did he mean by this?


we need a black person to translate

this guy was so fucking annoying

vines-tier rubbish character

definitelly agree with you famillia

>tfw cut my long hair one day and it actually worked

>tfw semi-recently got my hair cut at a cheap local place rather than my regular
>they did an awful job
>have to wait for hair to grow out again before cutting it how I like

He's probably right.

Lamar should have been the playable character instead of franklin.

Dogs don't count.

only good dialogue in the entire game, it's all downhill after that conversation


I'll take boring over annoying.

I buzz my head every few months but I want to get a nice haircut sometime. Too bad nothing looks good on me and my hair is so curly I can't possibly try to style it

Dude get a broccoli assassin haircut.

lamar was hilarious.


yee yee

Shitty haircut
>T.Black person

non american here

what the fuck is an old yee yee?

Well obviously, but where does it come from?


No clue, thats West Coast Nigga shit.

Exactly what I was thinking

Then just fucking call it a shitty hair cut.

That's boring. Don't be boring.

>not liking your nigga from the hood

>Implying I want them on my dick and not under it.

This, could be bay area since they all speak like they're from a different planet 700 years in the future mocking current earth.

Check your exo skello teen


I'm balding from the back and front. I'm going to look like Costanza eventually. It's funny, as soon as I started balding is when I started putting on weight, it's like I just gave up on life.