Rank the Uncharted series
I love them all and I'm sad it's over ;_;
4>2>3>Golden Abyss>1
>I'm sad it's over ;_;
Me too, user.
Fuck off.
4>3>2>1=Golden Abyss
4 > 2 > 3 > 1
2 > dogshit > the rest
>Falling for le epic train meme level
2 is the best overall, solid story (even if it is mostly a rehash of 1 in a different enviroment), fucking perfect pacing, second best gameplay, best multiplayer in a TPS ever.
4 is the best gameplay and level design-wise, suffers from poor pacing in the first 1/3 and the story has some issues, character interactions are best though. Nothing as memorable as 2 or 3, but everything from Scotland onwards is good-great. Added the grapple. Pretty good multiplayer.
1 has some wonky shooting, best parts of combat hadn't been thought of yet (traversal and fighting at the same time). But story was nice and comfy, and it's brief foray into horror was a great change of pace. Most true to the narrative tropes and has almost every cliche of the genre (a mysterious Island holding cursed treasure, 1 dimension bad guys, Nazi's are involved) and the least amount of character drama, but it works really well.
3 is just shit. Only redeeming factors are its memorable set pieces. Story and gameplay is horribly paced, doesn't make any fuckimg sense, plot holes everywhere. Gameplay somehow got worse from 2, even more of a rehash of 2 than 2 was of one, except it does it extremly poorly.
Multiplayer was an unbalanced mess and was worse in everyway compared to 2's.
>shit taste in every way
As if they'd deny themselves easy cash for the story's integrity.
I was disappointed with 2 after hearing everyone hype it up as the greatest game on PS3 and yet 3 surprised me more since everyone was shitting on it.
3=4>2>1>Golden Abyss
that still doesn't make 3 a better game than 2
it relied on a couple of overproduced setpieces, but the story made no fucking sense and that was the glue which held 2 (and 1) together
To me it I preferred 3 to 2 but it's your choice.
Well, I suppose Sony could have another dev do a new Uncharted starring Sam and Sully instead. Or Cassie as an adult. But Nate's story is done and I don't think Naughty Dog will ever return to it.
The story was fine for the most part, but the villains were underwhelming and there were plot holes surrounding them. The plane crash and desert part are still some of the best parts of the series.
I can't see them using Cassie or everyone would compare her too much to Lara Croft.
And Sam was boring as shit and a dick.
3 is really just a carbon copy of 2 with a story that doesn't work properly and is filled with some missed opportunites.
2 is also great in an Avatar kinda way. It's great in the casual sense. Like all the characters and motives are clear-cut and generic. The writing has some punch and liveliness that just isn't a standard for video games. The story is also just pulp adventure with no questionable ethics thrown out for the audience. It's basically the most inoffensive game to engage on in a narrative sense. It hits all the classic adventure story marks and only someone's innate cynicism and pessimism is going to really tear-down the image that naughty-dog created.
I liked it, but I found it to be a shallow story.
Naughty dog has a cult by now. They can move onto a new franchise, milk it for 3-4 games, then move on from that, and it's a much better business plan for the long term.
Yeah, hype can ruin games.
Uncharted 2 came bundled with my PS3. It was my first HD game and it left a really strong impression on me because it was unlike anything I'd ever played before.
>bunch of smaller episodes starring sam and sully and the kind of shit they got up too in the time between nathan retiring and when cassie turned into a teenager.
sounds neat
Would you guys buy a spinoff series about young Sully that's called Unsullied?
Havent played 4 or the Vita one yet.
Played most the multiplayer than anything though.
kek, but in seriousness I would actually love a Sully prequel trilogy.
I'd play a game where he goes on the hunt for pussy
Of course. Sully is the best character
they're all 10/10 to me. I can sit down and play any of them at any point and still enjoy them. I just like the whole indiana jones thing that it has going on, plus the characters are really lovable.
objectively speaking though, the 1st game is probably a 7/10 (a 8 when it came out), the 2nd game is an easy 9/10, 3 would be... well, the first half is probably my favorite dozens of Uncharted chapter, but the 2nd half is really weak, so let's go with a 7/10, and the 4th one is a solid 9/10, on the same level as 2.
Never played GA, I still hope they'll port it to PS4 and just rework the vita specific features.
4 really looks great
Will I be able to bring a hooker to church?
You go to church?
1>2>4>3 Uncharted 3 was like the age of ultron of the series didn't really need to be there other than money
>inb4 uncharted is soft-rebooted starring nathans daughter.
I took like 200 screenshots on my way through the game. Took me 23 hours to beat because of how much time I spent doing that and exploring and admiring the scenery.
I liked Transformers too, it's great to turn your brain off and just the action play out, you know?
I actually kinda wish they locked photo mode until you beat the game once. It's way too distracting the first time around
I lived in Madagascar for 4 years and kind of had a spastic fit when I saw how inaccurate the geography was, but it's fun so whatever.
I need to get my pictures from my PS4. Post more pics.
Unsullied: the life and times of Victor Sullivan, as told by Victor Sullivan. Volumes 1-8.
> game begins
> Old Nate and Old Elena are going off on some archelogical trip
> Too dangerous for Cassie
> She is staying at Sully's house for 2 weeks
> Bump into something sitting on Sully's desk
> "oops, sorry"
> HAH! that takes me back, you want to know how I got that thing kid?"
> "sure....." *rolls eyes at camera*
> "well, it all started way back when, before I met your dad, hell before he was even born........"
> *fades to a shot of a South Anerican city street in the 70s*
> A man is facing the other way, mumbling something
> only audible word is "GODDAMN IT"
> cheesy B-movie music plays
> he turns his head, it's a young, sexy Sully
> freeze frame of his head, only animated bit is cigar smoke, title card appears:
> Victor Sullivan: Hero, Scoundrel, Ladies Man
> cutscene ends, you now have control of young sully
> old sully narrates what's going on, explains how he got into this situation
> acts as a tutorial
> Rest of the game follows suit, super cheesy, 70s B-movie Asthetic following the massively exaggerated exploits of young sully.
> ridiculous set peices that are made up to outdo Nates
> Seducing ladies
> Cassie calling out his inconsistencies and bullshit, Sully corrects them and changes happen real time in the game.
How would you feel about Brendan Fraser becoming the new hero of the Uncharted series?
It's a strong idea. Throw some old Bond movie tier antics in there and it'd be a great game.
Honestly, if the do do a movie (they really fucking shouldn't) anyone but the original cast would ruin it. Nate, Elena and Sully's actors have been doing the voice and mocap for a decade and it's pretty much thier natural voice. People don't like the stories because they are original or grand interesting narratives, it's the fantastic chemistry between characters on top of a comfy adventure story that makes it good. No one except Nolan North could be Drake, they'd be someone else who does the same stuff Drake did.
Only way Uncharted movie could work is the first one (others are too long) and get ND to do a 2 hour pre-rendered cutscene using the original actors.
My friends keep saying Jeremy Renner should play him but I don't think it's the best fit.
Honestly, I'd be down for a full own co-op adventure with Sully, Chloe and Cutter being the protags
I want this more than anything
I'm surprised Sony hasn't done it yet but I can see them fucking it up.
2 > 3 > 4 > 1
Chloe is the best thing to come out of Uncharted.
They fucked her nose up in 4
I only played the first three because no bloodbornestation, but I generally enjoyed them. I have yet to pick up golden abyss, but most people here on Sup Forums seem to shit on it.
I would play that.
Is Golden abyss good?