>Playing Total War: Warhammer on Twitch
>Every streamer playing humis
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Was going to buy it and play Vamps but then I heard about the Denuvo shit.
Not going near that fucking shit hole game at all now, fuck it and all Denuvo games.

Empire, they're actually surprisingly low on the popularity scale. Not shocking though when there's Chaos Warriors to choose from. I won't let that deter me however.

Race popularity seems to be

What's wrong with this shit?

Vampire Counts 4 unlyf!

>This guy

Nothing, aside from the fact it makes the game unpirateable (for now)

This game won't have denuvo right guys?


why are gamers such edgelords?

It does. But you should support the Warhammer Old World, user.

It was confirmed a week ago.
Steam forums are fucking raging at this and the Chaos DLC bullshit.
Basically CA shot themselves in the foot then set themselves on fire with the Denuvo shit as well.
CA is going to be taken out the back and shot EA style after this game bombs.

Love this game how it's plays on stream, but too damn expansive ):

Its the New SecuROM and Starforce and the shill sites are sucking its dicks and saying piracy is dead.
When really its just fucking the idiot who pays for games with games that don't work, please see the pc shit shows there where the Dark Souls rip off, Hitman and Just Cause 3.

This Warhammer fantasy universe so rich.... Really like how they postponed it in to a game

Thinking about doing Dorf first but the Orks seem really cool and the Vampire Counts seem pretty neat as well.

Chaos was the most popular faction in the tabletop as well. When you stack up 8 foot tall Full Plate wearing Norsemen who ride flaming horses next to dudes in Renaissance Pajamas, it's hard not to feel the draw to Chaos.

Personally I find the Empire endearing. I can play as humanity not just fighting for stupid politics or crowns, but for the very existence of the world. Every battle one is pushing the tides of darkness back, and each battle loss brings us one step closer to oblivion

Twitch has to be the worst thing that has happened to video games. I'm genuinely mad that this fat neckbeard is making money.

Is that the word you meant to use?

this fatass popular, hmm....

*battle won
Damn it's late

Never played a Total War game but this Warhammer one has got me interested. How do these play?

Sorry, bad english from me. I mean how they fit WarHammer into a game is a great job

who are the vampire counts? They sound interesting

They made a video just for people like you

Watch some videos. The campaign is a lot like Civ gameplay but the battles are real time.

Like Heroes of might and magic on a global map, but real time fights with MASSIVE armies!

Oh gotcha. I agree. This is the first Total War game I've cared about since M2TW.

I think they switched to a fantasy setting to justify those retarded abilities they tried to shoehorn into rome 2 "crack the whip" and so forth.

CA are retards and don't know why total war was good in the first place.

And what is wrong about Rome II ?

>What's wrong with this shit?

nothing, poor fags are just upst that they cant pirate a game

Probably nothing, but I didn't care about it when it came out and I don't really care about it now. Not sure why.

Can you explane WHY this series was good one-days and not it's NOT?

A region of the Empire ruled by Vampires. Obviously the Empire isn't okay with this, but they're notoriously hard to kill. They're masters of Necromancy and lead massive armies of Undead and Monsters.

Sounds pretty fun actually. Count me in

Nothing after they fixed it, except that Atilla is better in anyway if you don't include mods.

Yeah, but game is not so cheap. I need it in my collection, but damn it's hard to get ):

No bretonnia no buy
Empire a shit

Yeah, Chaos are litteraly demonic vikings with huge weapons and demons, they will obviously be the most popular.

Another loser pirate stopped. I am so glad Denuvo is getting rid of the poorfags and pirate scum off PC.

do they have lewd women?

The Fempires love their cleavage

Enjoy your bricked hard drive user for the small amount of fun you might get from the game.


denuvo is confirmed, so
consoles confirmed when?

>Here come the paid shills
Yeah lets praise the new SecuROM and Starforce, nothing can possibly go wrong.

What do you mean?

The release was horrible. They fixed it with a lot of patches, but first impressions last.

this. im fucking loving denuvo

Female vampires fucking love cleavage enhancing corsets and high heels.

Just be wary that the release might be buggy/shitty.

Most total war games released have had unstable releases and I doubt this one will be different.

Already confirmed to be different, hundreds of people have been streaming the game without issue for days.

>high heels

im sold

He's just shitposting

Like they art-style shit

Get a Wii U if you want to be poor. Or maybe move out of your mom's basement and get a job so you can enjoy games with the rest of us.


People stopped raging about Chaos DLC after they announced that it will free for everyone in the games first week.

I dont see anyone raging about denuvo other than poor people and rich piratefags.

You sure? Kappa

Here's your (you)
They added anti piracy/DRM to it called Denuvo.
Denuvo fucked up 3 games on PC and it can also fuck up SSDs and hard drives.
Basically you are fucking yourself with more DRM than just steam if you get it, but you want it go ahead and get it but be prepared to lose your computer to it.

This info about Chaos not a joke?


Fucking grow up retard

I would love to play this game on my PS4.

undead women are my fetish. even better if they look like a corpse

You are on the internet, you can use google.

anyone know how to counter vampire counts?

Wow really?

Well if it's true then big applause for the devs for achieving something they haven't achieved in years.

True story. The original plan was to force a ton of pre-orders with Chaos as a pre-order bonus.

The backlash was huge, CA backed down. Now you just have to buy it within a week of release.

just fuck off you poor faggot

They even delayed the game a full month for a smoother release. CA actually learned something from Rome 2.

Well honestly the best total war games are all modern.

They casualized some things like population and reinforcement, but the casualizations improve the flow of gameplay and make everything more immediate. There's less small details in modern total war and less edge too. The music is also worse for battle without a doubt.

The unit pathfinding and controls are all better. Everything just feels more responsive and fun with the modern games.

Other than that the warscape engine really wasn't designed for melee. It actually wasn't till Warhammer when they took out all the 1v1 animations so battles didn't look like huge duels.

It's all kinda the same. For the longest time people championed Rome 1 as the best total war, but they've started to quiet down.

Rome 2 had the worst total war launch in history, so years down the line you'll have people that still bring it up as a reason to never buy anything from CA. They're perfectly validated, but if you want to play total war games, its in your best interests to not listen to anyone (including me) and just find your favorite. Total war is a series where every game has different priorities and by consequence, different flaws. Your favorite total war is ultimately the one that resonates the most with you. medieval

Destroy their general and don't leave important but vulnerable because they can instantly summon shit next to them.

Fuck the police

>Denuvo fucked up 3 games on PC and it can also fuck up SSDs and hard drives.

Awh yes. The bullshit rumor that was completely proven untrue. Denuvo doesn't perform any read or write functions to the HDD so there is no way it ruins SSDs.

Hurr durr poor fag, pirate fag.
Just stop user no one is going to cheer for this shitty DRM and if they do they are a cuck and don't deserve to even have a PC.

>don't leave important but vulnerable

I meant to say don't leave important UNITS unattended because summoning bullshit.


>Denuvo fucked up 3 games on PC and it can also fuck up SSDs and hard drives.

Own all three and not a single bricked drive. Shame I can't pirate them, but I'm not going to be a faggot and try to derail a thread with my salt.

How does one put on such a edgy headpiece?

Do they allow skaven? Haven't followed the game at all.

>want to play table top
>pick skaven because Fucking cool and I loved the warps pawn short story
>for every unit you need 2837484 slaves
>all painted

I don't have that kind of cash. I have 4 blocks painted. Why can't they just make a literal table top simulator? If ccockatrice can survive copyright hunters so can that

I wanted Skaven...

They'll be added later r-right?

Their plan is eventually release all the main factions. Skaven will get their day, likely in a joint release with Lizardmen doing battle over Lustria.

Orcs, Dwarves, Chaos, Empire, and Vampire Counts.

Skaven are referenced. DLC is going to suck.

Implying it will take more than a week to crack it

Stay mad because you paid full price for a sp game :D

Thank you man for such a detailed explanation. I mostly like WATCHING how ppl play (like dota/cs) and shit, but for my own it's not mine. But Total War game i have (ROME II\ Shogun II) it's magic in it. Sadly i can have those games only on discount, and i don't think Valve gonna put this new fresh beast or whatever discount price, so i'm just watching some non-tactical men playing it (:

you poorfags are truly a blight on this planet

I wish i know, man. I'm only a watcher (:

There are a lot of edgelords who like chaos because it fulfills something they can never achieve. Then there are the guys who like chaos because it has a cool mythos and loads of variety. That second group isn't all that bad.

and maybe if someone have a big hart: [email protected]

>being this upset

You could, idk, wait and not be another statistic for marketing teams?

Not even poor, you just have terrible spending habits.

I'm pretty sure they'll add them. Them and elves (wood, dark and/or high) are two really popular armies that they haven't included in the game and they'd be fools to ignore them.

what's the best place to read warhammer lore? never played a game or the tabletop, but it's always looked very interesting

How many of you guys here mostly a Warhammer 40k fan, but this Total War game drive you into it?

Just google it and get on the warhammer wiki. You'll be on there all day.



It might have not happened to you, but there are confirmed cases of it. Denuvo doesn't even attempt to acknowledge it.

"it werks on my masheen" doesn't mean shit all right now because nobody but normies have the same of hardware.

that's what i guessed, guess i got shit to read

I was a 40k fan until the series went downhill, I swapped to Fantasy for a fresh change of pace, and a year later they fucking killed it with Age of Sigmar.

I'm still salty to this day, I will always be salty. At least the memory of Warhammer will be preserved in this game.

For the record, Warhammer Fantasy was always better than 40k, 40k just had guns which appeal heavily to Americans.