Post your Soulsborne collection faggots.
Post your Soulsborne collection faggots
>of all the good games she has DaSII twice
What the fuck
lots of things are different between the two versions
>implying I am a she
explain how it's any different from pic related
Salt and Sanctuary is the best Soulsborne type game.
Those are American FPS games while OP's picture has Japanese action-RPGs.
I wanna try this game
It looks and is animated like a bad flash game
You hit things with swords instead of shooting them.
It's actually a refreshing change from the boring combat that Souls games have.
And is still better than the souls series in both combat and replayability. Imagine that.
If you wanna talk about boring combat. I'm playing TW3 right after beating NG+6 DS3. I'm hurting right now.
>projecting your own gender
sounds like you imagined that, because it isnt true
itd be impressive if you had kings field collection instead
yours is garbage
too bad the animation and the art is shit
I thought you shills for that trash left already
Yeah they should have refined the combat instead of making it another open world game.
Demon's Souls - 2009
Dark Souls - 2011
Dark Souls 2 - 2014
Dark Souls 3 - 2016
>but bluhblorne
Only if we start counting Metal Wolf Chaos as an Armored Core game
>omg someone likes something that I don't because I'm too busy still dick sucking a shitty franchise
Wow people have differing opinions. Imagine that.
Why do American versions of Playstation games have much better backs of the covers? European versions is always pic related.
>PS4 game
>heavily pixelated
Wow you seem angry
Tell me where the Dark Souls hurt you most
good goy
>I don't know what an artstyle is
Not only on ps4
The constant threads dick sucking a mediocre franchise as if it were the second coming
I'm glad I don't have OCD or else this would bother me a lot.
His ego
Only have Bloodborne in physical form. DaS, Das II and DaS III are on steam.
too be fair that game was meant to be an pc exclusive
Which is your favorite?
Idort true master race
>2D pixel side scroller
>art style
when will this meme die?
>hitting things with swords
nice meme
Don't make fun of my collection please.
Okay, sorry.
>being civilized
>on Sup Forums
My oh my.
The first one is one of my all time favorite games. Bloodborne and and Dark Souls 3 are great too. Demon's Souls is like the prototype for the first Dark Souls so I like it for that. I didn't fall in love with Dark Souls 2 but I played it through once just because I had bought it. I didn't buy the DLC for it since I didn't like the core game.
>The call of Duty of RPGs
It's a man baby.
>dark souls
I guess that makes Zelda and Pokemon RPGs too huh
Actually yes. Yes it does.
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls PS3
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die PC
Dark Souls 2 PS3
Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin PC
Dark Souls 3 PC
The fuck?
Now look at this.
Now that's what I call paздpaжитeльный.
You're a retard if you don't count Bloodborne as a Souls game.
that's like counting zelda as a mario game
Translation for the plebs: Endut Hoch Hech
Bloodborne is not a Souls game because it doesn't have souls in the title or has anything to do with "Souls" In the game. It is a "Blood" Game if anything.
I pity those who never played DeS or BB
Pokemon is an RPG, Zelda is an action-RPG.
Dark Souls is neither, it's a dungeon crawler.
>10/10 Edge
Good luck faggots
except zelda and mario are different
Where is bloodborne
No amount of material possessions will fill that hole in your life.
Jokes on you, YOU'RE the retard if you count Bloodborne as a Souls game
Hi Sup Forums
>Buying Souls for X.One when you have the PS4
here you go
>souls pop figure
>dat retarded estus
>ds3 limited
Legit supporting cancer. Other than that pretty fucking solid
What's the fucking matter? Let me be
Dynamic resolution, less online players and more fps drops
Bad taste m8
the pop was impulse and yeah i fucked up on the strategy shit didnt look at it before why didnt they get future press again
I don't care about higher resolution. There were a lot of invaders when I completed dark souls 3. When I played a souls game, I just wanna complete it, I don't care about invading so much. If a player invades me then I'm down for some pvp
That special edition looks sexy as fuck
>no demon souls
Average Sup Forums poster
Demon's souls is shit though. I also got a ps3 but I refuse to get such a shit game
the average Sup Forums poster has never played bloodborne
How do you know it's shit if you don't even have it?
Pvp is shit
But pve was good
>just like bloodborne
As if Bloodborne is cancer??
I've watched some playthrough. Honestly, what's the point of demon's souls when dark souls 1 came out?
haha very clever post dood
I can only imagine how smart you feel after posting that LOL
Nahh man
Bloodborne is Game of all years
>Honestly, what's the point of demon's souls when dark souls 1 came out?
do people seriously think like this
>going to FBI bay
I hate it too, it makes my collection souless
Demon's Souls - 2009
Dark Souls - 2011
Dark Souls - 2012
Dark Souls 2 - 2014
Bloodborne - 2015
Dark Souls 2 Sotfs - 2015
Bloodborne GOTY - 2015
Dark Souls 3 - 2016
I'm CIA, quadsman
I would fuck that cute butt
ps4 exclusive, dumbass
>shooting things
nice meme
kill yourself sonygger
I've never seen the DS1 pc physical before, didn't even know there was one for DS2 as well.