Atelier thread

Is it me or was Atelier Shallie pretty short?

Seems like there wasn't a lot to explore or do.

Is AtelierSophie at least better in this regards?

Haven't played Shallie yet
Waiting for Shallie+
I've heard a lot of good things about Sophie though and that's apparently kind of long.

There is a vita version that expand on the story and add escha and ayesha.

And no,Atelier Sophie is a lot shorter.

ugh I breezed though the story of Shallie in about a week, probab;y because I was playing on story teller mode

Maybe it was a bad idea to remove the time limits?

How do I keep focused in Atelier? I always seem to play for a moment then drop it again for months.

Especially if something stupid comes up.

not sure honestly

maybe a schedule?

>Ayesha looking like a delicious cake in official art
>same character model from the first game in shallie+

So these faggots arw bad at 2 things. Optimizing the game properly on the vita to prevent frame drops every 2 secs and lazy modeling

whats the updated content in escha and logy plus?


Eh, my problem is that when I perceive that I fucked up I just call it quits. Even in E&L

use a guide?

I have used a guide. Problem is I don't rely on it all the time and then I do something in the wrong order and it makes me miss out on several days.

oh I have that problem too

On top of that, if a guide says to make item X with Y stuff right now and I can't it annoys me.

Guess I'll just have to get better at understanding the system.

I assume you can't import your save file from the ps3 version onto the vita version of the game?

The crafting and shit item filtering often kills my motivation to play too. When you want to make some weapon but the items won't inherit traits which forces you to use guide. And doing any of character routes and ending needs a guide too.

They want to replay game but the difficulty first time is easy and the second time there is none but you still have to go through all the shit you have seen already.

And fucking vita ports are shit so i need to plug my ps3 but that shit is more annoying and not as comfy as vita.

I have no idea about that, sorry.

Well, at least Event Markers made it somewhat easier to keep track of events.

I bought Rorona Plus, Totori, Meruru Plus and Ayesha, and yet I didn't play any of them yet, how do I get /motivated/ ?


Sophie was my first Atelier game, playing Rorona now.

Got to say that I like the calendar system with the requests every 3 months.
Can't stop thinking about loli sex whenever I hear Rorona's voice though, because of pic related.

Currently debating doing a 2nd playthough of Escha and Logy, as I haven't beaten Escha's story yet

how long would it take my 2nd time around? I forged gamebreaking equipment in my Logy playthough?
