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Who cares about Denuvo right now.

A more interesting fact is that internet service providers are threatening to turn off your internet if you download certain movies/tv shows.

If that happens to games, ALL HOPE WILL BE LOST.

>people still look forward to AAA games
switch service proiders then
Or threaten to switch, those limp dick faggots never bothered me again after I sent a letter in response to them

aw man, now I have to get a fucking job

>no crack for some of the shittiest hypefest jew tricks to come out in the last two years

This is fine. If I have the urge to play the worst Arkham, Far Cry, Dragon Age, or basically any game EA is currently miscarrying, I deserve to pay the $10 retard tax associated with paying for them.


Can they actually do that? Like don't they lose money by cancelling customers?

The problem is that Denuvo is going to become the norm at this rate

Right now though Doom is the only game I would even consider playing out of all the games with Denuvo

arkham was out ages ago though m8

It's only certain people (like HBO) pressuring IPs to shut down torrent uploaders and egregious downloaders. It's far and away not the first time people have tried this. I mean, they wanted to send Napster users to jail. Whether anything happens at all remains to be seen nothing will happen.

is that just in america or yurope too?

the amount of energy you spend caring about game cracks could probably get you a job. which would result in more games and better quality of life. have you stopped to consider that?

I'll just go and play something else.




>not having friends to steam family share with


>Maybe if i downplay it I won't have to be seen a cyber nigger

Then I guess I will just have to bunker down during the storm. I've got a backlog that'll last me a good 5 years or so. If this doesn't get fixed by then then I guess I'll will have been beat.

That is exactly what I wanted to hear. I will threaten to leave if they bother me again.

It's just HBO being asspained that hundreds of thousands of people would rather torrent Game of Thrones 12 minutes after it has aired than spend extra $$$/mo paying for the privilege of watching it live.




>using torrents

It happened to my family in America specifically for GoT.

Another guy on Sup Forums told me it happened to him for a movie "Mad Max"

I'll be moving to the usa soon where this shit might actually be a problem. What do you use?

Don't tell me you're a fucking normie who watches Netflix or Hulu or Prime shit

>12 minutes after it has aired
Not to mention the episodes are always like 30 to 40 minutes late in the HBO Nordic website, the episodes are up on torrent sites before the episode is even watchable

And nobody gives a fuck

>le epic torrents are pleb tier meme

simpbly eric, user ;^)

>downplay the 5 games that are barely worth playing compared to the literal tens of thousand other games I can pirate that are better by a power of 10

but doom m8, looks fun

If you're going for comcast/time warner, while overpriced, they will never fucking bother you about this shit.


If I wanted to play a shitty slower version of Dood I'd play Brutal Doom

So, you just encrypt your connection through a proxy, and no one will be the wiser?

>Will use Denuvo
>Pirates will have to resort to calling it shit

>Still a cyber nigger
>Still trying to rationalize stealing

Try and justify it all you want, you're still a nigger

Daily reminder that most people would not have bought the games that they pirated

I'm fucking dirt poor, I only buy humble bundles and maybe a full price game for the multiplayer once a year.

at&t uverse or fios?

You could try getting a job.

HR didn't have denuvo and that was shit so I have a good hunch
I don't have to rationalize piracy to tell you that most if not all games using denuvo are terrible, that should be self evident.

>and that was shit
>I don't have to rationalize piracy to tell you that most if not all games using denuvo are terrible

What are you talking about? Look at these irresistible gems, kept pristine and unsullied by filthy pirates. Can't wait to play "Mirror's Edge sequel literally no one asked for", maybe I'll fill the time with "mediocre and inexplicably episodic Hitman game" or "low-effort uncelebrated Far Cry rehash".

Just Cause 3?

>HR didn't have denuvo
Do you know why? Because Denuvo was released in 2014 you dumbfuck.

>and that was shit so I have a good hunch
Good meme

I have one, and I pay all my own bills, that's why I'm fucking dirt poor.

I was wondering if this was possible.
But what do I know about what the ISP can see.

if I had to choose, I'd go FiOS simply because of the speed (FiOS is fiber optic IIRC), I don't know if they'd give a fuck about you pirating though.

Both are fiber optic.

>the list keeps growing

I don't want this pixel fest shit. I'm not 6 like when first doom came

The ISPs themselves usually don't give a fuck until they receive court orders from copyright trolls.

>I don't have an argument
>Do you know why? Because Denuvo was released in 2014 you dumbfuck.
yeah no shit retard.

I hate how Ubisoft seems to be determined on using the Anno series as hotbed for their DRM bullshit.

>pirated anno
>pirated mad max but it was shit
>pirated batman

it's just a matter of time.

I've pirated at least two of those games. What's this unpirateable shit?

>I don't have an argument

You neither,

Its shit its not a valid one.

is there some kind of criteria for using Denovo that states the games have to be shittier than their prequels? Or is it just a coincidence that greed-headed artistically bankrupt cash companies are attracted to Denuvo?

>maybe I'll fill the time with "mediocre and inexplicably episodic Hitman game"

>mfw it's pretty much the best Hitman game around next to blood money and all you can do is call it shit

When you use a vpn and the traffic is encrypted, the only thing your ISP can see is that you are using a vpn.

I really don't even care because I haven't pirated a game in five years. I just skip shit that doesn't interest and buy what does on sales.


Okay here I go
Its fucking poorly paced, repetitive, pretentious tripe with shitty gameplay that involves you holding crouch while going up behind someone to press a button to watch an animation or shooting the shitty peashooters at the guys who's peashooters are slightly better and the only reason you queers like it is because of the 9th grade level plot.

They'll be able see the data load but not what you're doing with it.

>i pirate games because its better
>i dont play new games
>I wait for them on sales
>Guess i will just stop playing games
>i buy cheap russian cdkeys

How fucking POOR are all of you?

I could buy access to a Family Share Steam account for a dollar, download the game and keep Steam offline, anyway.

Cool, let me know when the finish releasing the remaining 71% of the game.

Thanks for the info, it will truly come in handy for a poor person such as myself.

>he thinks people stay rich by spending money on videogames

>He thinks rich or actually "not poor" people will even feel losing $60 every week.

A lot of people splurge on their PC and then have no money for games.

>shilling for DRM

Man, it's fucking sad to see faggots like OP come to Sup Forums and just ruin the place even more than it already is.

>implying those people wouldn't rather spend the money on something else

I literally waited for flash sales to buy most of my games.
Some games go from $30 -> $5.

I am really fucking poor. I'd rather wait months for a sale than to buy it full price.

To people actually defending the dog shit that is Denuvo, why? Honest question.

Stockholm Syndrome

They're trying to get a rise out of people. no one who plays PC games actually fucking thinks DRM is anything but bad.

That sounds perfect then. I feel I should have started masking my actions ages ago.

There hasn't been a game that's worth 60 burgers in a long time for me.
I pirate games that look fun but have shit/dead devs.

>No fps drop
>No annoying perma online shit
How is it dogshit?

It's like asking why you would actually defend a cure for AIDS while all it does is kills niggers, coal burners and faggots.

Fuck, no place is safe.

I wouldn't mind it if there still were demo versions of games so I could try them before buying.

Revenge on pirates who brag about getting games for free.

Stay mad piratekek, there is literally nothing wrong with Denuvo. Only people mad about it are pirates.

Because some people actually enjoy PC gaming and despise pirates for nearly murdering it with their selfishness and greed.

It hampers modding

He's right though.


>Nearly Murdering it
>arguably the strongest years for the platform were after starforce and securom lost relevance

So what VPN will you all be using?

paid mods brah

>The problem is that Denuvo is going to become the norm at this rate

This is a good thing not a bad thing, piracy should be stopped at once

Sup Forums was always pro-piracy until redditors like you arrived

now you can't even start a good thread asking about something before redditors post "it's on sale bro XD" "what? it's dirt cheap bro XD" "le what are u poor haha XD"

now reddit itself is better in this regard you can easily discuss piracy, latest cracks and latest news, the only one thing better on Sup Forums right now is anonymity

>Starforce got cracked around the time the Xbox 360 got really popular
>Strongest years for the PC

Bullfuckingshit... The whole pc gaming industry was on life support in the middle years of the 00's. Steam and and the rise of digital distribution is pretty much what saved it.

>moving goalposts

Not at all. Companies will push shittier and shittier games because people will not have a way of testing them out since demos are a thing of the past and reviewers are cancerous

At least this is not an issue in Steam because of the great refund policy

Not sure yet. A lot of them cost money. Have to make sure to get one that has an encrypted connection.

Apparently some of them track your info so you best pick wisely.

All those dead franchises, PC shooters getting consolized, RTS, Space Shooters, Tactical Shooters all pretty much dead. Yeah, man those were the days...